
Cultivation Into A True Dragon

This is the story of a young man whom wished to be the greatest gamer, and an "unfortunate" accident which put him on the journey to become something much greater than his wildest dreams would allow. I apologize if the art of the cover kinda sucks, I cant draw. Ignore the mini face

CozmicCatto · Fantasy
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20 Chs


The other three cat dragons would fight back, surrounding themselves in their respective elements, but the guards that came would bring out extended metal sticks with a kind of grabbing mechanism on the end, except the mechanism would have electrical sparks arcing inside of the grabber

Seeing them approach his family, his thrashing would get worse as his claws would start to dig into the man's skin. Yet somehow, still be unable to even scratch the surface of it

"Wait wait! No! Those are my familiars! You don't have to restrain them!"

"Oh? Dragons are a proud species. How would they listen to each other that easily?"

"I trained them very well within the time we've been alive! Look! Can't we just, talk this out? And put the spark sticks away?"

The guards would restrain the cats, as yowls of pain and fear from the depths of their throats, and Lunaria's eyes would flash blue as he'd burst out of the man's grip, crush the sticks open and ripping them apart with psychokinesis, and would fly-dash over to the cat dragons, and let out a telekinetic blast to push the guards away. However, they weren't pushovers either, as his blast only made them skid their feet a foot away or so, as they grounded themselves easily

Luna would hover in front of the cats as they hid behind him like scared kittens

"Leave my adoptive daughters alone! What the hell do you want!"

The scarred man would have a look of surprise, then contempt, as he'd slowly clap his hands and walk towards them slowly, standing now just directly in front of the guards

The announcer would speak up:

"Ohn maiy! Loekes laike taise craters ahre NOWHT ahs soimple ahs thay saime! Thoo, owr juard cadtain es andilieing thine siteueetioon"

"Don't mind him. From how small you are, you must be newborn dragons, so you have yet to learn the language of Common yet. As it's name suggests, its the most commonly spoken language in this realm. You won't be able to understand it yet. Luckily for you, I know Draconic, or you'd be shit outta luck"

The man would stand up straight, his muscles defined against his open vest and no shirt, perfect caramel colored skin and big body builder level muscles on display for all to see with black baggy light pants suitable for training or exercise. No footwear

"My name is Magumarn. I am a monk, of Draconic Descent. Specifically, Fire"

He'd slam his fists together, and a long tail of red scales and a tuft of fur on the end would form on his body, as well as a massive pair of glorious crimson wings would sprout from his back. On top of it all, are a marvelous pair of black demonic-like ram's horns, as his eyes change from a a regular white with red irises to black and golden orange irises

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm happy to see not all of the dragons have died out yet, and we've been given another chance at life. However, the world is still a dangerous place, and there are still a lot of poachers that would love to make a fortune off your corpse. Until at the very least you can defend yourself, how would you like to study under me at the academy? And don't worry, as a dragon I understand how important it is for our species to forge our own paths in the world, so there is no obligation to stay within the academy. But you will have to attend classes everyday. Deal?"

Lunaria would be dazzled by the fiercesome yet regal appearance of the man

"I wish to live near the ocean, at the very least at a beach and possibly eventually in the ocean itself!"

"Deal! You're a young blue dragon, so that is indeed a viable option. There are three paths that blue dragons can take; river dragon, which is very regional and useless in my opinion, an ancient blue dragon, with expertise over their psychokinesis and telekinetic powers, and the last, sea dragons which control water and live within the seas. Each have a few more primal evolutions, however, you would need to be of pure bloodline to do that. I'm mostly human; Even if my bloodline grants me higher fire affinity as well as immortality as far as old age goes, it's not yet pure enough for me to ascend my current rank of power to an ancient fire dragon instead of a regular adult fire dragon"


The man, and the dragon shake hands, as the guards put away the leashes, collars, and containment sticks

"Now, let's get you a place to stay, shall we? By the way, how do you like fix 'em ups?"

"I've always been down for a little hard work! Makes it worth it when you turn it into your own spot in paradise!"

"Good, because there's only one beach nearby, and its clogged and riddled with trash"

The barrier would lift off the stadium, and the man would unfold his wings

"Lets go"

The five dragons would then take off towards the ocean, flying above the city, Rumble being carried by Lunaria.....for obvious reasons

Hi ho! Early inspiration this week! Maybe I'll get more later! Who knows! Hope you enjoyed the chapter

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts