
Curse of the Dark

The day when the sun vanished, the world died with it. Animals were the first to perish. Their life force diminished, and they lost the will to eat, drink, or even reproduce. Then came the crops and vegetation, withering away in the eternal darkness. And finally... 'They' emerged. Within two weeks of the sun's disappearance, society collapsed entirely. But humanity is tenacious. We endured. At least for now...

DarkTree · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs



Ash's amber eyes glistened as he stared blankly into the distance.

He expected the Hunter Academy to be a grand and majestic institution, but he didn't realize just how much it would exceed his expectations.

Massive marble gates stood in the distance, towering above the surrounding landscape. They were dwarfed only by the sprawling campus that unfolded beyond them.

Buildings, a breathtaking mix of gothic and futuristic architecture, stretched into the distance, their dark forms outlined by an ethereal glow.

But what truly stole Ash's breath away were the light sources bathing the academy in an otherworldly light. Strange, orb-like constructs, pulsating with a soft blue luminescence, hovered silently in the twilight sky.

They cast an even, almost dreamlike light across the campus, illuminating everything with an almost magical luminescence. Ash had never seen anything like them. They defied gravity, their gentle hum the only sound that dared to break the hushed reverence of the moment.

Mesmerized, Ash stumbled forward, his steps growing uneven.

The adrenaline that had fueled his escape for so long was finally beginning to ebb. The throbbing pain in his arm, a dull ache at first, was now a searing inferno. He could feel the warm stickiness of blood seeping through his clothes, a testament to the gashes he'd sustained during his frantic flight. The lightheadedness that had been a nagging presence for miles was now a wave threatening to engulf him.

With each step, the academy grew closer, yet the details remained frustratingly blurry. The strange lights, once fascinating, started to spin in his vision. He tripped, his ankle twisting at an unnatural angle. A strangled cry escaped his lips, but it was quickly lost in the vastness of the Dark.

Through gritted teeth, he pushed himself up, ignoring the fresh wave of pain that shot up his leg. Reaching for a nearby tree for support, he stumbled forward again, his gait a drunken lurch. The massive gates were tantalizingly close now, the intricate carvings mocking his fading sanity. He could almost see himself pushing through them, finding safety within those hallowed walls.

Just as the gates came into focus, Ash spotted a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye. To his left, nestled amidst the sprawling campus grounds, were several tables illuminated by smaller versions of the floating orbs. Around them huddled figures, their forms indistinct in the distance.

For a moment, Ash hesitated calling them. He neither knew them, nor did he trust them.

However, one glance at his body changed his mind. He was in no condition to be picky.


He tried to call out, but his throat was parched and his voice failed him. He lurched towards the tables, his vision darkening at the edges. Every muscle in his body screamed in protest, but the primal urge to survive propelled him forward.

He could vaguely make out the figures rising from their seats now, their silhouettes turning towards him. Their faces, however, remained shrouded in the darkness. He saw them open their mouths, as if calling out to him, but the world around him seemed muted, the sounds muffled and distorted.

With a final, desperate lunge, Ash reached the edge of the illuminated area. He could feel the cool grass beneath his fingertips, a stark contrast to the feverish heat burning his skin.

He tried to focus on those figures, to plead for help, but his weary eyelids fluttered shut. The ground rushed up to meet him, the last thing he saw a blur of concerned faces before darkness claimed him.

He didn't see the frowns etched on the faces of the people, nor did he hear their hurried exclamations as they approached him.

He didn't feel the hands that lifted him, nor the stretcher that carried him away from the silent gates he'd fought so hard to reach.

All he knew that he had reached the Hunter Academy, but for now, unconsciousness offered him the only solace.
