
Curse of the Death Blade

In a small village where people live surrounded by huge barriers, will our heroes be able to get out of this barrier and explore the world for the first time?

Dragon_ren · Fantasy
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6 Chs

My curse

Let's go, Asuka, and Aleena ,but we have to think about how to get out or climb this barrier

Yes, Ewan, but let's disperse and find a way out

Ah, I'm tired of searching, Ewan and Alona have been searching for a long time, and so have I 

Oh, there's a little hole here that we'll be able to get out of. I'll call Ewan and Aleena 

What's up, Aska, your voice is so loud

Look, Ewan, there's a hole in the barrier for us to get out of 

Well done, let's go 




This is really beautiful , my father's words were right, about the fact that the world is much bigger abroad 

There are strange creatures and animals that I see for the first time 

Ewan,Aleena , come here and look at these strange creatures that are Similar to us 


What is this, Aska , they look like us, but their skin looks green so we can look at it up close 



By the way, Ewan, what is the story of this sword that your father gave you, it seems very strange and terrifying 

I don't know, but I feel uncomfortable about it , but my father must have given it to me in order to protect myself 

Walk quietly, we are approaching these creatures 

Aska, you idiot, you stepped on the tree trunk, of course they heard that 

Oh they're coming towards us 

What will I do, take out the sword to protect Aska and Aleena 

They found us, I will take out the sword 

What are you doing here, humans

Huh-they can speak our language 

Aaa-we are here because the village was attacked by dragons and knights for the first time we see them, and everyone in the village was killed 

Oh, we actually heard that, so you are the only survivors, right?


What is this, thing in your hand 

It's a sword 

Give it to me so I can see it 

Should I really give him no objection, because if their intention was to kill us, they would have killed us as soon as they discovered our location

Okay take it 

Um, who gave you this sword, little boy

He's my father 


Um..Well, come with me, you have to see the tripe boss 


Wow, their village is very beautiful, and even their homes resemble our homes in the village, and they have many customs like us 

We have arrived at the leader's house, wait, I will tell him about you kids


Well, come in, he is waiting for you 


Please sit down, my children 

This leader is very nice. Thank you, leader 

Can you tell me who gave you this sword 

Yes, sir, he is my father and it was in our house since i have come to this world 

Well, nice, can you tell what is your father's name 

Of course his name is Roon

Oh my God, then you're Ron's son! 

What do you know my father? 

Yes, and when i looked at the sword, I know that you are close to him because this was he's sword 

How do you know him when he have been inside the barrier since I was born 

Your father lived outside the this barrier before having you , but he was exiled by a government affiliated with another country in this village 

Ha-is there another country other than this ??

Yes, and many other countries as well. Your father told us about them 

Okay, but why was my father exiled by this government ??

We don't know, but your father completely refused to tell us anything Relates to the case of his exile

Okay, but why do you look like humans, but your skin is green 

Haha - we are ghouls and this is our natural appearance, but of course you will be confused because it is your first time abroad and you will meet various types of beings, some peaceful and some hostile 

Well thanks for the warning 

But do you know anything about this sword??

No, but it looks strange 

Well, I will tell you what your father told us when I asked him about the sword - He told me that the bearer of this sword suffers a curse that the sword decides for its bearer 

What!! Does this mean It will curse me ??

Yes, but the curse will have little effect on you like your father said 


This is what we do not know because one time a ghoul of our village took your father's sword and took the blade out of its sheath, and an accident occurred that terrified everyone in the village, and the accident was that when he took out the blade, his hands quickly rotted, and then we cut off his hand so he could live 

Well why would my father carry a sword like that? Why do we have resistance to this sword?

Well, I do not know in detail, but your father said that the power of this sword is very great, and he said that there is another legendary swords, such as the sword of fire, the sword of ice, the sword of the earth, the sword of nature, and the most powerful sword are the sword of light and the sword of darkness, and there is another sword split from these legendary swords.

Also, when we told him why you have a resistance to the curse of this sword, he said the reason is the origin of my blood, but he doesn't give us more details 

Well - so what is the name of this sword and is it derived from one of the legendary swords? 

Your father told us the name of this sowrd is the Sword of Death 


Yes, as you heard, it's name is the Sword of Death, and he told us that this is the only sword that has no origin among the legendary swords 

What-so where did it come from

Your father told us that no one ever knows where this sword came from or how this sword was made


But , do you know how to use this sword or have you trained in fencing before 


So rest today at my house with your friends, and tomorrow I will have the village swordsman train you in fencing and develop your sword skills 

Well thank you, boss

Take this food, children

Thank you 

Um, it's so delicious 

Well good night Aska and Aleena 

"Oh, it's morning, well it's training time.