
Cultivation with Attribute

After waking up, he came to the world of mortals cultivating immortals, and was reborn as Li Feiyu with the same name and surname. Facing the predicament of having little life essence left and not knowing whether he has spiritual roots, relying on the ability to attribute all data, he embarks on the immortal journey of longevity and long- sightedness! I once killed the Six Paths of the Demon Sect in Tiannan. He also intimidated the heroes of the Star Palace in the Chaotic Star Sea. He once forged the name of killing gods in the human world, and once let all races sing his real name in the spiritual world! In the fairy world, I am the way of heaven! In this life, I personally promote the three worlds of celebrities, spirits, and immortals! Killing and setting fire, Li Feiyu, is here! This book is also known as: "Li Feiyu's Attribute Cultivation Life" "Li Feiyu is my good brother Han Li, and I can't even add money! "

Lord_Shadow_5535 · Urban
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3 Chs



The pain that goes deep into the bone marrow!


It's as cold as falling into an ice cellar!

Just when Li Feiyu felt that he was about to die, the pain of pulling the marrow and scraping the bone slowly dissipated.

It took a while.

He opened his eyes, but what he saw was a dark and handsome young man, staring at him with wide eyes...

saw him wake up.

The young man who was not in the dark, shook his head slightly and let out a sigh of relief: "I thought you wouldn't be able to survive the attack of the marrow pill!"

Marrow-pulling pills?

Listening to the words, Li Feiyu only felt a buzzing in his head, and a memory flooded into his mind!

Li Feiyu!

Seven Profound Gates!

Thunderbolt Knife!

Li Hu!


It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems like a blink of an eye.

Li Feiyu pursed his lips, looked again at the dark boy in front of him, and a name popped up in his mind very clearly-

Han Li!

Traveled through!

He traveled to the world of mortals cultivating immortals and became Li Feiyu with the same name and surname!

And it was the moment when he left in a hurry due to the seizure of the marrow pill after the competition, fell to the ground by the stream and was rescued by Han Li!

"Don't look at me like that."

Han Li couldn't see through Li Feiyu's sudden change of gaze, and frowned, holding the pink marrow pill that exuded a fishy smell, and said lightly:

"If you don't take this pill now, I can ask Doctor Mo to prepare another secret medicine for you. Although it can't save your entire life span, it is still possible to let you live another twenty or thirty years, but your martial arts will require a lot of money." Can't keep it.'

"If you continue to take this pill, judging from your seizures today, you can live for at most five or six years. Of course, in these few years, your martial arts will improve faster and faster than your current speed. Much faster!"

"Since you dare to take this secret medicine, you must be a resolute and decisive person. Your own body is up to you to make up your own mind. Do you take this pill or throw it away?"

Listen to Han Li's words.

Li Feiyu raised his eyebrows, as if he hadn't thought that he would encounter the first choice in his life just when he was in shock.

Just, soon.

He found that he had no choice at all!

At this moment, there are silver needles stuck in his body that look like vellus hairs!

This is Han Li's handwriting, temporarily suppressing the backlash of the marrow pill, once it is pulled out...

Backlash will strike again!

As for whether it can survive...

It was not mentioned in the original book, but since he was reborn and leaned forward, it means that he may not be able to survive!

Li Feiyu didn't say anything, but just raised his hand.

No matter how.

Life comes first!

Since you came here through time travel, you can live every day, and you can only find opportunities to figure out the rest.

Han Li didn't seem surprised when he saw it.

Passed the marrow pill in his hand.

Li Feiyu swallowed it down, and the method he used in his memory came up from time to time, making him sit upright as before, with his eyes closed and his knees crossed, and he was running the Qixuanmen's internal energy method 'Zhengyang Jin', refining the essence of the marrow pill. medicinal power.

A warm current dissipates the pain that penetrates deep into the bone marrow, and transforms into a billowing internal energy!

As Han Li just said!

After taking it, his skills improved again!


This is the world of cultivating immortals, no matter how high the internal strength is, it is useless.

Feeling when everything is back to normal.

Li Feiyu opened his eyes and looked at Han Li. Han Li, who was standing by the side, also looked over.

The eyes of the two met in the air!

Han Li stood expressionless, his heart fluttering.

He has thought that if he makes a move this time, once the opponent recovers, he may choose to kill him to silence him!

But he still shot.

On the one hand, after seeing Li Feiyu's face, he felt that Senior Brother Li was not an ungrateful and cruel person.

Of course, I also understand that facial expressions are not accurate.


Han Li unobtrusively pressed the iron cylinder hidden by his cuff!

on the other hand.

There is no doubt that Li Feiyu's strength will become stronger and stronger after taking the marrow pill.

This time I helped the other party, and I owe such a big favor!

In case of trouble in the future, maybe Li Feiyu can help!

Holding such an idea, Han Li made the move.

Ideas are ideas.

If Senior Brother Li really wants to kill himself to silence him, then he can only protect himself with his backhand!

Han Li waited expressionlessly.

But he discovered that Li Feiyu, who was opposite him, had a hint of surprise and joy in his eyes...

It doesn't look like you want to kill someone!

This made him feel relieved.

[Han Li-Level: Qi Refining Level 3, Spiritual Root: Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Age: Fourteen, Lifespan: Eighty-three, Cultivation Method: Changchun Kung Fu (Third Level), Supernatural Power: None]

Looking at the top of Han Li's head, a row of game-like attribute data appeared.

It's hard for Li Feiyu not to be surprised and delighted!

Because it means-

Gold Finger is coming!

He lowered his head and glanced at himself.

[Li Feiyu-Level: Martial Arts Master, Spiritual Root: None (Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth), Age: Fourteen, Shouyuan: Twenty-seven, Internal Strength: Zhengyang Strength (five levels), Martial Arts: Thunderbolt Saber Technique (Completion), available attributes: 0]

Different message strips.

Spiritual roots, internal strength, and martial arts all have small red plus signs behind them. This is obviously exactly the same as the game he played before crossing, and they can be forcibly improved with attribute points!

Even spiritual roots can be added!

This ability is undoubtedly outrageous, but to him, it is like a life-saving straw!

Possessing a spiritual root, he can embark on the immortal journey and pursue longevity and long-sightedness.

The short life brought by the marrow pill is still urgent, but at least there is a way to solve it, so I won't wait for death!

"Senior Brother Li, you don't have to worry that I will tell others your secret. You can tell at a glance that I am not a talkative person. If you are really worried, I can make a poisonous oath. You should be able to see that I don't know much about martial arts., if you find out that I have violated my oath, you can easily kill me."

Han Li on this side saw Li Feiyu's inexplicably excited expression after seeing Li Feiyu's silence for a long time, so he spoke calmly.

Hearing this, Li Feiyu restrained her excitement about the emergence of physical attributes.

He looked at Han Li.

My mind recalled the plot of the original work.

If he remembers correctly, although Han Er is showing weakness now, in fact, he has been hiding the counter-killer.

Come to think of it.

He glanced at Han Li's cuff.

Han Li, who had been staring at him all the time, felt a sudden thump in his heart, his heart was as cold as water!

"What's the use of a poisonous oath!"

At this time, Li Feiyu said lightly: "Give me a secret that won't kill you. Only a secret that is equal to each other is the basis for building trust between you and me!"

Han Li heard the words, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

Li Feiyu didn't believe in the poisonous oath, but chose to ask for his secret?!



What secret could he have?


A small bottle with a faint light green color and leaves printed on the bottle surface flashed across Han Li's mind!

Four years ago, I got a weird little bottle by accident!

That was something he had never told anyone, not even Mo Lao!

Looking at Han Li who was hesitating, Li Feiyu smiled smugly...

If he remembers correctly!

In the original book, it was the first time he saved someone, and Li Feiyu directly held him back with a knife around his neck, which made Lao Mo Han's heart change!

It can be said that Li Feiyu taught the young Han Li a lesson!

Although he has come through time travel, but this lesson, he really doesn't want to change-

Just the way and the wrist changed a bit!

He wants to get a little 'tuition fee'!