
Curse of the Dark

The day when the sun vanished, the world died with it. Animals were the first to perish. Their life force diminished, and they lost the will to eat, drink, or even reproduce. Then came the crops and vegetation, withering away in the eternal darkness. And finally... 'They' emerged. Within two weeks of the sun's disappearance, society collapsed entirely. But humanity is tenacious. We endured. At least for now...

DarkTree · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs



Ash collapsed to the ground.

Silver hair fell across his sweat-soaked face, obscuring his pained expression.

Various wounds adorned his battered body, bleeding freely and painting his skin crimson.

His breathing came in ragged gasps, each intake of air a struggle against the overwhelming fatigue that threatened to consume him.

"I've won."

Looking at the defeated Phantom lying just a few feet away, he groaned.

He had done it, he actually managed to survive and even kill the abomination!

However, even though he felt ecstatic, it didn't reflect on his bloody face. He wasn't out of the mud yet. He was losing blood at an alarming rate and needed immediate medical attention to treat his injuries.

Ash quickly went through a mental checklist of his options.

In the end, he decided that his best bet was to try to reach the Hunter Academy.


Using his uninjured arm to prop himself up, Ash pushed off the forest's cold moss.

A wave of dizziness washed over him as Ash attempted to stand. The world tilted precariously, threatening to send him sprawling back onto the damp earth.

Gritting his teeth, he forced another agonizing push, one trembling leg straightening before the other followed suit. His vision swam, filled with flickering red at the edges.

He blinked rapidly, focusing with all his remaining willpower on the still form of the Phantom a few paces away.

Hesitation gnawed at him - he wanted to absorb it.

His body screamed in protest at every movement, and the well of his strength was rapidly dwindling. Reaching the Academy by sheer willpower alone was a gamble he couldn't afford to take.

After a few moments of deliberation he decided to do it.

Ash deduced that if he absorbed the defeated Phantom's essence, it could potentially replenish his waning strength and provide a temporary boost to aid in his journey to the academy.

With a ragged breath that escaped his lips like a defeated sigh, Ash took a tentative step towards the Phantom.

The closer he got, the more he felt the pull. It felt as if a cold, inky tendril of energy was emanating out from the creature.

He reached the corpse, the potent stench of decay overwhelming for a moment.

Ignoring the nausea rising in his throat, he placed his hand on the Phantom's chest, the once menacing form now a grotesque husk.

The familiar sensation washed over him – a cold, oppressive force trying to burrow into his core. But this time, it felt… different. Easier. Instead of the struggle he'd faced before when he absorbed it for the first time, the Dark seemed to resist less.

It took Ash only around 5 minutes to fully absorb the Dark and turn into his own Light.

As he guessed, he felt a little rejuvenated by the absorption. Some of his lesser wounds even showed signs of healing, as if the essence of the Phantom had granted him a small measure of vitality.

After a few moments of rest, he began to move.


Ash winced as he straightened his back and steadied himself on his feet. The cold bite of the forest seemed a bit more bearable now, and he could feel his strength returning, albeit slowly.

He knew the respite would be temporary, but it was enough to give him a fighting chance to reach the Hunter Academy.

With a deep breath, he reached down and grasped the hilt of the sword lodged in the Phantom's skull.


A sharp metallic sound echoed through the silent forest as he wrenched the blade free from the grotesque creature.

Ash studied the weapon for a moment, noticing the dark stains of the Phantom's blood upon the blade. He wiped it clean against his tattered sleeve, careful not to touch the sharp edge.

With the sword now in his grasp, he turned his gaze in the direction of the Hunter Academy.

The dense trees loomed around him, shadows shifting with the gentle sway of the branches. Every creak and rustle made his heart race, but he steeled his nerves. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, not now. The forest was far from safe, and the last thing he needed was to encounter another Phantom.

Ash took a cautious step forward, leaning on his sword for support as he moved through the underbrush. Each step sent a jolt of pain through his injured body, but he gritted his teeth and pushed on.

He knew the academy was not too far, and the sooner he reached it, the sooner he could receive proper medical attention.

His senses were heightened, every sound and movement drawing his focus. The trees seemed to whisper secrets in the wind, their leaves rustling with a haunting melody.

As he limped through the forest, Ash's mind drifted to his past battles. He had faced many creatures of darkness, but the Phantom had been one of the most challenging foes yet. Its relentless attacks and unpredictable movements had pushed him to his limits. But he had prevailed, and now he carried the burden of its essence within him.

The path ahead began to clear, the trees thinning out to reveal the faint outline of a trail. Ash's heart lifted at the sight, knowing he was on the right track. The academy was just beyond the edge of the forest, and he could almost hear the faint hum of activity in the distance.

"So close…"