

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


"for mason's sake, he looks as if he might faint anytime from now" he added when neither would stop glaring at each other.

They Finally broke and went back to their meal in silence. Mason who was the center of it all kept glancing at Christian until he raised his head and looked at him

"can I go get a bit of air I feel so hot" he said with hopeful eyes

Christian considered it for a moment then nodded.

mason literally jumped out of his chair and ran out, when Tyler wanted to go after him, Christian stopped him saying "let him have his space" and Tyler remained at his spot near the king.

Tessa was part of the maid's who served in the dining that afternoon

'my donations to your face payed off' she thought to herself

Earlier that day, while they were cleaning one of the hallways that was close to the royal kitchen she and Abby overheard the butler as he was instructing Martha about lunch.

Luckily after they finished,she met Charles supervising the stables when she went to see Nathan.

she offered him her vagina if he would talk Martha into letting her serve in the dining hall during lunch, the fool had demanded instead to put his mouth on her spot.

Now she watched as mason rushed out of the dining hall,she waited for a few minutes before sneaking out from her position and followed him

She went straight to the stables to find Nathan.she found him feeding carrot to a dangerous looking black stallion with red eyes.

Nathan beamed when he saw her,she looked around "now one is here except me" he said to ease her

"Mr mason, your good friend.." she said in rushed tones

"what about him" Nathan asked frowning

"you should go see him, he's in the garden...alone"

"so?" he asked again his frown going deep

"SO you should chat with him,he looks like he needs to talk to someone you idiot"

Tessa rubbed her forehead anxiously "what kind of friend are you, you're the one who told me he fell sick"

"is that why you ran here?"

"yes you fool,I'm trying to be good girlfriend to you"

Nathan's frown changed into a big smile and he said I should go see him now" he blew Tessa a quick kiss on the lips and began rush out but she pulled him back and handed an apple to him

"Don't go empty handed my love" she said.he took the apple and ran out towards the garden.

With mason gone, Tyler's attention shifted to his master who kept glancing back and forth between his food and the countess daughter, Charlotte.

They seem to be having a kind of staring conversation as she also kept looking back at Horace in a seductive way.

This had Tyler's blood rushing as a pang of jealousy hit him....hard. he cleared his throat loudly near the king who looked up at him with a frown

He quickly bowed and apologized,the moment the king looked away,he sent a deadly glare at Horace who smirked at him

Tyler couldn't contain himself and his dark wild jealousy.

he kept shifting from foot to foot as Horace and Charlotte moved from just glances to flirting openly with words but it wasn't only him who could not bear it, Christian was also on the verge of losing his patience that he suddenly snapped at Horace

"Can you quit the disgusting flirt and ease Tyler of his discomfort?"

"he's fine" Horace answered lightly and waved Christian off

"but I'm not" Tyler cut in quickly "I'm not and I want to speak with you... privately" even though it means he might get beaten to a pulp

Horace looked at Tyler as he spoke.he was shaking in fear and something else.

he grinned "later" he said and was about to continue with Charlotte when he heard Tyler say "now"

He looked back at him and asked with a frown


"now Horace, I want to speak with you now" Tyler stated firmly

Horace didn't speak for awhile then he laughed deeply, he got up from his chair and excused himself, Tyler followed him immediately.

They hadn't walked Ten steps after they got out of the hall when a male servant ran up to Tyler and whispered "It's Mr mason..he.. he..."

"speak" said Tyler impatiently

"Mr mason he's in the garden....he suddenly fell to the..." but Tyler didn't wait to hear the rest as he raced out to the garden

Horace went back into the the dining hall and went straight to where the countess and her daughter were seated.

He stood behind them and placed each hands on their shoulders and whispered to them "it's time for us to leave" he suggested into their minds

The countess stood up immediately and said to Christian crisply "we are leaving" and they left.

"what the fuck Horace" Christian said "but thank you" he added clapping his palms together

"but why..."

"not now" Horace grated out as the countess and her daughter walked out the door

Immediately they left,Horace grabbed Christian's arm and apparated into the garden.

Christian eyes grew wide at the sight that welcomed them and he ran to Mason who was laying in Tyler's arm on the ground barely conscious

Tyler moved away the moment he saw the king running to them to give him space

"Call the physician at once" he yelled at Tyler who nearly jumped out of his skin

"I already did mi'lord" he answered as he stepped back to go stand near Horace

Christian sat still with Mason still in his arms,he didn't move and didn't say word for a long time and when he finally found his voice again, he called out mason's name repeatedly "mason...mason?"

"mason open your eyes" he whispered in agony.

His heart felt as if it would explode and his body shook.

"mason?" he called again as he shook him gently

Christian placed his palm on mason's forehead and it felt cold to his touch,he brought his nose close to his mouth and sniffed and sighed in despair

"what the fuck did you eat Mason" he said pulling him closer "talk to me please" he begged

he held mason in his arms and called out his name. Mason grunted in response as he had already gone weak.

"Mason... Mason open your eyes and look at me" he said as fear began to spread in him

A tear rolled down mason's cheek as he opened his eyes very slowly and tried to looked at Christian but his eyes wouldn't focus he tried to raise his hand to touch Christian's face but it fell back midway and the light in his eyes went out and his body limp.

"Mas.." Christian's stopped as the body he was holding gradually began to turn to dust

"Horace" He yelled "what's happening?" he asked more quietly

"you need to be strong Christian" Horace answered sadly

Masons body continued to disintegrate in front of Christian before it finally disappeared into thin air.

Hello 🤩👋 dear readers, Thanks so much for reading Crimson Fate.your comments and observations are very welcome

P:S- this chapter is a bit long.