

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


When they got to the front of the door, Horace asked flatly "we're not here to read a future are we?"

Christian looked back at him and smiled "no we're not" he said and opened the door

Horace rolled his eyes and followed him into the house.

The inside of the cabin was reeking of decay as they stepped in. It was also very dark but they were still able to see clearly.

As they looked around, they saw the cause of the bad smell inside the house,the woman they were looking for sat at the table ,her body swollen and rotting.

Christian walked closer to the body and used his leg to push the body gently causing the head to fall tothe floor.

"this is a work art, I wonder who did this" Christian said as he stepped away from the remaining part of the body that was still seated on the chair

He went to stand beside Horace who hadn't said a word since they entered "this was the only woman who could tell me what I need to know"

"what exactly do you want to know?" Horace asked finally

"exactly what the fucker who calls himself my grandfather did"


"but I can't do that now since someone who desperately wants me to remain in the dark killed her"

"how would a mortal witch know such things?"

Christian faced him and said "that is because she is not just an ordinary witch,she was his slave but you already know that, don't you?"

"how could I?, Perseus never spoke of her and neither did he go anywhere with her" Horace answered shrugging

"he was your friend" Christian deadpanned

"we weren't that close and I love my peace so much that I don't meddle with other people's business"

"really?" asked christian curtly raising a single brow


"then why did you kill her" christian asked pointing at the headless body still sitting in the chair

Horace kept quiet for a while then turned to leave but before he got to the door,it closed shut and locked by itself.

A vein popped in his forehead and he turned around to face Christian who was back on his feet

"it's either we talk or one of us will end up dying here tonight" said Christian

Horace shook his head and laughed then without saying another word,he disappeared out of the cabin.

Christian scoffed and his red eyes glowed ,he placed his hands on the chair he stood from and it began to burn.

The fire spread very fast round the cabin and everything began to burn before he also apparated out of there.

Once he got outside he woke the coachman who had fallen asleep in his seat and sent him back to the castle before going after Horace.

Tessa pulled her gown down to cover her legs and adjusted her clothes, she picked up her coat and draped it over her shoulder then pulled Nathan in for another kiss

"hmmn" someone cleared the throat outside and they broke off smiling at each other.

The two maids walked hurriedly and didn't utter a word till they got to their room in the maid quarters.

Immediately they got in,Abby hit her bed and sighed dramatically

"what?" she asked when Tessa quick glare and rolled her eyes at her

"just spit it out" Tessa answered as she got into her own bed.

Abby quickly sat up on the bed with her legs folded,she looked at Tessa with puppy eyes and asked "how was it?" placing her chin on her hand

"it was good" Tessa answered

"just good"

"hmmn" she answered with a fake yawn

"I think it was awesome,you were moaning awfully loud in there.he was hitting it hard too" Abby teased "we could hear it from our own stall"

Tessa turned back around to face her friend who has a wide grin plastered on her face

"that's enough" she said laughing

"okay" she said raising her hands in surrender

"I'm just glad you guys worked it out" Abby said laying on the bed in exhaustion "good night" she called

"good night".

Tessa layed on her back on the bed as she recalled everything Nathan had told her, she was right about the former butler and the king.

'no wonder the king's family hated him' she thought.

She was prepared for this she thought smiling to herself in the dark and Nathan just made things easier for her.

A powerful force hit Horace by the chest and sent him flying backward,he hit his back against the tree behind him before finally falling to the ground.

Christian walked towards him in slow strides "the fact that you ran confirmed my suspension" he said to Horace

"why?" he asked

Horace got on his fours grunting from the pain in his chest then sat back with his back against the tree "I have no idea what you're talking about"

"then why did you run?" Christian sneered

"because I..." Horace shut his mouth and laughed quietly " fine" he said "perhaps one of us dying today will put an end to this conversation" and his blues eyes glowed brighter.

He moved with a lightening speed towards Christian and aimed a punch at his face, Christian dodged it and grabbed his hand.

The force in the punch moved christian backwards and he tried to block all the attacks Horace was throwing at him with his other hand.

seeing Horace was focused on upper attacks alone he kicked him hard in the leg, Horace grunted in pain and bent lower because of the pain and he landed another punch on his face before using an invisible force to send backwards again

"come on old bastard, show me what you got" Christian hissed at him

Horace lifted his hand in surrender as Christian began walking closer. He got back up and dusted his clothes. when he was done he put his hands inside his coat jacket and laughed.

" fine" he said looking at Christian with the same intensity "I killed her but that's all you'll get out of me today"

"what are you trying to hide Horace? I've got demons coming after me every bloody time,you saw what it does to Mason"

" That's all you, you're the one who's got a hold on him to protect yourself" Horace retorted

Christian sighed knowing Horace stubbornness "it's alright but if anything happens to Mason, I'll fucking kill you" he said pointing a finger at him

"that's why I won't fight you, the cold energy might hit again" Horace replied with wide grin

"let's go" he said and apparated out of there.when he was gone Horace bent slowly and sat on his heels,he smiled and said out loud "that's one vicious grandson you have, I hope I don't regret hiding these things from him"

He got back on his feet and Apparated out of there too.