

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Christian walked into the courtroom with his hands in his pocket,he went to his throne and sat.Tyler who was following closely behind went to stand near him looking down at his feet.

He heard his mother sob softly as she sighted him but he avoided eye contact with his family.

he kept thinking in his head about various excuses he could give .

should he say he got kidnapped and then the king rescued him or perhaps he should lie that he was trying to make something for himself before coming home,what if they found out that he was no longer human,would they hate him or worse have him dead especially his sadist father__

"are you willing to go with them?" Christian's low voice brought him out of his reverie

"yes. I mean I don't know" he sighed feeling exhausted from all his emotional conflict.

he looked at his mother as she wiped her tears with a handkerchief.he would be deceiving himself if said he prefered to go back with his family but...

"I'll like to go with them"

"christian turned his head towards him slowly and stared at him

"just for a little while afterall i have a job here" Tyler added looking away

"one week" Christian voice boomed in the hall as he turned back to face Tyler's family "he is my butler and assistant so I cannot do away with him for too long and so I will give him one week of leave" christian rose from his seat and walked out of the hall.

As soon as he was out, Tyler ram towards his family and hugged them.there were lots crying and happy laughs.

Now he lay in his old room feeling down.he should be happy but having found out that it was that old hag that came to tell his family about his whereabout was a bit unsettling.

he sat up in fear when his room window suddenly opened and no one was there.he got up from the bed and went to window.he looked out but didn't see anything unusual.

he shut the window and and turned back to the bed


"i miss you too... come"

"what are you doing here?" Tyler asked the blue eyed demon as he walked closer to him

"and why are there bruises on your face?" he asked worriedly

"ah..this?" Horace asked pointing at his face "never mind this,i made sure to dish out as much as i was served" he chuckled

"I'll go get something to tend...."

"give it a rest Kinclaven, I'll be fine" Horace stopped him from leaving.

he grabbed Tyler's hand and pulled him close.he made him seat on his leg "have you been well?" he asked feeling his hands around Tyler's body "you've lost weight too"

Tyler looked at his punk master "i left the castle less than five hours ago"

"that's a long time to be away from me" Horace sighed quietly and placed his head on Tyler's chest and wrapped his hands around his waist "christian said he'd send for you in two days but I just couldn't wait that long before i see you"

"i missed you.... can i sleep here tonight?"

"no" Tyler jumped up from Horace leg "my family lives here" he whispered

he grabbed Horace by the arm and pulled him up.Horace let himself be dragged to the window where he was ushered out.he wouldn't have budged if Tyler hadn't pulled him close and kissed him and promised to let him sneak in again tomorrow night.

Tyler walked back to his bed after hanging around the window side till after midnight.he layed back down and shut his eyes.

now he was beginning to regret sending Horace away.he pulled the covers over himself and just when he thought he could finally calm his emotions,the bed dipped beside him.he sat up quickly thinking it was Horace again but to his dismay,it was his brother who layed next to him

"how did i not hear you come in?" he asked looking at Mattew who stretched out next to him Stark naked.

"have you suddenly gone deaf?" he asked again but his brother didn't speak and instead grabbed him by the neck and slammed him back on the bed

"didn't you miss me huh, brother" came Mattew disgusting voice as climbed on top of Tyler.he began tearing at his clothes but Tyler yelled and kicked him off his bed.

Normally before Tyler got sired and became a demon, he'd always given in to his brother because well if he didn't he'd get beaten up to a pulp and their family being fucked up as is, nobody ever stopped Mattew from coming into his room at night

but now he was the stronger one and he sat in his bed wide eyed staring at his shocked brother.he didn't wait to see the end of it so he jumped out of the bed and ran straight to the window and jumped right through it.

when he landed, he didn't feel the pain he was expecting.he had instead fall into a pair of strong waiting arms.

he opened his watery grey eyes and looked straight into a pair of beautiful blue ones.he held onto Horace tight and breathed "let's go,take me away from here"

"as you wish"

and in the next moment they were out of there.they appeared right outside the castle gates.

"you can put me down" Tyler murmured feeling a little embarrassed.he was more worried about his image inside the castle than what had landed him in Horace hands.

"please" he begged "before someone sees us"

Horace contemplated before deciding to put him down.he observed the young man with torn clothes and bare feet on the ground.he took of his own coat and handed it to Tyler "and this" he said handing him a pair of shoes

"what , no" Tyler refused but the look on Horace face told him if he repeated that 'no' he'd be in serious trouble and he has had enough trouble for the night.

he took the shoes which were quite bigger in size but he didn't nag.he dragged his feet along when Horace held his hands and walked him close to the gate where a guard greeted them

"Mr Tyler" said the guard and nodded towards Horace acknowledging him.

the gate was opened and they went in.they chose to walk up to the castle.both of them walked silently next to the other,lost in their thoughts.

when they got inside the castle, Tyler let himself be pulled up to Horace room and the moment they got inside,his back was slammed against the door and his lips was captured in a hot kiss.

he was lifted off the ground and he wrapped his legs around his master's waist.he was gently placed on the bed while still maintaining his hold around Horace.

Horace broke the kiss and looked down at Tyler who was still looking at him with a heated gaze.he kissed him on the forehead and then his eyes then gave him a full kiss on the lips before getting up from the bed

"I'll run a hot bath for you" he said on his way to the adjoining bathroom.

he came back just in time to see the bedroom door close.he moved fast, opened the door and dragged Tyler back in "i said I was going to run a bath for you, where do you think you're going half naked?" he bursted in anger

Tyler scoffed and folded his arms "run me a bath? are you that dumb and stupid?"


it was his own turn yell on top of his fucking lungs alright "of all the time you could run me a bath,you chose tonight"

"you always,always touch me whenever you like, even when I don't want it Horace and now that i actually want you to hold me,you chose to run me a FUCKING BATH"

"like why on earth won't you just touch me huh?.is it because you saw what happened tonight? are you suddenly disgusted by..."

"enough" Horace hissed pointing a warning finger at him.

Tyler sighed helplessly and rested his back against the wall "fine" he said finally, feeling defeated "I'll have my bath now" and headed to the bathroom

he sat in the bathtub now with his eyes closed then he heard the rustle of clothes being taken off.he opened his eyes to see Horace step into the tub opposite him.

"come" he beckoned towards Tyler who remained rooted in his spot stubbornly.

"then I'll come to you" he got on his knees and bent over and claimed his lips as roughly as he could.

he sat back pulling Tyler along with him making sure not to break the kiss.he made him straddle him and continued to grab unto his butt, squeezing at first before digging a finger into his ass earning a stifled moan from Tyler.

hi ,i know it's been like forever since I updated and I'm sorry about that.

I'll try to update as fast as I can from now on



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