
cultivation journey with a system

a young was betrayed by his girlfriend and his mood obviously was down .he was walking on the empty road at night when suddenly truck hit him and he died . he woke up inside the body of a poor young man called adam and found a system that was fused with him . this new world was of that of cultivation which he had read stories of on earth . so with system as his companion the new started his journey of cultivation. his dream was to fuck various celestial beauties and reach the appex of cultivation. his system was a bit special as he could duplicate items with its help . he would his unique system ability and get stronger little by little . english is not my first language so sorry in advance for sloppy vocabulary and mistakes . please read this story in your free time .

gursimran_singh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

my personal dimension!

adam thought that he had returned to earth somehow and was watching an amusement park from afar . this is was the feeling the scenery through the space crack gave adam.

he could see a red and white tower in the distance and buildings of various sizes were surrounding it . white dots of light were all over the sky and illuminated the scenery while the background was the pitch black space .

adam stepped his right foot inside the space crack as he remembered the fear when he traveled the void with mors . but nothing like that happened as Adam's body instantly arrived in the dimension and the scenery which he looked through the crack greeted him up close leaving him a small smile .

adam finally took a look properly was left amazed the beauty of this place . the buildings continued all the way and all of them were red and white while the dots of light gently touched his body from time to time . adam was amazed as the dots of light had much more potent energy than the spiritual energy he absorbed as he felt the difference with his physique .

adam walked slowly while admiring the simple architecture and arrived at the huge gate that read STAR on the top . two pillars which were decorated with the same patterns the token greeted him and adam couldn't estimate their height properly. they were so tall that adam felt like an ant before them .

adam felt strong radiation from his back and turned around to take a look only to be shocked . it was understandable as he could see many planets that were too huge to describe anything rotating at a slow pace . but the most interesting fact about them was that each planet was lined up straight behind another and it looked like a straight line . the closest planet to him was the smallest while the continuing ones were larger than the front one and adam could count that there were a total of 27 planets in a straight line.

oO - like this the line continued and the last one was at least 5 times bigger than the first planet. adam sat outside the gates and admired the great scene that completely blew his mind . he remembered that as a child he had once dreamed childishly to travel in space so his dream could be considered more than true after watching this breathtaking scene . all of a sudden the token which he had completely neglected ,shot out from his hand and started floating in the air .

a holographic image of a few cm long old man wearing light golden robes with too long beard appeared from the token and started talking . " dear disciple , welcome back ! now you can enter inside the gates as your token's authenticity is confirmed. " the image disappeared after saying only a few words but adam noticed a warm smile on the old man's face when he started talking . adam didnt know anything about this sect except the fact it was destroyed but he could feel that it must have been lively here with thousands of disciples considering the sheer number of smaller buildings that were lined up on the other side of the gate .

Adam's mood was mixed now as he slowly walked through the gates while thinking about the cruel world of cultivation where sects this huge were destroyed for various reasons . anyhow now this was his own personal dimension so Adam's mood was considerably better after remembering this fact....