

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Mason smiled as Tyler entered Christian's room with a tray of food balanced on his arm.

"good morning" he greeted warmly as he placed the tray gently on mason's lap

" Good morning" he greeted back with a bright smile of his own as he uncovered the food.

Tyler stood next to him and watched him as he ate, feeling uncomfortable under his unwavering gaze mason looked up from his food "would you like to have some?" he asked politely

"no mi'lord, I already ate this morning and I'm still quite full"

" oh, then you can just sit,you don't have to stand till I finish"

"actually I was ordered to watch and make sure you finish the food" answered Tyler with an apologetic look

"of course" mason resigned and went back to his food

When he was done, Tyler took the tray away and helped him with his bath and also helped him in getting dressed all under Christian's orders.

He felt suffocated with Tyler hovering over him in the room so he decided to go get fresh air in the garden.

As expected Tyler followed him there but they hadn't been there for long when a servant was sent to get them to the king's study

They entered the study and saw christian behind his desk reading a paper he was holding while Horace was busy lazing on the couch with his eyes closed

"you sent for us mi'lord?" said Tyler after he closed and went to stand in front of Christian's desk

"mi'lord?" he called again when Christian didn't answer

Christian dropped the papers on the desk and sat back "my aunt Rosa Westwood sent word that she would like to visit and have lunch with me this noon, I want you to make preparations for that"

"yes mi'lord" said Tyler bowing

"and how is our dear Mason this morning?" he asked shifting to look at mason who stood behind Tyler

"I'm fine" mason answered quietly

"good, you may go" he dismissed them and went back to his work.

Both Tyler and mason bowed and began to leave when Christian called Tyler and said "oh, Horace and mason will be joining us for lunch"

"yes, mi'lord"

"and Tyler?"


"take mason back to his room to rest"

"I will" Tyler answered and bowed again before leaving the study.

"you don't have to take everything he says literarily" mason said pouting

"I have to" answered Tyler as he was tucking mason back into bed.

"now have some rest" he said smiling at mason who had a cute frown on his face "I might end up in trouble if I don't do as he says"

"alright" Mason gave in ,sighing he asked "how are you feeling, those men are heartless,they won't ask"

Tyler chuckled "I am better...." he paused and pulled a chair close to the bed and sat "Horace made me drink a disgusting herb" he said and grimaced

mason sat up wide eyed "christian did the same to me too, see they really heartless" he said raising his upper lip mockingly making Tyler laugh again

He layed back on the bed and closed his eyes "they're not really bad you know, especially Horace" he opened his eyes back and stared at the grey eyed beauty in front of him

"I'm not sure about that" Tyler answered slowly

"he's quite unpredictable,you don't know how he might react or what he might do most times and it's annoying"

"but you can still try instead of fighting it" answered mason quietly "there's no harm in it"

"actually, there is a lot of harm there,he keeps hitting me everytime he feels like it, I don't want to live that way"

"I understand how you feel" mason said and added "we're in this together" and both of them laughed again

"now rest while I go do my job" Tyler got up adjusting the covers again and left.

Tyler straightened his back as the countess carriage stopped in front of the castle..he went down the stairs and bowed to welcome her as she and her daughter stepped down from it.

The countess looked at Tyler disdainfully and walked out on him, Charlotte not sparing him a single glance followed her mother into the castle.

The countess hadn't gotten to the large entrance door when she suddenly stopped and turned around, she stared at at Tyler for a long time before asking "Tyler Kinclaven,you are Tyler Kinclaven aren't you?"

"y_yes milady" Tyler answered worriedly

"I see " the countess answered with a frown and continued her walk into the castle.

Tyler served the king while the others were attended to by the servants.Immediately he finished serving the meal,he stepped away and went to stand by the wall along with the other servants.

"Tyler?" Christian called staring at the countess coldly

"yes mi'lord?"

"come stand right by my side" he said and when Tyler came,he asked his aunt "are you getting a better view from here,I wouldn't want you straining your ostrich neck dear aunt"

The countess looked as if she was slapped, eyeing Christian she said "I did not mean to stare,I was just wondering where you got this young man" she responded with the same coldness

"unless he belongs to you or a member of your family, it's not your concern how I get my workers" Christian retorted and began eating.

The others also began eating in silence and the only sounds that could be heard is from their plates and forks.

It wasn't long before the countess started again and this time she it was to Mason "Mason dear,how is your health now, I heard you fell_"

"where are your fucking manners Rosamarie, where?" shouted christian in annoyance as glared at his aunt who didn't cower but glared back

"I beg pardon?" she asked after their short glaring contest

"first you barge your way in here like__ did I not tell you not to come here without being invited"

"but we did send a letter, surely you must have gotten it" answered aunt Rosa defensively

"yes but I don't remember sending word back that you could come before you invited yourself in"

"ehm hmn" Horace cleared his throat loudly,he looked at both parties and said "let's just eat in peace, please"