
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 28

The next morning I went to the guild.

I went to the guild master, who had something to say to me.

"I think I have found out what's going on with the animals."

He just said that and then quickly started explaining what had happened.

It seemed that the government was trying to do something using the animals.

"So we've got a new mission."

"What sort of mission?"

"An infiltration mission."

"What do you want me to do?"

He then told me to infiltrate the governor's building.

He also told me to infiltrate the security room to try to get some evidence.

I didn't question it, and I went back to my apartment to prepare myself.

We waited till night time before we went to complete the mission.

'So who's doing the mission.'

[I'll say Kunai. Somehow he's got the quietest footsteps out of the three of us.] (Shadow)

[I don't think I'm up to the task. I get nervous under pressure.] (Kunaigai)

How can I convince Kunai in this type of situation.

Oh, I know.

'Solid Snake...No, Solid Wolf.'

[I'll do it as long as you never call me that again.]

With that I somehow convinced Kunai.

Why didn't he like the name, though?

Well it doesn't matter.

'Blitz Switch.'

I handed the body over to Kunai.


I made some preparations before going on the mission.

I prepared some shoes that stuck to my feet like socks.

I also prepared some clothes that made no sounds when I moved around.

After doing that, I prepared a few gadgets as well.

Everything I prepared I didn't put on yet, as that would be a dumb thing to do.

I instead stored it all in a backpack, and once it became night time, I left with it on my back.

I walked to the guild at a quick pace.

I didn't want to run and attract attention to myself.

I arrived at the guild and quickly went down to the tunnel.

I changed into the clothes I had prepared and left through one of the exits, making sure I wasn't seen on the way out.

I went to the governor's building.

I was four stories high.

I reached into my bag and took out a small drone.

I made it fly to the top of the building to make sure where the cameras were located.

Seeing were the cameras were located, I brought back the drone towards.

I stored it on my backpack and took out something else.

They were gloves that I had used lightning modification on.

By applying electricity, they would stick to surfaces like walls.

I climbed up the side of the building, in a place that it would be difficult for people to see me.

I didn't have much trouble going up without the cameras noticing me.

I then put away my gloves and took out something else.

It was a mini techno wolf.

It was a small camera that I was going to throw in the vents.

Every time it go across two different paths it would split up.

I could see what they saw through Shadow.

I tossed the mini techno wolf in the vent and had it roam around the building.

It quickly found the security office, but I had it check out the whole building.

While it did that, I crawled into the vent and headed to the security room.

It was a small room that had many monitors in it.

Many cameras were from inside the building, but others were clearly outside of the building.

These cameras were even moving around.

Thinking on it for a bit, it was the animals that were roaming outside.

There was one security guard in the room at the moment.

I slightly opened up the vent and threw the wolf at the entrance of the room.

That way I could see if anyone was coming towards this room.

I also took out a small drone that flew towards the camera in the room to cover it.

I then took out a pistol with a silencer, and I loaded in the lighting orb.

The lightning bullet that it shot out was powerful enough to knock out the guard.

Once I saw that he was knocked out, I climbed down into the room.

I took out a USB that was in my bag and started downloading a few videos into it.

Most of them were of the animals looking around the neighborhood, while others were of entrapped animals.

[It seems that the animals on the streets are some type of robots.] (Zero)

'It seems like they are.'

I finished pretty quickly and headed back to the vent.

I climbed up the vent after taking back the wolf.

[I found out where they are keeping the real animals.] (Shadow)


[The basement of this building.] (Shadow)

'Do they look healthy?'

[Not healthy, but not close to death either.]

'Then I guess it's better that we head back and report it instead.'

I left the building the same way I entered it and headed back to the guild.

After entering I switched with Zero.


I reported everything and handed over the evidence.

Afterwards, I left to the apartment to turn in for the day.

'So why did you use two USBs, Kunai?'

[Just in case. You can never be too prepared.]

'Is that so?'

With that our day ended.