
Cultivating Vampire Essence

Chris is a simple guy with a simple life, who doesn’t have a ‘simple’ Family. He is from the family of the greatest Vampire Hunters! However, by a single twist of fate, he finds himself Reincarnated into the body of the only Male Vampire in their world, who is the Vampire Prince. Watch as he uses this twist of Fate to become the Greatest Vampire Killer from a simple high-school nerd. *** ARC 1: Soul Switch Chris is soul-switched upon facing a curse that he never intended to. Now, he is Reincarnated inside the body of the Vampire Prince! Following the instructions of his Grandpa Jack, he leads his life as Alucard and blends in with the Family of the Royal Vampires to get to know their secrets more and help the Wingstons to accomplish their goal. But — living as the Vampire Prince is harder than he thought. Catching up with his studies in the Academy of the Gifted, managing his persistent girlfriend and his lustful sisters — and worst of all, Ranking Up as fast as he can. But, the only way to do that is none other than to Cultivate the Essence of the Lustful Vampires using the Forbidden techniques of Dual Cultivation. ———— Author’s Note: This is not the first book I’m writing if you guys are wondering, but I am still an author who’s in the process of learning to write! I hope you enjoy these wonderful characters and their story as I enjoy writing about them! This world has a simple magic system which is introduced clearly throughout the story! Also, as you guessed by the title... there will be a lot of ‘Lust’ in this book >w

The_Little_Fox · Fantasy
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14 Chs

C5: Trust Me!

After hearing that, Chris knew exactly what he was saying. It was last year's Summer when the two met up in Mr. Kimbley's apartment building where Chris was living with his aunt Mellonie, Reno's Mother.

She was the one who took in all the Wingston children when their parents died.

They were sitting down at the edge of the building, gazing at the beautiful lights of the city, engulfing the whole area. It was a cold night, but with a cup of hot chocolate, it was truly enjoyable.

"Hmm… why the sad face, mate?" Reno asked the 15-year-old boy, who looking at the city with a face of a lonely old man.

Chris chuckled. "No… Last time I met Mom, I was sitting on top of a building, sharing hot chocolate with her, just like this."

Reno gazed at the kid. "Haha… good times, huh?"

"Yeah, good times."

Chris wondered for a moment and thought about his Mom a little more. She was a crazy woman, but she was lovely.

Reno saw his face and smiled. "Gotta share something buddy? Sharing it over a hot chocolate in a night in Minnesota isn't that bad…"

Chris turned to him. "Yeah. This is something I wanted to write down in a dictionary, but couldn't because it was too… too memorable."

"That day before Mom died – it was one of the best days in my life…"

[7 years ago….]

The 9-year-old Chris was sitting on Claire's lap, gazing at the stars with her mother. They were both holding a cup of hot chocolate.

Claire was a beautiful woman. She had black hair and brown eyes, purely human. Her hair was so long that even the 9-year-old boy could grasp it whenever he walked by his mother.

She smiled at the little guy and kissed him on the cheek.

Chris giggled and held her Mom's hand tightly. "Mom? Can – umm… can I ahem… not be a Hunter one day, and can you not be one too. I'm scared that I'll… lose you. Grandpa Jack told you that you guys work on dangerous things – and that I'll have to be one too."

Claire's expression changed when she heard this. She was smiling before, but now her face was uneven. She didn't like to force her children, but since Vampire hunting was in her blood – she had the urge too, just like Jack had. And she knew that the prize was going to make a better future for Chris's children even.

"Ha… I know, baby. But – Chris, you'll see what it means to be powerless in a superhuman society like this. They have all the power now – simply because of the ugly decisions made by the higher-ups baby.

"So, you have to be powerful against them. We have to show them the power of true humans – something even your Uncle Jack doesn't have. You have to become my superhuman… with your supernatural love for mommy!"

Claire pinched her child's nose and the boy giggled.

"Mom – even if you're powerless… You're superhuman to me." The child hugged his mother.

Claire was almost going to cry – the human who had cold-bloodedly murdered 2 Origins and 10 Vampires was about to cry!

"I... Thank you, my little hero!" She hugged her child so tightly Chris couldn't literally breathe.

Chris hugged his mother back and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Honey."

"And – your hug was supernatural too."

Claire laughed upon hearing this and kissed her child and cuddled with him. She hasn't felt love like this ever in her life – even with her husband Chole. This feeling was just otherworldly. A moment only a mother and son could share.


[Cut back to Present —-]

"...I said to her, that it was a Supernatural hug right there."

Reno was silent. This guy talking on the other side of the phone – he was Chris. And if he really did switch bodies, that guy lying down in his bed, probably still sleeping, was the Vamp Prince.

Reno read about the whole spell in Wikipedia once so he knew the effects of the spell and the ways to escape it – but, it couldn't be done in just over a day. And the fact that Chris was switched with the Vampire Queen's son was just extraordinary and – luck.

Pure luck!

"Brother… if you're truly inside that Alucard's body – holy hell! Imagine the fucking possibilities! Bro – we have a chance here. We have a chance to erase the Vampires!"

".... I know, I know. But you have to do something about that body of mine, first. And please, do something about Lucy's chat – she must be fucking worried."

Reno chuckled upon hearing this. "Jeez, should've said that in the first place. Only you know about your Lucy."

Chris sighed from the other side.

Then, Windy, who was worried because of this chattering of Reno's, came to check on him, pausing the season finale of Stranger Things.

"Oi, Reno. What's the problem back there? Is everything all right?"

Reno gazed at Windy and smirked.

"What – I don't like that smirk of yours!"

"Hey Chris, catch her up with the situation while I take care of your body." Reno threw the phone to Windy and rushed inside the room to apprehend the Vampire Prince before he woke up and went rampage.

Windy was still confused. "What – what Chris?"


Reno entered the room and gazed at his sleeping body of Chris. He couldn't help but laugh upon seeing that priceless view of his sleeping posture.

However, something he did not expect happened.

Chris's phone rang!

"Holy –" Chris's body woke up, and a hand reached out for the phone. Reno's heart began to beat.

He had never been in the same room as a Vampire with his identity right in the open, and now – the Vampire Prince himself was going to see him!

"Shit shit –" Reno hesitated and he started to sweat. The glasses almost slid down the bridge of his nose, but – his reflexes were too fast to let them slip away that easily.

He looked around the room for the easiest weapon to grasp hold of. There were plenty – but – 'Of course! I can't fucking kill Chris's original body… there should be a body for him to return to!'

Reno grasped the baseball bat lying beside Chris's untidy table and rushed forth.

The Vampire Prince had woken up, and the guy was scratching his head, trying to figure out where the hell he was – and the reason why a Blonde four eyes was dashing towards him with a baseball bat.

"Wait – ARGH!"


The Vampire Prince fell on the bed once more, unconscious.

Good day to all my readers, comment and support me with power stones if you like the book!

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