

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Christian continued to sit at the spot where Mason's body disappeared for hours, he sat in silence while looking at his hands that was holding mason.

"shouldn't you go bring him in now, he's been there for hours" Tyler said to Horace worriedly.

Horace didn't speak but kept looking at the lone figure sitting rigidly in the garden, he rested his shoulder on the wall near him as he watched christian from the corridors inside the castle where he stood with Tyler

Tyler turned to stare at the heartless demon next to him "are you just going to leave him there?" he asked yelling and pointing towards the garden

Horace sighed again and shook his head sadly , without looking at Tyler he said "I'm beginning to wish it were you who got poisoned, you're just too loud"

he sighed loudly again and turned to look at Tyler "but then you don't die easy" he finished and walked away

Tyler stared at the back of his master as he walked away, God he hated that man and he hated himself more for the way he was beginning to feel for him.

He turned back around to where the garden was and his heart broke for the man who remained unmoving.

"m_master?" Tyler called quietly as he walked towards Christian, he stood a few steps away from where christian sat and called again "master?"

still nothing came from Christian

Tyler was unsure of what else to do so he stepped forward and tried to place his hand on the king's shoulder, to console him but he flinched and jumped back when Christian suddenly raised his hand stopping Tyler from touching him

Tyler's heart began to pound like crazy in his chest out of fear but he had to get Christian into the castle,words about Mason's death would have spread like wild fire by now and unwanted guests might visit the castle soon,it isn't right that they meet the king like this

so he moved closer again and he knelt behind Christian, not getting any reaction from Christian his hands shook as he slowly placed them on the king's shoulders and pleaded quietly "please Christian, please come with me"

At first he thought the king wasn't going to answer but as he opened his mouth to speak, Christian slowly turned to look at him

His heart shattered upon seeing the dead eyes that stared back at him "please" he pleaded again sorrow evident in his own voice

Christian began to get up and he quickly held him as he staggered backwards. in slow steps they walked into the castle.

Tyler took him straight to his room and helped him into bed all the while not a single word left Christian's lips.

".... " Tyler closed his mouth shut not knowing how to comfort the king so instead he said "I will be right outside if you need me".

he left and closed door as quietly as he could manage.

He went to the guards he had assigned to stand and guard the king's quarters and instructed them never to leave their post for any reason

His footsteps began to get faster as he rushed to his own room before the tears stinging his eyes would began to fall off

He wasn't looking at where he was going and suddenly slammed into a wall in the middle of the hallway.

He tried to step back from the what he rammed into but he was pulled back into an embrace, inhaling a familiar scent he looked up into the blue eyed demon that held him

Their sorroundings changed and they were suddenly in Horace's room. Tyler tried to get out of Horace's arms but he wouldn't let him

He fought the strong arms that wouldn't let go of him, breathing heavily as he gave in and began to punch those arms weakly and his tears began to spill

Horace held him by the waist and pulled him closer. he buried his face in his chest as he wailed loudly letting his own sorrow engulf him

Tyler's eyes began feel very heavy and his body became very weak

"fuck you_you fucking bastard arrggh" he shouted as he fell backwards after pushing Horace off him, he lay face down on the ground and sobbed as sleep began to take over his body.

Horace picked up the limp slender body and tucked him into his bed. he wiped the single tear that escaped from the blonde's closed eyes

He sat near him on the bed as he watched him sleep and because he couldn't resist it he leaned in and stole a very deep kiss from his unaware mate

He broke off the kiss but his lips still lingered over Tyler's lips. he brought his eyes to focus on the soft lips and he was tempted to wake him up to a mind blowing sex that'll make him forget his suffering but he shouldn't do that right?

he forced himself up and and walked out,he went to Christian's room. he nodded at the guards greeting and walked in

"you look terrible young one" he mocked as he layed next to him on the bed

Christian didn't say anything but kept staring into space

Horace sighed and rolled his eyes before he spoke "I had to knock Tyler out so he would stop crying, I really hate to feel sorry for you Christian but Here we are"

"I see we're still playing mute" Horace said with a mischievous tone when he didn't get a response .

he rolled to his side and used his palm to support his head he placed the other on Christian's chest

He began drag his fingers down slowly and when his hand almost reached Christian's groin, his hand turned very heavy and began to turn to stone

He lifted it off the king and waved with his other hand "fine" he said "no teasing"

He waited for his hands to go back to normal before he laid back next to christian again

"no one asked you to come in here Horace, fuck off" Christian said without any emotions

but Horace who clearly doesn't give a damn just chuckled and said in the same dead tone "he speaks"

"out Horace" Christian grated out again

"look I don't want to be here either, infact this is the last place I want to be right now but I keep feeling your sorrow and I hate it"

"what nonsense are you on about?" Christian asked feeling irritated

"whatever it is you just heard"

Horace sat up and said "I embody a fragment of your energy so I can feel a tiny bit of what you're feeling right now and I fucking hate it"