

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Tyler made sure to close the door with a loud bang.as hard as possible on his way out.The fact that the whole castle was still intact was a miracle but that did not stop from ranting all the way to his room.

He kicked up so much fuss that he didn't realize that Christian had walked in and was standing by the entrance of his room looking at him silently

He paused for a moment to catch his breath, that was when he noticed someone else was in the room.he whipped his head towards the door and found Christian by the door watching him quietly but in obvious irritation.

"mi'lord..." he quickly bowed in greeting


"yes mi'lord?"

"that's enough" christian said gently "get some rest now"

"I'm not tired mi'lord" answered the still pumped up Tyler who was still high on his anger

"force yourself to sleep"

Tyler hesitated but with this rotten mood that he was,he was clearly giving less care "but i don't feel sleepy your majesty"

The king did not respond,he just stood at his spot with his hands tucked into his pocket and when Tyler was beginning to think he should rather just obey before he kicked the hornet's nest,the king said "my pets are thirsty for blood,I'd be happy to sacrifice you"

"and I'm sure Horace wouldn't care either so..."

"then I'll be going to bed now your majesty" he gave a dramatic bow and quietly went to his bed.there he covered himself with the blankets till he heard his door close.

The next morning after court meeting with the ministers,Tyler stood behind the king in the dining hall as he ate breakfast along with the countess and her entire family.horace was also seated at the table looking bored as ever. That was disrespectful but atleast he had his eyes glued to his plate

"dear Christian, how are you holding up" the countess sighed and one would think that she was being genuinely concerned about the king but anyone who heard the sound of her voice knew she was quiet happy with the way things had unfolded.

The countess upon getting home that night had received the news of mason's death.she and her family had made a toast about it before returning to the castle the next morning with her daughter.

"one would think you're being truly concerned about me dear aunt" Christian retorted quietly without looking up from his wine cup "and it is king to you not Christian"

a vein popped on the countess forehead but she managed to calm herself before replying "yes my king"

"since you acknowledge yourself as king,I'm sure you would no doubt know what is expected of you at a time like this"

"and what would that be?"

"get yourself a queen and produce an heir to the throne"

"here we go again" christian sighed loudly and this action had every single person turn their heads towards him in surprise. The Christian Conrad they know wouldn't sigh like that

If silence could be heard then the silence in the dining hall would be deafening.Christian also sat back in his chair while his eyes scanned the rest of the room in obvious irritation but he didn't say anything not until Horace opened his mouth to speak

"Horace if you're going to say something stupid, please.... don't" he said with warning finger pointed at Horace. Hearing that Horace smiled before saying "i was just going say i think we should first of,find the culprit behind mason's death before talking about the next queen"

Christian nodded his head in agreement slowly without taking his eyes off his friend,he called Tyler


"see the countess and her daughter out" he said with his red eyes still fixed on Horace who by now had a sly smile on his lips.

The countess eyes darkened in anger but she quickly hid it "my Lord why not let..."

"out... Rosà and take your daughter with you"

"actually" Horace began, raising his hand to stop the countess and her daughter "perhaps it's best if they stay"

"Tyler go call the red haired maid.... now... by yourself" he added when Tyler remained glued to his spot

While Tyler was gone, Horace whispered something and immediately the countess and her daughter froze.he turned to christian with a bright smile and said "give me your hand"

Christian stretched his hand on the table and immediately Horace placed his own hand and on his,he was able to see the memory Horace was showing him.

By the time Tyler arrived with Tessa, everything was back to normal at the table.everyone was busy with their meal and did not look up until Tyler announced their arrival.

"she's here mi'lord"

Tessa not sure of what was going on when the butler showed up and told her that she had been summoned by the king bowed her head before the king and his family.her soon too be in-laws.

"you have finally caught my attention my dear Tessa" christian drawled looking at her with his red eyes before suddenly turning dramatically to his aunt

"tell me aunty,what is the worst thing that could happen if this maid here seats on the the queen's chair?"

"that is very inappropriate mi'lord..." Aunt Rosà frowned while glaring openly at the maid.just when she thought she had one less problem on her plate.

Christian nodded slowly in understanding "i suppose it is truly wrong to seat a maid on the chair which you desperately want for your own dear daughter"

he sighed out aloud and turned to Tessa again "what to do dear Tessa,my aunty is against you seating next to me"

"what do you think my love?" christian asked sweetly which had Tessa jerking her head up in surprise

"well...m_mi'lord..it's just a chair,it doesn't matter where i seat"

"hmmn such a humble soul" Christian clapped "but don't worry i have something better for you, every one come with me" he said as he got up from his chair.

Everyone except Horace walked quietly behind the King. Horace on the other hand walked towards the stable to apprehend Nathan the human tool that was used in the murder of Mason.

Christian stopped in front of the building that was housing his pets.the servants in charge of taking care of the animals all came out and bowed before the unexpected king.

Christian was about to speak when he heard loud growls and then barks coming from inside the building.The barks were so terrifying that the countess and her daughter Charlotte hugged each other in fear.

Even Tessa became scared and she began to wonder why the king had brought them here or was it to threaten his family she thought as she hid behind Tyler who was perhaps the only one apart from the king who wasn't scared.

"bring them out" Christian ordered and although the servants who went to get them were scared,they dare not disobey the king.

Not long after the servants went in,three huge, black and deadly looking dogs ran out towards where they stood and everyone backed away except christian.

immediately they got to where he was,they began circling him while rubbing their heads and bodies against his legs.it was a loving but also terrifying sight with the way christian stood there while looking down at his dogs with unreadable stare

"sit" he commanded and all three dogs sat in front of him whimpering in fear

"it's a lovely sight isn't it?" Tessa nearly jumped out of her skin upon hearing Horace suddenly beside her.

where did he even come from she thought and was about to step back when her eyes fell on shaky fellow he was holding.her heart began to pound in fear and was about to beg for an excuse but christian called her at that moment and she had no choice but to go forward.

"ye_yes mi'lord" she answered shaking visibly like a leaf in the wind

"I'm going to ask you only once" christian stated "why did you have to kill him?"


"can't speak now can you?,you were being so talkative while you were about to murder the maid who knew what you had done" Christian said and turned to face her

Tessa knowing she was caught,fell to the ground and began to beg but christian only hummed in response

"i believe you are wondering what is going on dear aunt?"

but the countess could not answer but only nodded her head up and down

"I'll tell you" he said

"this maid here used that thing" he pointed towards Nathan who was equally shivering in fear "..in the poisoning of Mason"

"why,you would ask?" he looked straight into the countess eyes "because she wanted to be queen so bad and so she eliminated the major obstacle in her path".

"for every good or bad deed done,it should be rewarded accordingly and that is what I will be doing to her and please dear aunt Rosà do ensure to pay close attention to how she will be rewarded..."

he walked back to his dogs and petted them on their heads while Tessa by now felt her body too heavy and could not move from where she knelt.she could only scream out all kinds of pleas.

"skíste aftí ti skýla se kommátia" muttered christian and his dogs needed no other encouragement before they ran up to Tessa who couldn't do anything other than scream and began tearing at her.

1."skíste aftí ti skýla se kommátia" it means ' tear this bitch to pieces "

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