
cultivation journey with a system

a young was betrayed by his girlfriend and his mood obviously was down .he was walking on the empty road at night when suddenly truck hit him and he died . he woke up inside the body of a poor young man called adam and found a system that was fused with him . this new world was of that of cultivation which he had read stories of on earth . so with system as his companion the new started his journey of cultivation. his dream was to fuck various celestial beauties and reach the appex of cultivation. his system was a bit special as he could duplicate items with its help . he would his unique system ability and get stronger little by little . english is not my first language so sorry in advance for sloppy vocabulary and mistakes . please read this story in your free time .

gursimran_singh · Fantasy
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24 Chs

foundation realm and pill fire

now adam could be seen cross legged in his house and concentrating fully while a small vortex of spiritual energy had formed around him . he was now attacking the foundation realm as the boundary was just seconds ahead . for other cultivators the next realm was was a straight line of mud while the energy water underneath. the cultivators when reach the peak of a realm , attack the line of mud to break open a path for water to gush outside even if it's only like this -

_________ _____ this small path then allows the water to gush through and the line crumbles in time . but for adam the same line is just like paper so he doesn't need to push his way through as his advancement is smooth . as expected there was dull sound which adam heard loud but didnt leave his body at all . finally adam had advanced to the foundation realm and small particles of qi started to gather in his inner world .

this was the difference from qi refinement and foundation realm as only body was refined in the first realm and from the foundation realm qi enters the inner world of a cultivator. small particles danced inside Adam's inner world and they continue to grow in number with time . of course it was because adam didnt plan to stop till he advanced to the 2nd level of foundation realm.

after reaching the foundation realm the vortex that was really small enlarged till at least 10 cm which was a stark difference from before when only 1 cm thick vortex of energy enveloped adam . just after half an hour a small crack sound was heard in Adam's mind and he easily reached the 2nd level of foundation realm . he stopped absorbing energy further and the vortex disappeared completely . there was one more major difference after adam broke through and reached the foundation realm . it was the fact that the energy he absorbed was the star energy this time according to the foundation realm cultivation method he purchased from system . it was much denser than the spiritual energy so the vortex was much thicker than before .

adam stood up and his body started producing crackling sounds . he then drank some water and went in the backyard to practice his martial arts while he was remembering about his personal dimension . after he entered inside the gate, only desolate feeling assaulted him . no air blew past him and there were no sounds except his slow steps as he walked further . after exploring the buildings he didnt even find a single book. he shook his head in disappointment as he was interested to learn more about the star cult sect . the only thing he found was the spell formation that was intact inside the tower . it was the energy gathering formation and adam realised the fact that the disciple who had advanced further from ascension realm must have cultivated inside the tower. it was so because when he used observe to look at the formation , it was mentioned in the information . the houses were also enveloped with such formations but they were not functioning now . the sect must have been swept clean after the raid . after watching the planets which observe function described as stars , adam returned to cultivate in his house .

adam practiced his martial arts for a while and got himself familiar with the newfound strenght after breaking through. after 2 hours he sat inside the room cross legged facing the front door and started meditating to further consolidate his cultivation foundation . if not for this process , adam would have broken though at least the next major realm now . it was too important for a cultivator to have a strong cultivation foundation. those rich guys who only forcefully increased their cultivation with Ingesting pills from small age only ruin their future as they dont possess a strong foundation .

adam ate as usual with other village residents and slept the night while meditating. when the morning sun rays touched his face gently , adam woke up and then it was wash up time . he changed into fresh clothes which were his usual robes and sat down . he had long used 100 SP to duplicate the fire lotus yesterday before dinner . he took out the system's product from his inventory and much fierce heat assaulted him than the time when he picked up the fire lotus in the cave. adam didnt waste any time admiring the way better herb and just took out the spiritual water from his storage ring .

he simply grinded the lotus and added all the spiritual water he had to the 10cm wide bowl . he let the solution rest for a minute and sat crossleeged near the bowl waiting for a minute to pass . time arrived and he drank the now red water which was producing some heat in a gulp . adam could feel the heat when the solution passed through his mouth and felt glad that mors didnt forget to leave him the spiritual water . with time sweat started flowing out from Adam's body and his frown gradually got bigger . he was now trying his best to endure the heat he felt inside his body.

adam circulated the qi according to the manual and gradually the heat energy was completely absorbed in his body cells . finally the frown disappeared and replaced with it was a small smile as Adam was feeling refreshed as the cool air gently passed by his body and his now drenched robe fluttered slightly . adam waited for half an hour and suddenly raised his right hand up . magically pure dark red flames appeared from his palm but unlike the surrounding air adam didnt feel even a little bit hot as this was his own pill fire or essence fire .

adam them played with the fire while remembering the pill master knowledge and experience inside his brain. the fire suddenly became a little in colour and suddenly darker . of course Adam was controlling the temperature casually while smiling as he could manipulate the fire by instinct .

after an hour adam was finally starting to feel exhausted as his energy reserve had quickly lessened by half . so he stopped playing with fire and dived inside the small pond with his clothes on as usual ...