

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Tyler's moans could have been heard all over the entire castle if Horace hadn't cast a spell around the bathroom to make sure no one else apart from the two of them heard his cry of pleasure.

and boy it was making him go crazy.he captured his beautiful lips with his mouth in a dirty and erotic kiss with strings of spittle still drooling down between lips.

"please... please take me now" Tyler begged unashamed of the sound of his own voice.meanwhile,Horace being on edge himself quickly adjusted Tyler's soft frame on his legs .

He wrapped his arm around Horace neck and prepared himself for.... "stop..."

"what?" came a low grunt from Horace as he began poking his penis gently against Tyler's hole

"i said fucking STOP!"

He had to growl out otherwise he would not be taken seriously and he knew the moment Horace begin pumping him,he might lose all sense of thinking.

He watched as Horace eyes darkened in anger and his very tempting lips,the lips he can't seem to get enough of set in a thin line.

At this point he thought he might actually earn himself some nice cold hard punch that'll send him flying out of the tub but Horace had taken the liberty to get out of the tub instead as cool as he could.

Tyler took his time in the bath debating on the best way to deal with the situation he had caused by himself.he waited till he couldn't feel any presence in the room before he walked out

"aaah thank gracious,now that i have managed to piss him off he will have his revenge for sure.i should rush to my ugghh...room" he finished as he entered the room and rammed head first into a very seething Horace.

He was in quiet a rush as he stepped out of the bathroom and hadn't realized Horace was still in the room.he'd just conceal his presence so Tyler wouldn't feel it.

All this was done so he could get him out of the bathroom Tyler realized as he lay naked on the bed with his hands tied to the headboard with a rope that has been enchanted to keep him from breaking it.

He kept flinching with every movement Horace seem to make.Now wearing a robe that was wickedly tied loose so all his sinful looking hard.... "would you like me to stand and turn around,i don't think you're having enough fun" he smirked at the end of his words.

"umm...it's okay..no" he mumbled out but his eyes kept feasting lavishly on his master's chest .

Horace sighed and pinched between his brows in a bid to hold on to his temper "what did i do wrong?"

"nothing__i just wasn't in the mood" Tyler answered and bit his lower lip.his eyes finally stopped ogling and got fixed on his own toes instead.

"i see" Horace said and stood from the chair he sat on. Tyler watched him walk towards the a drawer and bring some things out of it.

His eyes began to get wide as Horace got closer with the contents in his hand but then he frowned.he could understand the long screwlike object but why would he be holding a bottle of oil.

he jumped in fear as Horace sat near him on the bed and took a long look at him before asking "tell me what i did wrong"

"what are you going to do with those?" he chose to ask instead just to be sure before he chose to pull another mad stunt that'll send him to hell. besides the screwlike object looked to slim to do any harm to his behind Incase that's where Horace was aiming at....

"oh these?" Horace asked raising his hand "these are to help you talk Incase you don't want to and it'll also teach you not to pull such bullshit with me again" he finished with a smile

"so...are you going to talk?"

"....." Tyler locked his lips stubbornly,he knew Horace was a twisted jerk but what could these a bottle of a scented oil and....

"fine then" Horace dropped his objects on the bedside table.he poured some oil on his hands and rubbed it on Tyler's shaft,slow and steadily with eyes fixed on him.

At first Tyler just sat there dumbfounded looking at Horace hand do justice to his resting erection which was now rousing and starting to unashamedly respond to Horace touch "is this ....you plan on rubbing me off so i can talk?"

"hmm hmmmn"

"i won't talk, I'll enjoy this handjob but you won't get anything out of me and that'll teach you not to disrespect me to my face"

Horace listened to his bitching quietly,his hand not stopping what they were doing and when he began to hear Tyler moan out in pleasure and curling and uncurling his toes,he stopped and said "so i really did something"

"what... yeah..."

He picked up the object and lubed it up in excess with the oil.he turned to face Tyler whose eyes beginning to widen in fear and confusion and gave a sweet smile.

He still had devilish smile on his face as he grabbed Tyler's rigid erection and began to insert the object inside it.

Tyler groaned out in pain as the cold object intruded his shaft "you fucking bastard" he yelled out and gave a weak kick with his knee.Horace took that privilege to raise his leg and lubed his behind.

"no.... Horace i refuse to be tortured like this.you can't do this to me, you can take me against my will...Christian...."

He was cut short with a painful slap that sent his head to the side,he tasted blood.his shoulder length golden hair shielded his face as tears began stream down

"did you just call another man's name while you're naked in bed with me?"

Tyler knew he didn't have to turn his head before he figured the frosty chill he was feeling now was coming from Horace.The look on Horace was face also matched the room temperature but he wasn't going to be intimidated that easily so he blurted out his mind...

"you're such a selfish bastard you know,it's not okay for me to call another man's name while I'm being tied up with a rope like a fucking slave but it's alright... yeah it is definitely alright for YOU TO FUCKING FLIRT OPENLY WITH THAT BITCH"

Horace frowned "who did i flirt with?"

"FUCK YOU and get your disgusting hand off my dick" he shouted angrily earning himself a good smirk from Horace as he continued rubbing his hands up and down Tyler's penis

he hated Horace, but more importantly he hated what his hand was doing to him and how could his own body betray him at a time like this.

"no.. leave me... don't you dare Horace...i swear... ugghh" he swallowed and moaned helplessly.

"i...ummph... hate.... ummph...youuu" he managed to say before he began to helplessly writhe and moan in pleasure despite his anger especially with the pace at which Horace was going at him.he was clearly not giving him any space to think

it wasn't long before he began to feel the discomfort the object was causing.he wouldn't be able to have a release he realized and it was gradually becoming so uncomfortable and did not know when he began to beg.

Later that night, Tyler lay in Horace arms as they slept or as Horace slept because Tyler remained wide eyed from the humiliation Horace put him through tonight.

the sex was great no doubt but he had to beg and make all kinds of promises before Horace finally agreed to remove that evil thing

Now he was going to get even.He had to teach this jerk a lesson or he will never be at ease, even though that meant he might get beaten to a pulp the next day.

"...." okay maybe he shouldn't,he could just talk it out with him in the morning...yeah that's a better plan.

That plan flew out the window the moment he turned and faced him, knowing what pervert Horace was, he rubbed his hand down his chest, downwards till he got to his thigh and parted it.

He looked at his face before raising his own knee and rammed into straight in-between his legs.

He didn't wait to see his face as he groaned out in pain or how scrunched up his face was due to the intense pain.he just bolted for the door all in his glorious nakedness but as soon as he stepped out the the door he discovered he was right inside the room again and Horace was still folded up on the bed holding his brother in his hands.

he turned back inside the room again and shut the door.he opened it again but it was still as if he opened the door to the same room.

He panicked. 'wow' his karma wasn't even that far away.he heard Horace sigh as he sat up in the bed looking at him with an unreadable stare "I didn't mean to..."

"you started this okay...you flirted with the king's cousin right while I was there and you even punched me for calling out his name and..."

"I'm sorry"

"aaah i kept wondering who i flirted with but now I remember,thanks to your insane jealousy...get out"

"aren't you going to apologize?" Tyler asked not believing.. well he could believe it.this was Horace he was dealing it, he's nothing but an arrogant jerk.

"get out now... before i break something in your body" came the angry but cool answer

Tyler opened the door to leave but not before sending a very delicious glare his way

"are you going to leave naked?"

"you said to get out"

"put on some clothes first" .

hello thanks for reading crimson fate.please don't forget to rate and comment on the story.i'd appreciate it.



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