

"You and I are nothing but strangers this marriage doesn't mean anything to me. Don't you dare touch me ever again!" ---------------------- Leah Jones was a 21-year-old girl who was forced to marry the most feared, wealthy, powerful, and heartless man in the world because her father's company was on the verge of bankruptcy. She thought that he was not as bad as they said he was, she thought that marrying him. was going to be the best thing but she couldn't be more wrong. He never touched her and he refused to touch her too. To him they were only husband and wife in name, but Leah refused to believe that he was that heartless so she made it her mission to try and bring back the smile that he once lost due to unforeseen courses, but that proved to be easier said than done because her tries only brought her nothing but tears and heartbreak.

lilly42 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Alexander stood there like his feet were glued to the ground. He felt like he could not move at all. His grandmother was standing there, shocked because of what she had just heard. She felt betrayed. Her grandson that she loved and trusted the most lied to her. She couldn't believe it.

Leah could tell from the look in Alexander's eyes that he regretted lying to his grandmother. She didn't know what to say at ghe moment, she felt like the words were stuck in her throat. She just wished that she could turn back time amd stop Alexander from saying ghe words that he had just said.

"Alex…"Alexander's grandmother said, but she could not finish her sentence as she fell on the ground.

"Grandma!"Alexander called out and he ran to where his grandmother was. He could not believe what had just happened, the last thing that he wanted to see was his grandmother like this and it just happened. He didn't want to lose her at all. Leah knelt down on the ground next to Alexander.

"Alex, is she going to be okay?"She asked, resting her hand on Alexander's shoulder but he just slapped her hand off. "Ouch!"

"Don't you dare touch me! This is all your fault!"Alexander shouted.

"My fault?"She asked.

"Shut up."Alexander said and he picked up his grandmother and he carried her into the house and upstairs to her room.


Everyone stood outside Alexander's grandmother's room, they waited impatiently for the doctor that was inside the room and checking on his grandmother. Almost all of them were worried, some just didn't care but they had to look worried in front of everyone else. Leah was standing at the corner far from everyone else. Alexander didn't even want to look at her at all, he was filled with nothing but anger for her.

If anything were to happen to his grandmother, he was going to make sure that he made Leah's life miserable in every way.

After a few moments the doctor came out of the room, she had a worried look on her face which also worried everyone else. "Doctor, how is she?"Alexander's father asked. The doctor sighed and she took off her glasses.

"Well sir she's fine now, but she won't be next time. Please try to avoid this from happening, she'll be awake in the next two to three hours. Just make sure to give her her medicine when she wakes up."She said. "That's all, I'll leave now."She said and then she walked away.

Everyone else walked away to wherever they wanted to go. The only people that were standing there were Leah and Alexander, and Alexander looked pissed. He looked like he was going to eat Leah alive. "Alex-"Leah was about to say something but she was cut off.

"Don't even say anything. My grandmother is in this situation because of you! Now get out!"Alexander shouted.

"Because of me? How is this my fault?"Leah asked.

"I said get out! Go away from here, I don't want to see your face ever again!"He shouted loud enough to get everyone's attention. They all ran back upstairs to where Leah and Alexander were standing.

"Alex, what is going on here?"Alexander's mother asked, worriedly.

"Mother, tell this bitch to get out of here now. I don't want to see her face ever again. I want a divorce."He said.

"Alex, calm down. This is not a good time, please don't make rash decisions. You know that you can't just divorce her now. Why do you want to divorce her now?"Alison asked.

"She's the reason my grandmother is in this condition right now. She has to go."He said.

"But Alex, I didn't-" She was cut off before she could finish her sentence.

"Keep my name out of your mouth. I don't want to see her here or anywhere near me when I come back."He said and then he walked away.

"Leah, I am very sorry. I'll tell the driver to take you back to Alexander's mansion. I'll talk to him for you, he just needs to calm down."Alison said.

"Marrying him was the worst thing you've ever done in your life."Axle said and he walked away. Leah felt her tears streaming down her eyes, she just could not hold herself back. Alison hugged her tightly.

"It's going to be fine Leah, I know that this was not your fault."Alison said.

"Axle is right, marrying him was the worst thing that I did to myself."Leah said.

"No, Leah it's not. Just give it a chance, please. I'll talk to him after he's calmed down. He's just very attached to grandma and he can't bear the fact of losing her."She said.

"Alison, don't defend him. He has been the worst husband from day one. Why should I torture myself and stay with a man like him?"Leah asked.

"Leah, you know that you can't get divorced yet. You still remember the agreement between my parents and your parents. This is for your dad, not for you."She said. Leah knew that Alison did have a point but did she really have to sacrifice her happiness just for that? She didn't have a choice. She loved her father too much to let him suffer.

"I'll go and get my staff."She said.

"Alright, I'll get the driver for you now."Alison said. She walked downstairs and Leah walked down the hallway and into Alexander's room. She entered and she took her phone, purse and the small bag that she came with. After taking her things she went downstairs where she found Aluson and her parents waiting there for her.

"We are really sorry dear. I wanted you to stay for a little while longer but now I guess you can't because of someone's ego."Alexander's mother said, hugging Leah.

"We are hoping that you'll come and visit us next time. Hopefully you'll stay for a little while longer than you did now."Alexander's father said. It was hard to tell if he really meant his words or not.

"Yeah, I will see you guys some other time then."Leah said and they all nodded their heads. Alison walked with her outside to where the car was parked, they both hugged each other and then Leah got into the car. She just hoped that Alexander would be fine by the time he returns to his mansion.