

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Tyler bowed again and ran out of the room. when he was gone, with a lightening speed, Christian moved closed to Horace and punched him in the face... very hard.

"fucking son of a bi__" another punch landed on him again and before Christian could land the third on him he jumped out of the bed.

"of all the days you could feel horny" Christian said his voice sounding hoarse " and do something about your disgusting boner, you're coming with me" he added putting both hands in his pocket as he waited

Horace hissed at Christian and he rubbed his cheek, eyeing him he began to undress right Infront of christian.he changed into another clothes and brushed his hair, when he was done they two men left to attend to the unwelcomed visitors.

By the time they got to the entrance of the huge parlour, Tyler was already waiting for them.he opened the door and they all went in.

The guests stood as Christian entered and they bowed in greeting "your majesty"

"please...sit" Christian said as he himself sat while Horace went to find somewhere else in the room to perch

"Tyler get our guests some tea" he said as he observed the faces of the unwanted visitors.Tyler bowed and left to go get the tea immediately

"so .....how can I help you?" Christian asked still maintaining his cold gaze

The one who seemed to be the eldest among them was the one who spoke.he was dressed in priestly robe while the other two, a man and a woman one dressed in suit while the woman in a dress

"your majesty we heard of what happened and we are deeply sorry" the priest said glancing at his companions " we hope that you accept our condolences"

Christian didn't say a word for a long but kept staring at the second man who seemed to harbor evil intentions.returning his gaze back to the priest "what did you hear?" he drawled resting his head on his fist as he relaxed into the chair

The visitors exchanged quick glances before the priest spoke again "your majesty we heard that your__"

"shouldn't you introduce yourselves first before being sorry about something that doesn't concern you" Christian cuts in interrupting the priest

"my apologies your majesty" the priest laughed awkwardly while the the second man obviously took offence "I am father Lazarus and with me is Mr Edward Jones and Miss Camelia Anderson,we are from the church to investigate the occurrence that happened earlier today" he explained

Tyler walked back in with a tray filled with teapot and cups.he placed it on the table and served the visitors.once he finished serving, he stepped back to stand behind the king

Christian gestured towards the served tea "please drink your tea"

the priest and the lady picked up the teacups and drank while Edward Jones eyed his own cup suspiciously.

"we don't waste tea in this castle Mr Edward Jones,if you won't drink it you shouldn't have let my butler waste his energy in serving you" Christian said calmly

"we're not here for tea your majesty,we are here to investigate and I'll like to skip tea and just go straight to the point" Edward barked at Christian

The king crossed his legs and folded his fingers on his knee before speaking "please Mr Edward Jones, I'd like to hear you go straight to the point while your comrades drink tea out of courtesy"

"please" he added "be as rude as you want"


"I'm sorry about Mr Edward's behavior your majesty,he meant no offense i assure you.he only wants to get to the bottom of this case, i mean we all do and I hope you understand" the priest said interrupting Edward Jones

"i do understand" Christian answered finally taking his eyes off Edward "but I'd like to know what exactly i can do for you?"

"your former butler,the one who died today,we heard he died poisoning,can you tell us what kind of poison he consumed?" the priest asked

"I'm not a physician neither a poison expert,how am I supposed to know what poison he consumed" Christian deadpanned

"of course not your majesty I'm sorry for asking that question but I wonder your majesty if we may see his remains,it may answer most of our questions"

"i believe you do not leave the church just to go investigate every case of death by poisoning,that is why we have ministers and local sheriffs in villages" christian drawled making it obvious he was tired of their questions

"you are right mi'lord,unless there is something special attached to it we do not directly interfere and I'm afraid the case of the death of your former butler or ward preferably is one of those special cases" it was the lady that spoke

"how so?"

"his body according to the report we received his body turned to dust immediately after he died"

Christian nodded his head slowly and said "yes that is true"

"can you tell us the reason for that milord?" she asked

"you should ask him,he's the only one who can answer that question" christian replied


"mason...my former butler" Christian said looking at the lady who looked somewhat dumbfounded

Then she laughed,a shrill sound "that is not possible milord" she said still smiling

"then how am I supposed to know the reason why he turned to dust" he asked still maintaining his serious expression

"can you permit us to look around the castle for clues,more importantly his room and the spot where he died and turned to dust" the priest asked calmly

"my castle is not a tourist ground but because of you,since you happen to be the only sane person among you three I'll let you have a look at where he died"

"and his room?"

"it is located on a floor that is off limits even for my servants except for a few and you are not among them" christian said politely and stood.the visitors also got on their feet"Horace will take you there"

"it was nice meeting you father Lazarus but please next time you're coming here I hope you do not bring grumpy Edward Jones along" christian said the priest bowed in response

"follow me" he said to Tyler and left the hall with Tyler on his heels.

After the king had left,the priest turned to the handsome young man with the peculiar blue eyes

"well" he said walking towards the door "follow me and I'll show you the way" and walked out the door without waiting to see if the visitors followed behind.

In the king's study, Christian sat back in his chair with his eyes closed but Tyler couldn't relax as he kept wondering what was taking Horace so long.


Tyler jumped from hearing his name suddenly "y__yes mi'lord?"

"stop tapping your foot on the ground, there's nothing to be anxious about" Christian said quietly without opening his eyes.

"yes mi'lord"

Tyler was about to speak when the door to the study suddenly burst open.Christian didn't bother opening his because he knew there was only one person in his life who was that foolish

Tyler glared at Horace and placed a hand on his wildly beating heart as he walked in and sat in one of the chairs opposite Christian.

"we have a problem" he stated looking at Christian worriedly

Christian opened his eyes slowly and stared at the very worried looking asshole in front of him "what is it?" he asked feeling uninterested and shut his eyes back

"Tyler's parents are here" Horace bursted.

Christian opened his eyes again and stared at Horace for a while then at Tyler who looked shocked and confused "what did you say?"

"have you suddenly gone deaf, Tyler's parents are here" Horace shouted and stood.placing his palms on the desk he said "you should talk to them"

Christian sighed and relaxed in his chair again "if Tyler wants to go home,then let him go,it is none of my concern"

Horace ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance.he closed his eyes as tried to calm his anger, opening them he said "if that is what you want too,then we should hand him back to his family afterall he's of no longer of any use to you"

He turned to Tyler who was looking very scared and was shaking.he walked up to him and hugged him hard.

he pulled away then said "if you don't want to go,all you have to do is say the word my love and we will be out of here__"

"i must say that it is a lovely sight to see you in great turmoil,one doesn't get to see this view everyday so I'll enjoy it" Christian cuts in from where he sat

"but I wonder when you start giving a shit about what poor Tyler wants"

Horace turned in Christian's direction and said "shut the fuck up" he growled out and turned back to Tyler who still hasn't uttered a single word "we___"

"do you want to go?" Christian cut in again,this time addressing his butler

Tyler shook his from side to side with tears in his eyes.Christian sighed and got up,walking past both men "follow me then,lets get this out of the way" he said and stopped when he got to the door he said "i don't want a dead Horace on me either".

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