
Curse of the Death Blade

In a small village where people live surrounded by huge barriers, will our heroes be able to get out of this barrier and explore the world for the first time?

Dragon_ren · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Unexpected attack

Good morning, boss. Thank you for letting us sleep at your house. I, Aska, and Aleena will go to training

Okay, I will have my assistant take you to the coach's location, his name is Seram


Aska Aleena , ​​are you ready to train?

Yes, of course, we are ready

We have reached this training place and Seram is inside


Hello, are you Seram?

Yes, and the leader informed me of your arrival

Well, tell me your names

Of course, my name is Ewan, this is Aska , and this is Aleena 

Okay, let's start the training. Draw your swords. You will have three stages during this training

Okay, Mr. Siram

Well, first we will start with these straw dolls, where you will practice focusing your swords in one area so that all the damage is concentrated in one area and the damage is big .


By the way, Ewan, do not train with your sword because we do not know its curse. Take another sword from this sword and train with it.

Yes sir

It's only been half an hour and I feel tired. It's very difficult to focus the sword in one area. It requires me to concentrate a lot

How is training going with you, Aska and Aleena ?

It's very difficult and I don't feel any progress every time I hit the sword in a different area

Don't stop, Ewan ,Aleena , ​​let's do our best

I agree with you, Aska, to do our best

Oh, it's been more than four hours, and I feel nauseous from exhaustion

Wait, Mr. Seram has come

You guys did well, now you have to rest and eat, then continue training, and then go and sleep.

Yes sir

Umm, this food is delicious


Let's go, we have to complete the training

Let's go

I'm so tired I'm going to faint. We spent five hours training. Let's go to sleep. Aleena, Ewan.

Let's keep training for a little while, guys

Are you not tired, Ewan? No, let's go and give our best tomorrow. Come on

Okay guys

Hello boss, we are back

Welcome, children . Please sleep well

Thank you

Ah, it's morning. Let's go to training, guys. Let's go

Oh, the whole day has passed while we have been training, but I feel that we are progressing in our training

Yes, of course, today I was able to focus my sword attacks in one area more than once, but we must master it.

It's been more than three days now that we've been training, and I really feel that I'm very good at holding the sword and focusing my attacks in a specific area. Also, Aleena and Aska's skills have improved a lot.

Mr. Siram

Hello, guys. You have done well during these days. You should now rest. Tomorrow we will begin training to focus on fighting, anticipating the opponent's movements, overtaking his movements, and avoiding his strikes.

Yes, Mr. Seram. Let's go, guys

It's morning, guys, it's time for us to go to training

Let us sleep more, Ewan

Are you guys kidding, Mr. Seram gets up from his sleep to train us? We should appreciate this fatigue and go immediately

Okay, Ewan

We have arrived, Mr. Seram

Welcome guys, we will start training right away

Yes sir

This is the required spirit

Now you have to hold your swords and be in a state of attack, and imagine an enemy in your imagination coming towards you, and you imagine his movements, anticipate them, and then avoid them.

What? We imagine the enemy in our imagination and how that will benefit us

This training will help you with your ability to operate your minds during difficult times of battle and the ability to think and avoid sudden attacks from the enemy.

Okay, Mr. Siram

Great, training has started, train now

An hour passed and I was trying to imagine the enemy in my mind, but when I tried to anticipate his movements, this imaginary enemy disappeared from my mind. I don't know how.

So this is what happens to you, Ewan. So I will advise you. If you have a real enemy or someone you hate, then imagine him and imagine that you are in a battle with him. This will help you.

Yes sir

Someone you hate. Hmm, yes, I will imagine that officer who raped my mother. Damn him

Two hours passed, and this thing really helped me focus my mind and all my hatred on one thing and anticipate movement from the enemy's eyes and attacks as well.

It's night, we need to go back and sleep. Let's go, guys

It's been two days and we've been training and learning more and more

Mr. Seram, you have finally come. We have missed you so much and we want to show you our progress

You guys are doing great, I love your enthusiasm so much

Go to sleep, tomorrow you will have to fight me, and this is the last stage of training

Haha I doubt we'll live tomorrow guys

Aska and Aleena fell asleep, but I could not sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I remember the situation that happened with my mother, and I feel shame and remorse.

I feel curious about the sword that my father gave me. I want to take it out of its sheath and look at it. It is heavy. I feel afraid. Calm down, Ewan. Nothing will happen. I will take it out and nothing will happen. Wow, this sword is very beautiful and at the same time terrifying. I feel afraid just looking at it. Oh, oh, I feel my heart beating fast. I'm going to go back to sleep, oh, that was really scary, I'm going to go to sleep

What's that noise outside?

Get up quickly, quickly, Ewan

Alona what's going on?

There was a major attack by creatures on this village, and when I asked the leader, he said that this happens from time to time, but one of the soldiers from the village came to ask for support, and then the leader's features changed.

What?? Let's go and help them quickly


What do you mean by no?

The leader and Mr. Seram told me to take our things and go out and escape from the village

What? How do we escape when they need us?

Mr. Seram told me that we will not provide them with any significant benefit and will merely be an obstacle in their way, so let's escape.

Oh Where's Aska

He is waiting for us outside to escape. Take your sword and let's escape

okay okay 

What the hell is happening? The whole village is on fire

Let's go out of the village quickly

Ewan Aleena Why are you crying, run faster

Why does this happen we lose people close to us and close to our heart? Why do I have to feel the feeling of remorse and shame again?