
Curse of the Death Blade

In a small village where people live surrounded by huge barriers, will our heroes be able to get out of this barrier and explore the world for the first time?

Dragon_ren · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Gone but not forgotten

Ewan Aleena , look, there is a place for us to hide until things calm down

Okay, Asuka

Ahh,Why why does this happen to us?

Calm down, Ewan, this is not our fault. Let us pray for mercy for them, and they will surely win the battle against these creatures.

right right

Aleena Ewan, wait here. I will go out and take a look at him to gauge the situation

Okay, Aska

Ewan Aleena , come on, the fire has disappeared and there are no longer any sounds

Let's go and see what happened

Let's go

What a disgusting sight

Ewan, what's wrong, why are you vomiting?

I can't stand it, I can't stand it, why do I have to endure such scenes again? Why?

Come on, get up and let's look for the leader and Mr. Seram

Let's go

The village is completely destroyed. What are these creatures that have such great power?

I don't know, but bodies are everywhere

Is this the leader's body? Hurry up and see what happened to him

Leader, leader, wake up, leader

Aska turned his body to the other side

Okay, Aleena 

Damn, there's a big hole in the leader's stomach


Leader, please wake up, please wake up

It's no use, Ewan, the leader is dead

Let's look for Mr. Seram

Aska, Ewan

What's going on, Aleena ?

Come on, I found Mr. Seram

Okay now we are coming

Wake up, Mr. Seram, this is us

Ah, this is you guys, didn't I tell you to run away?

This doesn't matter now, why is your body so full of wounds?

We were attacked by creatures resembling demons that we only saw in legends, and their strength was so great that I could not match their strength.

"Cough cough"

Hold on, Mr. Seram, we will save you

This is of no use. I feel like I am dying and that I will die now

No, no, resist, sir, you will not die. No, no

Don't worry, guys. I enjoyed my few days with you guys. I will die and be satisfied with my life.

This cannot happen. Resist, please, Mr. Seram



Come, take this necklace with you as a keepsake of me, and this necklace will benefit you one day

Don't say things like that, Mr.Seram, you will survive

Mr. Seram Mr. Seram What happened Mr. Seram woke up

Ewan Mr. Seram has died

Oh, Mr. Seram, please wake up

Alina, tell Iwan so we can go. It's been an hour and he's been at Mr. Seram's body


Ewan what are you doing?

I buried the body of the leader and Mr. Seram

Mr.seram Your memory will live on forever. Let's go, Aleena 

Guys, where are we going now?

I don't know, but we are walking after Ewan

Ewan, where do you plan to go? Ewan, do you hear me?

Yes, Aska, let's get out of these forests and then we will decide our destination


Wait, guys, look. There is a creature that looks like a snake, but it is big and has hands with sharp claws

What do we do now? He has to move away so we can take the road that leads outside

Aleena Aska, let's fight this creature

No, Ewan, we will die. Don't you see this creature and how terrifying it is?

So what, why did we train for all this time, and what is the benefit of the effort we made? Come on, do not be afraid. Trust in the training we exerted with Mr. Seram.

Okay, Ewan, but will you use your sword?

Yes, we don't have other swords

But didn't Mr. Seram tell you not to use it because we don't know the special curse in it?

True, but we have no other choice. Let's defeat this creature

Oh, he is attacking, be careful and avoid the attack



Let's attack now, guys


Oh, his skin is so tough

Let's attack again


Yes, we attacked him more than once, but we only caused superficial wounds to him

Gather with me, guys

Okay, Ewan

There is a diamond in the head of this creature. You engage him in fighting with you, and I will climb the tree, jump, and penetrate the gem, okay?

Okay, Ewan

Oh, I feel a strange feeling since I took the sword out of its sheath, but the most important thing now is to eliminate this creature.

Well, the creature is distracted with Aleena and Aska, I will wait for the right moment to jump

This is it. I will jump now.AAA Take this, you motherfucker

Look, Aska, Ewan did it, the creature is suffering greatly

"HOORAY" you did it Ewan, we defeat it 

Yes, but let us be prepared because we will meet creatures like this or even stronger ones

Oh, what is this feeling that I get when I take out the sword? It's like the feeling that came when I took it out the first time. More importantly now, Let's go, guys.

Let's go

Let's go

Look, guys, there's a light. It looks like it's the end of the forest. Let's hurry


Wow, what? There are a lot of dragons flying in the sky and there is a city floating in the sky above us. How is that?

Focus on the bottom too, Aska, and you'll notice that our city we're also floating in the sky, there are dragons flying below us.

Yeah , but the city above us is much larger than our city

Why are you silent, Ewan? What happened to you from the moment of the attack that occurred in the village of ghouls, and there was something wrong with you?

No, no, it's okay, guys

Okay, Ewan, but how are we going to go to that city?

I don't know, but there is no way to reach it, especially when it is in the sky

Yes, this is true. I wish we had the ability to fly

This is it, Aska. We have to use one of the dragons to get there


Like you heard me, we have to use dragons to get there

Does this mean we should tame a dragon??


How will we do that?

I don't know, but we will find out as we try to tame one of them

Alright guys let's go and tame one of these dragons

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