
Cultivator Battle Royale

Every year, a group of the weakest cultivators in the planet is offered the chance to compete in the Cultivation Battle Royale, a chance for them to rapidly gain power as they defeat other cultivators and risk their lives for valuable herbs, pills, and techniques. Xing Wenghu, The reincarnation of the Immortal 9 Quadrants Chicken Wing Emperor is chosen to enter. Having failed the Thunder Tribulation of moving out of his parents house, he risks life and limb to overtake the other "Bizarre" cultivators he competes against. A satirical parody of many cultivation tropes, stories and characters.

SmilesS · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Rise (3)

Xing Wenghu was flown via helicopter to the special facility in which all of the contestants for the Cultivator Battle Royale would meet up, It was a special isolated area that was indeed not suspicious whatsoever.

Xing Wenghu was lieing back in his chair for the ride there.

The betrayal of his mother stung, his injuries still hurt from the conflict with Sun Yaozu.

He hadn't know what demonic tricks Sun Yaozu relied upon to gain the upper hand on him, but Xing Wenghu would not stand for this!

The balding tall man was sitting across from him in the helicopter, "So Xing Wenghu. How are you feeling about the Battle Royale?"

"This Heavenly King will triumph above all of his obstacles, no matter who they are or what they are!"

He smiled with absolute confidence, the man in front of Xing Wenghu struggling not to cringe.

"Hey Pilot can we move this any faster?"

"We have atleast 1 hour until landing."

Much to the chagrin of the balding official, he was stuck dealing with the ramblings of Xing Wenghu about cultivation, daoism and his past life he believes he had.

By the end of it, banging his head on the concrete looked very attractive.

A man could only take so much punishment, he swore upon his ancestors to repent for any grievances he accumulated in a past life.

As the helicopter landed, the agents led Xing Wenghu into the nearby large and ominous building. It had a clean white sheen to it that almost resembled some sort of testing facility.

After they led Xing Wenghu to a part of the building which contained seemingly all of the contestants, they prepared to dismiss him.

"Well Xing, this is your stop. From here everything will be explained to you."

"No need to waste your energy on goodbyes, for I shall return to you soon!" Xing shouted, making the unlucky agent not paid enough cringe in despair at talking to him.

He currently stood in an area surrounded by several different contestants.

Many of them had come from all over the planet Earth, having received a lucky chance at competing in the Cultivator Battle Royale.

Xing Wenghu noticed a young man who was stuffing himself full of rice patties, and found him very familiar to a man he had seen in his delusional past life.

He ran up to him, shouting his name. "Fatty Wei! Is that really you!?"

On front of Xing Wenghu stood a rather portly young man that he believed to be named Fatty Wei, a reliable ally and close friend of his in his past Heavenly King life.

Fatty Wei was famous for getting more powerful the more he ate. By shedding the fat into his dan tian constantly, Fatty Wei became one of the most powerful cultivators in existence.

Sadly, he lost his life sacrificing himself in the defense of Xing Wenghu.

The portly young man in front of Xing Wenghu stood up, and stopped eating his rice patty.

"Oh? How did you know my name? I can't say I've met you before. But it must be a good omen for this cultivator yes!" He laughed with Xing Wenghu, who laughed back.

Xing Wenghu could prevent the death of Fatty Wei in this life yes, that was for sure! If he allied with him in the Battle Royale, and told him the secrets of his fabled fat shed technique.

Fatty Wei would grow into a powerful and unmatched cultivator.

All he had to do was make sure Fatty Wei didn't get back stabbed in the same manner as his previous life.

"Oh yes indeed. Say, they are letting us make teams for the Battle Royale. Why don't we join forces? If there are two of us instead of one, we are sure to stand a greater chance wouldn't you say?"

Fatty Wei proposed this onto Xing Wenghu with a smile on his face.

Fatty Wei was merely going along with what Xing Wenghu had said. His name was not Fatty Wei at all, nor did he know him whatsoever, but if he could attach onto someone useful for the Cultivator Battle Royale...

He would more than enough reap the rewards!

When you have a free lunch, be very shameless indeed! These were his thoughts.

Xing Wenghu instantaneously agreed to partnering with Fatty Wei. And with that, their partnership was sealed.

No talking, no deep pondering whatsoever. Just instantly agreeing with each other simply with a nod.

Xing Wenghu then sat next to Fatty Wei, thinking. "Hm, We should probably get someone else to join us. Who knows what dangers we will encounter in the Battle Royale?"

Fatty Wei smiled at Xing Wenghu "Don't worry my brother, we will have a special chance to get some benefits! Just wait and listen. We have time to find someone else."

Xing Wenghu was reckless and impatient, ready to get into trouble to find someone else. However when he turned around to look, his eyes gazed upon the perfect Jade Beauty.

And her eyes gazed back at him with interest.