

"You and I are nothing but strangers this marriage doesn't mean anything to me. Don't you dare touch me ever again!" ---------------------- Leah Jones was a 21-year-old girl who was forced to marry the most feared, wealthy, powerful, and heartless man in the world because her father's company was on the verge of bankruptcy. She thought that he was not as bad as they said he was, she thought that marrying him. was going to be the best thing but she couldn't be more wrong. He never touched her and he refused to touch her too. To him they were only husband and wife in name, but Leah refused to believe that he was that heartless so she made it her mission to try and bring back the smile that he once lost due to unforeseen courses, but that proved to be easier said than done because her tries only brought her nothing but tears and heartbreak.

lilly42 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Leah sat in the living room quietly waiting for Alexander to return home. She wasn't too sure whether he was going to return or not, because he looked very angry at her and worried about his grandmother. She leaned on the couch with her back, she looked up at the ceiling and she sighed. She didn't know why Alexander blamed her for what had happened to his grandmother. She was not at fault at all so she did not see a reason why he had to blame her for everything.

She didn't want to think about it but maybe marrying Alexander was the worst decision that she had ever made, but it's not like it was all her fault. She had to do it for her dad's company, if she didn't then she would probably be living in the streets by now because her father would have lost everything. She took her phone that sge had placed on the couch, she unlocked it and she searched for Alexander's number, she found it and she called it. He did not pick up, she called it again and he did not pick up again. She just gave up and she placed the phone on her lap.

A few seconds later the phone vibrated. It was a text from Alexander and it said. "Don't call me!!"Leah shook her head.

"What was I thinking? There is no way that he was going to lick up my calls anyway."She said to herself.

"Ma'am, lunch is ready."One of the maids said, standing on the doorway. Leah nodded her head in response. Even though she was in no mood to eat, she did not want to let good food get wasted. She got up from the couch and she made her way out of the living room and into the dining room.

She sat down on the chair and Serene served her her food. "Where is the young master?"She asked, looking at Leah.

"If he wanted you to know about his whereabouts then he would have told you."Leah said.

"Maybe you don't even know where he is. What a shame. I am sure that you thought that after getting married to him then your life would become a lot easier but it didn't. You know, you should just do yourself a favour, pack your stuff and go back home to daddy. Oh wait you can't. If you do that then your daddy's company will go under."Serene said, putting her hand over her mouth. Leah had already had enough, so she stood up from her seat, she looked at Serene, she then took the jag of juice that was on the table and she poured it over Serene's head.

"Whatever happens in my marriage is none of your concern. Whether I choose to stay or not is none of your concern. Do yourself a favour and mind your own business, maybe even get your life together. I mean you are just a twenty year old and talented girl but yet you chose to become Alexander's maid. Did you think that by becoming his maid then you'd get the chance to get close to him and seduce him? Well too bad for you. At least I got to marry him. I know what his kiss feels like and how his hands feel on my skin, but you've never experienced that with him."Leah said. She put the jug that was now empty on the table.

Serene looked like she was going to jump on Leah and beat her up, but she knew better not to do that. If she does then she could lose her job. Since the butler is in charge of hiring and firing the workers in this house then he wouldn't waste anymore time in firing her. "You…Just you wait, I'll make sure that the young master kicks you out of this house in no time. He doesn't deserve to have a witch like you by his side."She said. Leah just chuckled at Serene's statement.

"Really?Are you saying that you are the one that is good enough for him? You don't even have the right to call him by his name. He barely even knows you exist. The only thing that he knows is that there is a girl named Serene working for him and he only sees your name on the list of people that he has to pay at the end of every month. Stop being delusional. "Leah said. Serene had actually heard enough, but she was not going to take action now. Because who knows the butler might show up at any time.

"How can you treat me like this ma'am? All I asked was if you were enjoying the food, did you really have to pour juice all over me?"She said crying. Leah was confused. Serene ran towards the doorway. Leah turned around and she noticed that Alexander was standing there, with his hands in his pockets. "Young master, she's very mean to me. Tell me what should i do about it?"She said, standing in front of Alexander. She wanted to run into his arms but she knew that he was just going to push her off.

"You don't really believe her do you?"Leah asked, sighing. Alexander looked at Leah and at Serene. He knew that Serene was pretending and he didn't judge her for that. He knew that she did not like Leah and he was fine with that because Leah would actually have an enemy in his house. All he wanted was to drive her out of the house.

"Are you alright?"He asked. This was the first time that he had asked her if she was okay. The only time that he would talk to her was when it was something related to work stuff. She felt her heart skip beat. If she was not afraid of losing her job then she wouldn't mind jumping over him and making out with him right on the spot.

"N-not really sir. She poured juice all over me for no reason. I didn't even do anything to her. She has been mean to me ever since she got here, but I just kept quiet about it because I respected the fact that she was your wife."She said. Leah rolled her eyes. If she was an actress then she deserved to win the actress of the year award.

"Alex, come on. We both know that she is lying."Leah said.

"Serene go and wash yourself up. I'll deal with her accordingly."He said, giving Leah a death glare. Serene left the dining room smiling from ear to ear. This was probably the best day of her life.

"Alex, do you really believe her bullshit?"Leah asked.

"Does it matter? I stand with anyone that hates you because I do too. "He said and then he left the dining room. Leah felt like slamming her head against the wall. Now she had two problems to deal with and to her it seemed like they might team up against her. She knew that Serene was going to do anything to get rid of her and be with Alexander but all Alexander wants is to get rid of her, not to be with Serene. He probably knew what her intentions were but he decided to not take action. Maybe he was going to take action the day that she starts taking action too.