
Cultivation with Attribute

After waking up, he came to the world of mortals cultivating immortals, and was reborn as Li Feiyu with the same name and surname. Facing the predicament of having little life essence left and not knowing whether he has spiritual roots, relying on the ability to attribute all data, he embarks on the immortal journey of longevity and long- sightedness! I once killed the Six Paths of the Demon Sect in Tiannan. He also intimidated the heroes of the Star Palace in the Chaotic Star Sea. He once forged the name of killing gods in the human world, and once let all races sing his real name in the spiritual world! In the fairy world, I am the way of heaven! In this life, I personally promote the three worlds of celebrities, spirits, and immortals! Killing and setting fire, Li Feiyu, is here! This book is also known as: "Li Feiyu's Attribute Cultivation Life" "Li Feiyu is my good brother Han Li, and I can't even add money! "

Lord_Shadow_5535 · Urban
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Changchun Gong

Han Li hesitated for a while, and smiled wryly: "I was ten years old and still wet the bed, does that count?!"

Unless at the last moment.

Otherwise, he really didn't want to talk about that miraculous little bottle.

But apart from this, generally speaking, he is a fourteen-year-old kid who grew up quietly in the Valley of Gods Hands. Where does he have any secrets?

Facing Han Li's secret, Li Feiyu rolled his eyes.

Whether it's made up or not, it's not what he wants anyway.

"It's okay if you don't have a secret, and the baby you like can stay in my hands!"

Li Feiyu pretended to be casual, and said casually: "Don't worry, after we get acquainted and trust is established, I will definitely return it to you!"

Han Li shook his head again.

This time, there was no hesitation at all!

Seeing this, Li Feiyu sighed in his heart, knowing that Han Li would never say anything

about the little bottle.

If you force it...

Opposite is the son of the plane, and there is also a trump card-

Five Poison Water!

This is something that scared Mo Juren into cursing!

Who lives and who dies is really not certain!

in this way.

Can only settle for the next best thing...

"You just said that you can ask Doctor Mo to help me dispense medicine?!"

"Doctor Mo is Master Ni?!"

Li Feiyu pretended to ask back.

Han Li didn't shake his head this time, but nodded hesitantly, choosing to admit it.

Perhaps, he also wanted to pretend to be a tiger and add a bit of deterrence.

"That's easy..."

Li Feiyu grinned: "Doctor Mo is a distinguished guest that even the head of the sect respects. You are his apprentice, and you must know his secret skills. If you tell me the skills, you are giving me the secret!"

Han Li was surprised when he heard this.

Li Feiyu smiled slightly.

Small bottles are not good, so Changchun Gong is the "tuition fee" he wants!

At this moment, Han Li must have not understood the value of the "nameless formula" of "Zhengyang Jin" which seems to be useless!

Once understood.

It will definitely not be handed over easily.

But now... that may not be the case!

Although, he can also make friends with Han Li according to the original book.

Then, let's do the routine again!

But at that time, Han Li had already experienced the crisis of seizing the house from Mr. Mo, and he was already more mature, so he might not have this opportunity!

No routine...

According to the original book, after Han Li knew about Changchun Kung Fu and cultivating immortals, he never mentioned it in front of his good friend.

It's not Han Li's fault. After all, Mo Lao's experience and Zhang Tie's ending are too exciting.

It is normal to be unwilling to test human nature and maintain pure friendship.

in this way.

At this moment, it is undoubtedly the best opportunity to practice!

Li Feiyu thought about it, and deliberately put on a straight face: "If you keep pushing and blocking, then it's boring, junior!"

Han Li hesitated again and again, and finally...

Shoulders slumped, revealing a wry smile.

"Old Mo taught me this, I don't even know the name!"

"Brother Li, to be honest, don't expect too much, the zhenqi generated by this nameless formula is not as powerful as Zhengyang Jin, and it can even be said to have no power!"

"And... this exercise is very strange, not suitable for everyone!"

Finally, Han Li used the charcoal pencil and cloth that Li Feiyu carried on his body to write out the first layer of the 'Unknown Formula'.

also spoke out the 'disadvantages' very honestly and happily, and seemed unwilling to have other misunderstandings.

"If you don't believe me, you can even ask Mo Lao!"

At the end of Han Li's speech, he seemed to have broken his can and was too lazy to defend himself.

Li Feiyu just smiled, raised his hand and patted Han Li on the shoulder: "What are you talking about, now we are good brothers who know each other well, how could I not believe you?!"

Han Li: '...'

"If you encounter trouble in the future, come to me as soon as possible!"

Li Feiyu was very forthright, with an air of pride and loyalty.

In any case, Han Li is the son of the plane. It is better to be a brother and friend than an enemy.

"Forget it, you are full of trouble yourself!"

Han Li chuckled, "You are an ordinary Dharma protector disciple, but you are overwhelmed by a large number of hall masters, elders, and even sect master's beloved disciples. How can you live a good life!"

"Of course, I don't want to take care of your affairs, and I can't take care of them, but I can help you relieve the pain caused by taking marrow pills."

Li Feiyu listened and smiled.

Familiar with the original.

He naturally understood that Han Li's purpose of saving people was not pure.

Now offer to help with pain relief, too!

Han Li wanted him to remember favors!

Taking medicine from Han Li again and again means deepening the relationship again and again, making people unforgettable!

The idiot...in fact, he has slowly changed a long time ago.

He is no longer the fool who walked out of Qingniu Town.

Li Feiyu showed joy very cooperatively:


Han Li wants to make friends, and he also wants to make friends with Han Li.

This friendship can be regarded as two-way going.

"Why do I lie to you when I have nothing to do?"

Han Li rolled his eyes at Li Feiyu, of course he has a prescription for relieving people's pain.

This was specially researched for Zhang Tie in his spare time. It can greatly reduce the human body's perception of pain and is very effective.

"That's great!"

"Good brother, I will remember this favor!"

Li Feiyu continued to draw closer.

Nothing more.

Han Li couldn't seem to accept this kind of numbness, so he quickly said, "My name is Han Li, and I'm Doctor Mo's direct disciple. Your martial arts are so high, just call me Junior Brother Han."

"That's a lot of points!"

Li Feiyu sneered in his heart, this is beyond

your control: "We are brothers, you call me Brother Yu, and I call you Xiaohan."

Han Li: "..."

"At noon tomorrow, come and wait for me at the gate of Shenshou Valley. I'll prepare the medicine and deliver it to you. Doctor Mo is not at home now, so I can't let outsiders enter the valley casually."

Han Li changed the subject, dropped a sentence, and ran away in a hurry.

It seems that if you are one step too late, you will be eaten.

Seeing this, Li Feiyu smiled at the way Han Er's idiot ran away, and then slowly raised the black cloth with a few lines of words in his hand.

Changchun Gong!

As for true or false?

Li Feiyu hoped it was true. otherwise...

Li Feiyu looked in the direction where Han Li disappeared.

Put away the cloth.

also walked back.

Now that I have acquired the technique, I can barely take half a step...

The remaining half step!

How to get attribute points and add some spiritual roots?

Without spiritual roots, one cannot cultivate. This is common sense.

At least in the human world!

Li Feiyu knows that there is another way-

Tianyuan Shenghuang!

Sage Emperor Tianyuan, one of the Three Emperors and Seven Demon Kings of the spirit world, cannot cultivate without spiritual roots, so he can only practice Vajra Art to become a body refiner. This is also a unique phenomenon in the spirit world!

Mortals without spiritual roots are not useless, at least they can gain certain combat power by practicing the Vajra Art!

It is said that when the Vajra Jue is perfected, it can even beat the monks in the alchemy stage without falling behind!


Tianyuan Shenghuang finally used secret techniques to replenish his spiritual roots and achieved both dharma and body cultivation!

The aura in the human world is thin.

There is no Vajra Jue.

Li Feiyu didn't know if he could take the path of a body trainer.

He didn't dare to bet on the short lifespan.

The top priority is to take the usual spiritual root route and become a Qi refiner is the best choice!


(end of this chapter)