
Cultivation with Attribute

After waking up, he came to the world of mortals cultivating immortals, and was reborn as Li Feiyu with the same name and surname. Facing the predicament of having little life essence left and not knowing whether he has spiritual roots, relying on the ability to attribute all data, he embarks on the immortal journey of longevity and long- sightedness! I once killed the Six Paths of the Demon Sect in Tiannan. He also intimidated the heroes of the Star Palace in the Chaotic Star Sea. He once forged the name of killing gods in the human world, and once let all races sing his real name in the spiritual world! In the fairy world, I am the way of heaven! In this life, I personally promote the three worlds of celebrities, spirits, and immortals! Killing and setting fire, Li Feiyu, is here! This book is also known as: "Li Feiyu's Attribute Cultivation Life" "Li Feiyu is my good brother Han Li, and I can't even add money! "

Lord_Shadow_5535 · Urban
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Attribute points

ran out all the way in one breath.

Han Li just stopped. Feeling the cold sweat dripping down his back, he shook his head with lingering fear.

"This time is really dangerous! I still haven't considered it thoroughly enough. I must learn from this lesson and never do this kind of thankless oolong thing again. It's their own business that makes other people die or live. None of your own business."

"Without enough benefits and complete assurance, I will never save another person next time."

He made up his mind viciously in his heart.

In the end, he still paid the 'tuition fee'. The bad consequences of this first time saving someone still led to his bad habit of not waking up early without benefit!

The originally simple nature was completely abandoned. Although he didn't become a villain, he was far from being honest and kind.

As Han Li thought about it, he remembered the 'nameless formula' he handed over.

He did not lie.

It's not that I didn't dare, it's just that I don't think it's necessary!

Don't you want Li Feiyu to accept human favors?

Although Li Feiyu became a master by relying on the marrow pill, her vision is still extraordinary. If she finds out that it is fake, it will be a waste of time.

As for the secret knowledge taught by Mo Lao, hand it over.

Thinking of the gap between Mr. Mo and Mo, it doesn't look like a normal master-student relationship...

Han Li didn't feel much guilt.


Since Li Feiyu is still taking the marrow pills, in the last few years, his martial arts will only get higher and higher, and his lifespan will also be shorter and shorter.

As long as these few years, they will live in peace with each other.

He wasn't worried about leaking the nameless formula.

Han Li thought about everything back and

forth, and felt that there was nothing missing, so he walked back slowly towards the Valley of Gods Hands.

Wairen Hall, a small courtyard for disciples.

Back to the residence according to memory, Li Feiyu also sorted out the information on the way.

He and Han Li belonged to the same year, but they did not go up the mountain in the same batch.

is also fourteen years old.

Compared to the situation where Han Li has a family, he is just an orphan.

Take marrow pills, not for other...

Just to get ahead!

There is no doubt that he did!

In these years, every time there are small competitions and big competitions, they beat the beloved disciples of the elders who protect the law from all walks of life, and also created the famous "Li Hu" bandit name in the world.

But, the price...

There are only thirteen years of life left!

San Gong!

Must disperse power!

Although he has the opportunity to embark on the road of cultivating immortals, he also has golden fingers.

Can be short-lived, or an uncertain time bomb...

The dispersing function increases longevity, no matter how many years it is, it is good.

not to mention...

The bone marrow-deep pain of the Suuui Pill, even with the painkillers that Han Li will prepare in the future, it must be uncomfortable.


Li Feiyu didn't rush to finish his exercises.

Han Li is right...

An ordinary Dharma protector disciple is overwhelmed by a large number of hall masters, elders, and even the disciples of the sect master.

Until he has no self-protection power, he can't easily release his kung fu.

Cultivate Immortals!

Sitting on the stone bench in the yard, Li Feiyu smiled wryly: "After going around in circles, it's still Xiuxian who solves all the problems!"

Come to think of it.

He took out all the sundries he was carrying from his arms.

Finally, on the stone table in front of him, three white porcelain vases were placed-

Zhengyang Dan.

Qi and blood scattered.

Marrow-pulling pills.

Zhengyang Pill is a medicine that cooperates with Zhengyang Strength to improve cultivation, Qixue Powder is used to restore Qi and blood, and heal internal injuries. As for the drawing marrow pill...

Li Feiyu shook his head slightly, looking at the three bottles in front of him.

The increase of attribute points will definitely not be for nothing.

He needs to try and analyze one by one.

The first thing to do is to start with the elixir, which is currently the most convenient and simple.

if not!

That is to eat delicious, or nutritious food!

No more-

A killing intent flashed across Li Feiyu's eyes!

Fight monsters and upgrade!

He can only kill the beast, or-


"I hope I won't take the extreme magic path."

Li Feiyu muttered, picked up the 'Zhengyang Pill', poured out a pill, and swallowed it.

Close your eyes and cross your knees!

The billowing heat melted in the dantian!

After a while, Li Feiyu shook his head calmly, picked up Qi and Blood Powder, and poured it into his mouth.

Still close your eyes!


Li Feiyu shuddered violently, and opened his eyes.

A black line flashed across his eyes suddenly!

He was overjoyed, and looked down at his arm, and the attribute bar appeared again.

[Li Feiyu-Level: Martial Arts Master, Spiritual Root: None (Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth), Lifespan: Twenty-seven, Internal Strength: Zhengyang Strength (five levels), Martial Arts: Thunderbolt Saber Technique (Completion), Available Attributes: 1.]

Got it!


is the increase of Qi and blood!

Looking at the attribute points, he looked at the bottle in front of him that had scattered Qi and blood.

Li Feiyu hesitated for a moment, grabbed it directly, scattered the Qi and blood inside, and poured it all into his mouth.

Strike while the iron is hot!

The direction is not wrong, Li Feiyu once again felt the appearance of the attribute heat flow!

the difference is.

This time, no attribute points were condensed!

"It seems that the blood is not enough... the attribute point just now, I am afraid that it can be born just a little short of blood?!"

Li Feiyu analyzed the situation with some regret.


He quickly focused on the next step...

After taking a solemn look, he closed the courtyard door tightly when he came back.

Don't hesitate now!

All attention is focused on the red plus sign behind the spiritual root, imagining adding points hard!


The word 1 after the attribute point has become O again!

And behind the spiritual root, something has changed...

Spiritual root: wood (false) (gold, water, fire, earth)!

A moment.

Li Feiyu felt the atmosphere around him, and

there was a feeling of vitality in spring!

This feeling continued, and after a while...

I don't know if I got used to it or it disappeared.

In short, there is not much feeling!

Feeling his dantian and moving his body, Li Feiyu's eyes were strange...


There are no earth-shattering visions of heaven and earth!

It's just so plain.

[Li Feiyu-Level: Martial Arts Master, Spiritual Root: Wood (Fake) (Gold, Water, Fire, Earth), Age: Fourteen, Shouyuan: Twenty-seven, Internal Strength: Zhengyang Strength (five levels), Martial Arts: Thunderbolt Saber Technique ( Consummation), available attributes: 0. ]

Look at the property list.

Li Feiyu's eyes are still weird...

Single spirit root?

Tian Linggen?!

Even if there is a 'false' on the back, it is still a

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Even if there is a 'false' on the back, it is still a single spiritual root!

Is it so easy to be promoted to a genius?!

Li Feiyu didn't believe it herself!

He took out the cloth!

It records the first layer of formulas of Changchun Gong.

Cultivating immortals with wood attributes.

This is why he chose to light up the wood spirit root!

This is the first time he read seriously...

Regardless of whether it is true or false, he needs to understand and read, otherwise he will not be able to distinguish the logic of true and false.

If true.

That requires more comprehension.

After a while.

It was dusk.

Li Feiyu put away the cloth with no expression on his face, pushed open the door, and left the courtyard.

striding towards a certain direction.

(end of this chapter)