

"You and I are nothing but strangers this marriage doesn't mean anything to me. Don't you dare touch me ever again!" ---------------------- Leah Jones was a 21-year-old girl who was forced to marry the most feared, wealthy, powerful, and heartless man in the world because her father's company was on the verge of bankruptcy. She thought that he was not as bad as they said he was, she thought that marrying him. was going to be the best thing but she couldn't be more wrong. He never touched her and he refused to touch her too. To him they were only husband and wife in name, but Leah refused to believe that he was that heartless so she made it her mission to try and bring back the smile that he once lost due to unforeseen courses, but that proved to be easier said than done because her tries only brought her nothing but tears and heartbreak.

lilly42 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Leah folded her arms looking at Alexander. She wanted him to think that she was not afraid of him in any way. She leaned on the couch with her back, still looking at him. It's like she was daring him to do something. Alexander closed his eyes and he took a deep breath. He knew that she was afraid of him and that she was only just trying to act tough.

"Leah, I don't have time for this. Go do what you are supposed to do." Alexander said, Leah was about to say something but then someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?"Alexander asked.


"Breakfast is almost ready."A female said from the other side of the door.

"Alright we'll be out in a moment." He said, and then the woman walked away.

"So do I still have to wash the bedsheets?"She asked. Alexander just got off the bed and he walked into the bathroom and he slammed the bathroom door as soon as he entered.


After they both showered and got dressed they made their way downstairs into the dining room where everyone was already seated and ready to eat breakfast. They both sat down next to each other, even though Alexander didn't want to, but he didn't have a choice.

"Leah, I would like to have a word with you after breakfast."Alexander's father, Adrian said. Leah was about to agree but Alexander talked first.

"She can't."He said.

"I was not talking to you. I was talking to her, so she should be the one to respond."He said.

"We are leaving after breakfast."Alexander said. If it was up to him.then they would have left on the previous night after seeing the family, but he had to stay for his grandmother. The only people that he got along with so well were, Alison and his grandmother. As for the rest, it's like they were not even a family. His father was one of the worst.

He didn't treat Alexander like a father should treat his son, he always ignored him. He made him feel like a useless person. He thought that that was the right way to raise someone. He thought that Alexander made it that far because of his upbringing which was true in a way because Alexander worked so hard because he wanted to stop relying on his father and be his own person, and he did. He became a very successful man, but only his grandmother and Alison were happy for him.

His mother was only a little happy for him because he was not the one that she wanted to make her proud, she would have been happier if Alexander stayed on the bottom of the mountain. She didn't care about him at all. Her original plan was for one of Alexander's brothers to marry Leah but they were at least ten to twenty years older than her and that would give the family a bad reputation, so the better option was Alexander because he was only six years older than her, so they all agreed that she was going to marry him and they didn't ask for his opinion on this.

"That's not your decision to make. Leah, what's your answer?" Adrian said, looking at Leah.

"Uhm…"Leah did not know what to say, she did not want to disrespect Alexander's father because he was an elder and at the same time she did not want to be alone with him because she had heard that he was a selfish and manipulative person and that he wanted things to go his way. She did not want to be manipulated by him in any way. She wanted to say no but she couldn't find a nicer way to say it. She thought that maybe if she talked to Alexander maybe she might find a way, but she knew that he was probably going to tell her not to go with him, but it was worth the try.

"Father-in-law, I would like to talk to Alex in private first. Is that okay with you?"She asked, nervously. Adrian nodded his head in response, he thought that maybe Leah was going to tame the beast that was his son. Leah and Alexander stood up and they made their way outside of the dining room and they went outside because they didn't want their conversation to be heard by anyone, especially his grandmother.

"What do you want?"Alexander asked, harshly.

"You really have to stop fighting with your dad."Leah said.

"If he can't stop, then why should I?"He asked.

"It's not good Alex, you guys have to try to get along with each other, at least a little bit."She said.

"Get along? You've got to be kidding me. There is no way that we are going to get along with each other. I hate that man. So give up if you are planning on making us get along with each other because that is never going to happen."He said.

"I know that he hasn't been a great dad to you, but can you at least try."She said.

"Really?Anyway, who are you trying to meddle in all of this? This is between my father and I, you are just an outsider, I didn't want this marriage anyway." He said. The words sounded like a stab in the heart for Leah. She knew that he did not like her but did he really have to call her an outsider?

"Tgen let's just get divorced…I am your wife, so stop calling me that. I am just trying to help you here." She said. She thought that maybe things had changed a little between them but things looked like they had stayed the same.

"That's what everyone says, but in reality they are not trying to help me. They just want something to brag about, and you are surely like them. You probably had something to brag about to your friends after marrying me and that is not enough for you, do you now want to tell them that you were able to get me and that man to get along? That is never going to happen, so give up. Mind your own business."He said. Leah could tell that his words had a much deeper meaning.

His eyes said it all, but she just couldn't figure it out. Alexander turned around to leave but he saw his grandmother standing on the doorway, with her hand covering her mouth. She had heard everything. He didn't want her to know but now she did.