
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 29

Zero left the apartment to go to the guild the next morning, right after Kunaigai exercised.

'What do you guys think we'll do today.'

[Don't ask me. I wasn't even able to guess the last scenario] said Kunagai.

'Okay then. Shadow?'

[I won't even guess, but I'm guessing it's going to be something easy] responded Shadow.

Once they got to the guild, they were handed their next assignment.

"Why bodyguarding? I don't think I've done enough to have people trust me with their lives."

"Somebody wants a bodyguard to protect their daughter while they find a more permanent bodyguard. I don't think you'll have to do much as I'm sure you'll stay in the clients house," Samuel explained to Zero.

"What should I bring?"

"Your mask."

"That's it? How long will this take."

"A whole week."

Zero then went on to leave to his apartment to prepare.

The assignment didn't begin until the day after.

"Easy you said?"

[I mean, who knows. Maybe it's relatively safe] said Shadow.

[I don't know. Usually rich people who have money are the ones who hire bodyguards] said Kunaigai.

Zero barely made any preparations.

He then handed his body to Kunaigai and Shadow so that they could make their own preparations.

The next morning they headed to the guild, and then they moved to where the client was at.

Once they reached their destination, what stood before them was a mansion.

He then talked to a guard standing next to a gate in front of the mansion.

The guard called the guild to confirm that Zero was the somebody sent by the guild.

He then called to the mansion.

After a couple of minutes a butler came to guide Zero into the mansion.

He was guided to a certain room.

Once he entered, he saw a middle aged man who was gazing out a window.

"Sir, someone from the mercenary guild has arrived," said the butler to the middle aged man.

The man turned around and looked at Zero.

"So who are you?" asked the man.

"My name is Crimson Wolf."

"Do you think you're fit for this job?" asked the man.

"I do not know, but since the guild master sent, I would like to believe that I am."

The man then nodded without changing his serious expression.

"Are you some sort of beast kin?"

"No I'm not. why are you asking?" said Zero as he looked at himself in a mirror, which was located in the room.

He saw that on top of his helmet there were a pair of wolf ears.

'Was this you, Kunai?'

[Yep. How didn't you realize that you had them sooner.]

"Is that so. Is it some sort of fashion?" the man asked Zero while he was conversing with Kunaigai.

"Yeah, you could say that," responded Zero, looking back towards the man.

"Okay then, I'll explain the job details to you."

He told Zero the details that were not on paper.

These details, however, were to make the job easier.

He went over what was already explained in more detail, and what to expect.

What Zero had to do was simple.

He had to protect the man's daughter for a whole week.

In that time they would look for some more permanent bodyguards.

The daughter was not allowed to leave the mansion at the moment, so he had to live there in the meantime.

"Are you ready?" asked the man.

Zero nodded.

He was then guided to the room the daughter was staying at so that he could get acquainted with the person he had to protect.