
Cultivating Vampire Essence

Chris is a simple guy with a simple life, who doesn’t have a ‘simple’ Family. He is from the family of the greatest Vampire Hunters! However, by a single twist of fate, he finds himself Reincarnated into the body of the only Male Vampire in their world, who is the Vampire Prince. Watch as he uses this twist of Fate to become the Greatest Vampire Killer from a simple high-school nerd. *** ARC 1: Soul Switch Chris is soul-switched upon facing a curse that he never intended to. Now, he is Reincarnated inside the body of the Vampire Prince! Following the instructions of his Grandpa Jack, he leads his life as Alucard and blends in with the Family of the Royal Vampires to get to know their secrets more and help the Wingstons to accomplish their goal. But — living as the Vampire Prince is harder than he thought. Catching up with his studies in the Academy of the Gifted, managing his persistent girlfriend and his lustful sisters — and worst of all, Ranking Up as fast as he can. But, the only way to do that is none other than to Cultivate the Essence of the Lustful Vampires using the Forbidden techniques of Dual Cultivation. ———— Author’s Note: This is not the first book I’m writing if you guys are wondering, but I am still an author who’s in the process of learning to write! I hope you enjoy these wonderful characters and their story as I enjoy writing about them! This world has a simple magic system which is introduced clearly throughout the story! Also, as you guessed by the title... there will be a lot of ‘Lust’ in this book >w

The_Little_Fox · Fantasy
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14 Chs

C4: Soul Switch

Noises were echoing inside his head, images that he had never even seen before. Memories that had never been there, and feelings –

Chris blinked. His body was lying on a soft surface. It was as if he was – lying on a fluffy pillow of snow.

There were some lights above his head, and the ceiling had a pattern of a red rose brush drawn on it. "Wha – what the hell is this…?"

He covered his eyes with his hand to keep away the light and sat up on the soft surface, only to notice that he was lying on a bed.

'Damn… a bed this soft? Is this a palace or something?' he wondered inwardly as he looked around the room, trying to remember what had happened.

The Shadow Hounds, the Pizza Night, Windy, Lucy – everything came back to him in a second.

"Holy shit! The Shadow Hound – that thing… it – that spell… it worked?"

Chris looked down at his hands and – HOLY SHIT – those weren't his hands! They weren't this… strong. He looked around the room and this guy's window was open too. That explained how this poor human's soul got switched.

However, he was feeling something very weird. Something that he didn't feel in his normal human self. Maybe it was because this wasn't his physical body? But that feeling – it was inhuman.

He went to the mirror and looked at his new physical body, and this view was an extremely familiar one!

White hair, red eyes. Handsome face though, and sadly, he was a male. No boobs. But, one thing felt off about this body. The skin of this boy – was dead pale...

Chris touched his new face and it felt too soft. It was truly inhuman. Then, he noticed one more thing.

These memories revolving around his head – it wasn't just his memories. There were more. This human's memories were still with him!

So, he decided to find out about this new body in the easiest possible way.

He looked into his memories and everything came back to him.

"Alucard… the world is on your hands now."

"Brother, I am telling you this now – so listen closely! You're the Son of the Queen. I act like a princess and I don't go accepting the roses of lowlives like you do! Grow up! Act like the prince you are and forget about the Pup!"

Chris looked into several memories and it led him to a conclusion he never wanted to have. This Soul he had just been switched with… it wasn't the kinda body that was easy to live in.

It was a Vampire! And on top of it – the Vampire prince, the only male Vampire in the world… and of course. The son of the most powerful Vampire.

The Vampire Queen.

The child of an Origin. A child of the 100 remaining Vamps, who had even more mutated genes with even more power, and of course, indescribable beauty. She was the one who ran the Vampire race now – and she was probably the greatest reward Jack could have.

2022 was a great year and all from the outside, but it wasn't actually that great from the inside.

The Vampire Queen's son was first revealed to the world only months ago – yes, the current body Chris had inherited – and the world was amazed by this. The Vampires never had a male baby before this guy had been born, and he was the 'only' male Vampire in the whole fucking world.

The whole world was interested in this, and because of this mutation, people had begun to wonder if the possibility of Male Vampires growing was finally here.

No one really had a thing against it, and the human and supernatural girls died upon seeing the beautiful Vampire boy's face.

But now… the game was on Chris's hand. But for how long would he be stuck in this body? Why did Fate choose him for this damn thing? Why?

"Shit – shit, shit!" Chris cried out, sweating from head to toe.

'Calm down – Chris. Or I'll spank you again.' His mother's words resounded in his ears – and honestly, that didn't help him at all.

"Not now – Mom!" he cried out, dropping down on the soft bed and taking heavy breaths. "What should I do –" suddenly, he had an idea.

His lips curved into a sudden smile. He was the world's strongest Vampire's son now? Oh – that's…

He sat up on the bed and turned to this Vamp Prince's table. It wasn't a mess like his table back home, it was truly neat. He was a prince, after all.

Chris quickly hurried to this guy's table. 'If he's 18 years of age – and this guy is officially a millennial… he must have a phone,' he thought inwardly as he smirked. He went to the neat-looking study table and there it was; the Vampire Prince's phone.

He took it and placed his finger to scan.

It unlocked. Easy.

The first thing Chris had to do was call Reno and tell him about the situation. He quickly typed the number down and called him.

The phone rang for 1 second… 2…. 3…. 4… 5 – 'God, pick up Reno!'


"Hey, Reno! It's Chris! I – I don't know if you'll believe me but fucking trust me right now!"

"Huh?" Reno sounded confused. "This is Chris? You don't even sound like Chris… just tell me who you are, and how do you know Chris!?"

"God. Trust me, Reno! It's fucking Chris! Listen up closely… you're going to be too shocked."


Reno was laughing upon hearing this from a totally different voice which he has never heard before. "So, you're telling me you teleported into the body of Vamp Queen's son — right? But that's a hell of a coincidence. Don't fuck with me – is this Leslie's doing? Or is it you Andy!? Have you been following me again – for the last time… you can't be a damn Vampire Hunter."

"No!! Oh my God… you're wasting my time here. If they come and find out that I'm calling you – goddammit!"

Reno sighed and rolled his eyes. He slowly walked towards the half-open door of Chris's room and peeked in. "I do see your body face-first on the pillow with your ass up – just like the sleepyhead you are."

"That is not me! Don't wake him up! He must be the damn Vamp Prince! Don't wake him up –"

"Ok, okay… I see that you are as annoying as Chris. But – tell me something then, without being a goddamn idiot. Tell me something that only Chris would know."

"Shit – I didn't think of that, sorry. Ummm… My Mom's favorite cat name was Molly but – she couldn't name it Molly because Dad already named it Beetlejuice!"

Reno laughed. "Oh, that's an easy one… if Chris was keeping a diary though, that was definitely a page in it."

Chris sighed.

"Hmm… tell me something Chris wouldn't even write in a diary – because he doesn't need to write it down to remember it."

Good day to all my readers, comment and support me with power stones if you like the book!

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