
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 27

I went to the mercenary guild and took on my first job.

It was quite simple, as all I had to do was find a lost dog.

Before the job, however, I was sent to the guild's armory to pick up a mask to disguise myself.

I picked up a plain black mask that had some holes for the eyes.

I had Kunai scan it and had him modify it into a helmet.

Now it covered my whole head, and even the eyes were covered.

I looked at myself on a mirror and saw that the eyes also glowed red.

'Can I turn off the glowing eyes?'

[Yeah. I made it so that we could also use it in stealth situations.] (Kunaigai)


I then received the details of the job.

These details included the dog's appearance and where it was last seen.

I finished the job pretty quickly.

Surprisingly, that one job paid pretty well.

After the job, I was able to leave early, since it was the first day.

Even though I did almost nothing I learned a lot about the procedures you need to take before a job.

The armory, which I had gone to was in an underground tunnel, which was located under the guild

The tunnel led to a further location.

That was so that nobody would suspect the building to be the mercenary guild headquarters.

The guild building itself was disguised as some sort of accounting offices.

The exit of the tunnel was one of many exits.

Each led to safe locations throughout the city.

All were supposedly locations without cameras.

The next day was similar, just that there were multiple of the same jobs.

I was able to complete about four simultaneously, which was weird.

There were different species in each of the requests, but the animals were close to each other.

To the point that it was weird that nobody had noticed them before.

These pets were practically coexisting with each other.

When I found them and sent them back to their owners, once I left it felt like they were watching me.

It not only happened with those few, but it also happened with some around the streets.

At first I thought I might be imagining things, but Kunai and Shadow were able to confirm my suspicions.

When I faced away from them, they started staring at me.

I then went to look for one of the exits that led towards the guild.

A few animals were in front of the entrance, staring at it.

I quietly picked up a pebble, and threw far away from the entrance.

Once it dropped on the ground and made a sound, the animals stared at it.

I took this opportunity to sneak into the exit, which was now my entrance.

Once I entered the guild and made sure none of the animals were following me, I went to Samuel and told him about what I had discovered.

"I will look into it. You can go to your house and get some rest. I'll tell you later if I find anything."


I nodded and then left.

Somehow, the more I walked, the more I felt like I was being watched.

It was honestly scary.

I got to my apartment and conversed with Shadow and Kunai through my head.

If I spoke out loud it felt as if I would be heard upon.

'So what do you guys think about the animals?'

[It could be some type of skill, or somebody could have captured them and might have done something to them.] (Shadow)

'So like modifying the pets to work as some type of cameras?'

[For some reason that sounds a bit more plausible than the first option.] (Kunaigai)

'Why do you think so?'

[If it is some type of skill, what is the reason behind using it? And why so many animals at the same time? When I looked at the city the first time, I noticed that there weren't many cameras around. What if some people are using the animals to see what is going on in the town.] (Kunaigai)

'What are you trying to get at?'

[Nothing.] (Kunaigai)


[I'm just saying things. I'm throwing out some ideas.] (Kunaigai)

'Then why say that the latter option is more plausible?'

[If you had the skill, what would you do with it?]

'No clue. I don't even think I could keep track of so many animals at once.'

[Correct. Even if the skill has almost no restrictions, it doesn't mean that you can pay attention to all of the points of view.]

[Then what makes you think it's the other thing.] (Shadow)

[Let's just say it's some type of hunch. I've got a feeling that it's not a single individual doing this. There are probably multiple people. So unless you can share a skill it wouldn't make sense to take control of so many animals. So I can deduce it's more than one person. The question is why they are doing this.]

'I feel like this conversation is going to get a tad bit repetitive, so lets just rest.'

With that I went to sleep once again.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts