

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Charlotte who could not bear the horrifying scene suddenly felt light headed and passed out.her mother quickly grabbed her and held unto her daughter as she herself looked away from the horror sight.

Tyler wasn't doing any better himself and he had to go hide behind a tree before emptying all the contents in his stomach.When he was done and properly calm,he went back to Stand behind the king making sure to keep his line of sight away from the gore.

The king who wasn't moved took it upon himself to watch the entire show before he ordered that the whatever remains of Tessa be cleaned and burnt after seeing his pets had had enough and were sent back to their cage.

He turned to face Nathan who has gone ghostly pale "I'm sorry...please" he cried putting his head to the ground

"i remember it was Mason who saved your neck after commiting....what was your offence again?"

"no matter" Christian said not giving him chance to speak

"you should thank your god because the reason you're still intact is due to my promise to Mason that no matter your offence you will not die by my hands"

"or why do you think you have been getting away with every of your indiscipline within my castle"

With one look,Nathan was hauled by the guards and sent to the darkest part of the dungeon on the king's order.

Back inside the castle,in the room that was prepared for Charlotte to rest in,the countess sat near her daughter on the bed, holding her in a warm embrace as Charlotte wouldn't stop shaking "it's alright now my dear, there's nothing to be afraid of" but for some reason,her daughter would not stop shivering and muttering inaudible words to herself ever since she regained consciousness.

Later that afternoon,the countess requested to see the king but was turned away by his butler with the excuse that the king is resting in his room and must not be disturbed.so she left the castle leaving her daughter behind with the excuse that she cannot take her daughter home in her current state.

'i don't care if he's a monster,my daughter will be his queen' she said to herself as she entered her carriage

Tyler went to the king's study to inform him that the countess left her daughter behind saying that she is not well and needs rest.The king chuckled darkly and responded "then let us find her a husband tonight since the countess is that desperate"

"i beg pardon?" Tyler couldn't help but ask since he wasn't sure he heard the king correctly.what? husband?

"leave my pardon Tyler and send for your family,your brother Mattew must be present" Christian said and closed his eyes showing that the conversation was over

"yes... mi'lord" Tyler left to carry out the order with a dumbstruck expression.

That evening,Tyler ushered his family into castle's dining where they were meant to wait and have dinner with the king and while they were waiting,he couldn't help but notice his sister's makeup looks a bit heavy and there was so much cleavage she had on display.he didn't realize he had been staring at his sister with a disgusted face and his sister caught him staring and cried to their mother

"mama, Tyler keeps looking at my breast" she whined sounding like a spoilt brat.well technically,she is a spoilt brat

The servants in the hall looked at each other but didn't dare utter a word.

"Ty get your eyes off your sister's breast" their mother said sounding the least interested.she was more interested in meeting the king and knowing why they were invited for dinner.she was still in her own world when the king came in and everyone got up,she quickly got to her feet and bowed in respect

"please..seat" Christian said spreading his hands and giving a faint smile. Immediately they sat,the maids began serving the guests while Tyler served the king wine and stood behind him

Christian kept looking at Mattew as he ate at the table with pure gracefulness.He was just too perfect, well except for his crazy obsession towards his brother "tell me about yourself Mattew,is it?"

Mattew placed his cutlery on the table gently as he prepared to answer with a lengthy speech about himself but was cut off the moment he opened his mouth to speak with a "do not worry,I'm sure it'll be sorted out between you two"

This had the family confused but they didn't say anything,then Christian dropped the bombshell on them "Lord Kinclaven,i will like us to become one family by letting your son Mattew marry my cousin Charlotte Westwood"

Lord Kinclaven's face beamed in joy and so was Mattew, although he wasn't entirely pleased but he couldn't show it to the king

"it is a good arrangements mi'lord,i am honored" lord Kinclaven answered feeling so proud

"then need we delay their union?"christian asked "let us get them married right away"

"right away?" Mattew couldn't believe his ears.first a woman was being forced on him without courting her, now he wasn't even given chance to think about it

"my king, i do not think...."

"tomorrow by noon,you will be joined together at my castle so you do not have to think of anything, already she is doing a lot of it"

Mattew frowned "a lot of what, if i may ask?"

"a lot of thinking Mattew,she has been doing a lot of it" christian answered with a toothy smile and placed his jaw on his entwined fingers "she just can't stop thinking about you" he added and got up holding his glass of wine, he raised it In a toast

"to Mattew and Charlotte" he said

"to Mattew and Charlotte" the others chorused except Mattew of course.


"aaaaaaaah" Charlotte screamed her lungs out and by the time she stopped it seemed they were on fire.Everyone in the room covered their ears to block out the noise.all except Christian who remained unmoved and kept looking at his spoilt cousin with a bored expression

"you are not my father,you have no right to decide my marriage..."

"shall i order your father to get you married by noon then?,he wouldn't dare disobey the king's order" Christian answered matter of factly

"now" he said to the maids in the room "i don't care if you have to tie her up or drug her, make sure she is ready by noon or i will have your heads"

"all of you and that includes you Charlotte,do not pull any tricks if you do not wish to see your family heads roll" he threatened with a deathly glare directed straight at Charlotte.Seeing her cower,he smirked and left the room


"he is not human but a DEMON" countess Rosemarie Westwood, Christian's aunt yelled on top of her lungs in the court room.

Her eyes were red and swollen from the amount of tears she had shed.The king who was standing Infront of her as she knelt in the courtroom scoffed before bending low close to her "tell them something they do not know Rosamarie,me not being human is common knowledge" christian sneered.

"or is there anyone here who has a problem with what she just said" he said aloud for everyone to hear as he got to his feet.

'Mr Edward Jones" Christian drawled "you seem to have something say"

Edward Jones who had followed the countess to the castle today after she had informed him three weeks before of the king not being human,had came with the energy to destroy the king.

Before they came to the castle,he had managed to convince the priest to invite the king to the church in the hopes to capture him.He didn't like the king at all,he hated his domineering nature and he had suspected him right from the first time he visited his castle and had told the church about it but they waved him off.

He remembered the king arriving and walking straight into the church alongside his blue eyed friend whom he later found out wasn't human also.They had both walked in confidently as if the church belonged to them,they were invited into rooms where even him mustn't enter or he'll burn.

The bastards even sat comfortably making themselves at home at the priest's office.they were offered the holy water by the priest in pretence that it gives long life and that, they also drank finishing it. All the while smiling and chirping loudly in a creepy way as if they knew what was happening.

Now he had followed the countess here today,in the hopes that after she exposed him in the court, Infront of his ministers, then all hell will break loose only to see them looking at the countess with a look that says 'tell us what we don't know'.

"i have nothing to say mi'lord" Edward stepped out and bowed

Christian took a long look at him "i thought you had, especially since you are not human yourself"

That was when the uproar began with every eye turned and fixed on Edward Jones.The king raised his hand silencing the hall "now let us discuss" Christian said,going back to seat on his throne.

"what punishment should be bestowed on the countess who is being charged and proven guilty of treason?"

"one of the ministers stepped out and said "she should hang mi'lord alongside her son who covets the throne".

please remember that Christian and Horace were not the only demons at the time,there were also vampires and other creatures living among the people but they do no just go out and say 'hey I'm a demon' but people are aware of their existence in their midst.

zamirah01creators' thoughts