
Cultivator Battle Royale

Every year, a group of the weakest cultivators in the planet is offered the chance to compete in the Cultivation Battle Royale, a chance for them to rapidly gain power as they defeat other cultivators and risk their lives for valuable herbs, pills, and techniques. Xing Wenghu, The reincarnation of the Immortal 9 Quadrants Chicken Wing Emperor is chosen to enter. Having failed the Thunder Tribulation of moving out of his parents house, he risks life and limb to overtake the other "Bizarre" cultivators he competes against. A satirical parody of many cultivation tropes, stories and characters.

SmilesS · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Rise (4)

Xing Wenghu laid eyes upon a woman who looked just like a loyal servant of his in the past. It was astounding to him!

The two could never be together, as they were worlds apart. Xing Wenghu knew how loyal her love for him had been and deeply regretted not embracing her in the past.

No matter how weak she was...

Or how poor her talent for cultivation had been...

A loyal jade beauty was worth more than a million cultivation realms!

The woman began to walk over to Xing Wenghu, shyly approaching him. Xing Wenghu knew this was a sign from the heavens to approach her himself!

Fatty Wei looked at him funny, "Oh brother. He has set his eyes for the first scrap to grace himself!" He sighed, watching as Xing Wenghu went to hit on the woman.

"Why, this cultivator is graced to lay eyes on the Jade Beauty in front of himself!" Xing Wenghu smiled at her, the woman blushed back at him.

"Oh my god, he thinks I am a Jade Beauty!?" She thought to herself, not certain of what to say to Xing Wenghu.

"My name is Xing Wenghu, and may I have the honor of knowing this beauty's name?"

The woman graced him with her hand, "Maria. My name is Maria." She shyly said, Xing Wenghu taking her hand and kissing it.

"Ugh, I can't even watch." Fatty Wei commented, going back to his rice patties.

Those were far reliable than a random "Jade Beauty" on the street.

Not to mention he could actually eat them.

"Maria is it?" Xing Wenghu asked, "What a beautiful name. So you are a westerner?" Maria blushed just talking to him.

"Y-Yes..." She replied, as Xing Wenghu guided her over to his "group" alongside Fatty Wei. Fatty Wei simply waved at her, and she waved back to him.

With that, the announcements began to start for the Cultivator Battle Royale. a portly old man sitting in his chair with a thick fat cigar being smoked was now being broadcast.

"Hello everyone, I see you are the brightest and best cultivators in all of the land! And that is why you have been chosen for this prestigious opportunity"

That was a lie, but a lie so terrible not one soul would believe it. Except for the delusional cultivators all gathered around. None of them could know all of them were actually complete fucking idiots.

"Now, We will be starting the Battle Royale in three days. During this time, you will be allowed to train and make use of all of the luxuries our facility has to offer. Hot Springs, all of the food you can eat. Simply no Cultivation pills of any kind."

On the off chance one of them was not actually dumb, none of them could be granted access to materials which could increase their power.

"You will all be given a special chance to get sponsored by any outsiders you impress. You will each one at a time receive a special opportunity to record a 2 minute video interview for the outside world to see. Everyone, and anyone who wants to sponser your entry in The Cultivator Battle Royale can donate valuable pills, items and techniques to boost your growth once you are all dropped on the island."

That made Xing Wenghu's eyes light up. If he just channeled some of his past charisma, nobody would dare sponsor his rivals.

All of the benefits for his rapid cultivation would instead transfer to him!

This Heavenly King would easily rise above all of his foes. Fatty Wei grimaced meanwhile, "Oh man. I've never been good at talking about myself..."

Xing Wenghu reassuredly patted Fatty Wei on the shoulder, "Worry not my fat friend! I, the Heavenly King shall secure our resources!"

Fatty Wei smiled back, believing in his trustworthy albeit stupid "friend."

Xing Wenghu felt strongly in their success, they just had to believe in themselves and work hard.

"Once all of you are on the island, you will all be pitted against each other. Worry not, you can form at maximum teams of five. On the island will be many unique cultivation pills, martial techniques and more to your heart's delight! You just have to kill everyone who isn't on your team to win."

Xing Wenghu was undaunted by this trial, despite his companions worry at actually having to kill people.

As a Heavenly King, Xing Wenghu had slayed borillions of cultivators.

In his past life, he had slain so many cultivators historians had to invent a new number just to keep of the amount he slayed called Wenghuillion.

Now that was quite the famous conquest for this Heavenly King, the slaughter of the irrelevant side characters was about to begin once more but on the planet Earth!

The announcement concluded, as various attendants then stepped out to hand everyone a set of valuables.

Particularly, all of them received a private room key and key card that allowed them to access various facilities throughout the bigger facility. Xing Wenghu smiled at this turn of events.

For his first day he would have to spend it getting familiar with everything, only that way could he maximize it to his benefit.

Alright everyone, I will be updating this stories with atleast 1 to 2 chapters daily from Monday to Friday! Please be sure to check out my other webnovel if you are interested in a most serious plot.


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