
Cultivation Into A True Dragon

This is the story of a young man whom wished to be the greatest gamer, and an "unfortunate" accident which put him on the journey to become something much greater than his wildest dreams would allow. I apologize if the art of the cover kinda sucks, I cant draw. Ignore the mini face

CozmicCatto · Fantasy
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20 Chs


The group of 4 humans would side step the shards of compressed air, as the young man would dash forward and slice at the dragon. The 3 in the back would position themselves similar to the dragocats, and start preparing spells

The earthen shield that Lunaria has would hold against the slash as he would send a telekinetic blast at the young man, sending him skidding across the ground

The three cats, regaining their wits and bearing, would fly a bit high, and see there's only a limit to how high they could be, and not a restriction on flight itself. With that, they would bombard the back group of three young women with fireballs and wind slices, as Rumble would dive underground undetected

A young lady with a blue and white dress would create ice shards out of thin air and launch them at the two cats, along with another girl wearing a black and purple gothic dress, whom was forming small bullets seemingly made of pure darkness

The third girl, wearing a risqué outfit, seemingly made of an interwoven crop top and skirt of leaves lined with vines. However, before she could do anything, Rumble would burst out of the ground and headbutt her right in the stomach and send her flying, before quickly diving back underground. The girl however, would refuse to crash and massive vines would grow out the ground, catch her, as raise her up high above the ground, and shield her teammates from the barrage of projectiles from the two furry artillery devices with equally thick vibrant green vines lined with a few flowers here and there

Luna, before he could turn his attention to her, would get dashed on once again by the young man with his large sword. However, before the young man could reach him, Rumble once again shot out the ground and tumbled with the young man, causing them to roll away from Luna as he would create an invisible impassable barrier, crushing the shards of ice and snuffing out the bullets before they made contact. However, a few of the bullets got through the barrier

Ash and Breeze would then sense the danger of their shots and barely dodge midair, spinning a bit to dodge the shots. They then would fly around randomly in wide arcs and launch projectiles in random controlled bursts. Their attacks would push the ivy girl's position back, causing her to force the three of them to the middle

Rumble and the young man however, would be constantly attacking each other, as Rumble's claws would knock away the sword. However, the young man would grab her by the claws, and throw her into the ivy girl, knocking her off her pedestal of vines and onto the ground, knocking them both out

"Wooups! Aim soury fornlen thein ditrictction! Ai dient main eit, proomise!"

Lunaria would look at him with a raised eyebrow [despite not having eyebrows]

"What the hell? Even I can tell that was intentional. His tone is so fudging fake. Not that it matter to me however, I'll take whatever help I can get. Their issues are not our problem girls. Kick their asses!"

Ash and Breeze would stare daggers at the remaining humans, and would start flying in a orb-like pattern. And a mass of fire, being compressed into a sphere would start to take shape

"Oh shite"

The two cats would then open their mouths, and close them with a small opening parting between their jaws. However, this action caused the fire mixed with air to act as a flame thrower. The flames were aimed at the two women, being blocked by a magic shield that they had to conjure together. However, instead of dissipating into mana particles upon impact, the fire continued to linger, pooling around the shield and about to encroach upon them, if they didn't expand the shield to be a bubble

The young man would stare at the two women struggling, spit on the ground, and run towards them

"Tch, dahmn annoiing cretures"

That's when the young man would get hit in the head, well entire body, with a giant boulder, knocking him out and crushing him into the wall

"Taking your attention away from your opponent? Cocky bastard"

With the only frontliner defeated, the last two mages were a cinch as the battle ended a few seconds later. Luna would then use his abilities to bring Rumble back to him, waking her up

"Ooh.....mai. Eit simmes thauht waeyve hed aye snight eemplacetion. Soh, bye rools eemortalum, theesee cratures wein ze schahlorshipe toh Hailborne Academy"

A few people lined with armor with leashes and collars would descend into the stadium, as Luna would use his flight skill to try and escape. That's when a man with a giant scar over his left eye as well as an eyepatch, and a practical mane of red hair seems to pour from his head like a savage from the wild with its untamed style would jump down from one of the VIP booths, and grab the dragon by the neck

"You're not going anywhere"

Luna would then start to freak out and attempting to get out of his grasp

"How do you know my language?! Release me!"

"You defeated prospective students attempting to enter on scholarship. It was the humans against the golem. Both teams were prospective candidates, but you not only scrambled the golem as if he was made of bowling pins, you stomped the human team into the ground. Now you can join Hellborne Academy"

"Excuse me what?"

I'm sorry if I'm late sometimes; the site is giving me trouble publishing chapters

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts