

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


The head maid dragged Tessa into the kitchen and shut the door.She stood in front of her and when Tessa tried to speak, she slapped her.hard.

Another slap landed on her Cheek and this time she fell backwards.

"bitch" she mumbled as she spat out blood.she got back up and wiped her mouth.

"what were you thinking" the older woman asked wide eyed

Tessa didn't respond but kept looking at her feet. The head maid sighed and looked her from head to toe.

"is that how you train maids these days? hmn?"

"I apologize for the maid's behavior, I'm sure she's being punished as we speak" said Mason with his head bent.

"that must be the latest trend, I can't believe I'm so outdated,I should be ashamed of myself" christian said nodding in agreement to himself.

He looked at himself in the mirror again before turning away. he went to the bed and sat on it. He patted the space next to him "come sit with me, you've been standing all day"

Mason shook his head and said "I'm not tired"

Christian sighed loudly which made his butler flinched but he didn't look up "do I have to start throwing you against the wall again for you to obey me" he said

He pretended not to notice as the bed dipped a little as mason sat next to him.he kept looking at the wall to his left "I wonder if it has anything to do with you being a fox,I mean you haven't showed your sly nature yet but your stubbornness can be exhausting sometimes__"

Mason cleared his throat next to him and he finally turned to look at him "you're here"


"are you feeling better now?"

"I've been fine" mason stated frowning slightly. 'what in the world was he on about' he thought to himself.

Christian grabbed him by the waist and pulled him close with his back against his own chest. he kissed him on his neck and placed his chin on his shoulder " is it the trend for maids who are tired of living to throw wine on their king's or someone who still hasn't let go of a tiny grudge put her up to it"

Mason shoved his elbow into Christian's chest and jumped out of his hold but he had merely placed his second foot on the ground before he was pulled back into the unwanted embrace.

He tried to push him of again but all to no avail, christian was stronger than he was so he gave up and relaxed into the strong arm hold arm that was holding him.

he closed his eyes and said " you called me a bitch and I did not put the maid up to that...she must have her own reasons and if you let me go now, I'll go find out what the problem is"

Christian placed his chin back on mason's shoulder and chuckled "one at a time my love"

he pulled him closer and said into his neck "let's start with the grudge" he said lazily while nuzzling his nose into Mason's neck

"there is NO grudge" he answered stressing on the no

" but there is, you got aggressive awhile ago and that's enough proof you haven't... well.... forgive?"

Mason bursted out laughing and it sounded like spring to him 'yes' he thought ' he hasn't let go' but he didn't say anything but held his arms in place as his wild fox began to struggle to get out of his arms.

Out of breath and energy,mason decided to give up "you know it's rich coming from you who gets angry whenever your aunt called me a slut"

"but what? I'm a bitch?"

"it's a slip of the tongue"

"of course, the almighty christian demon Conrad made a slip of tongue" he scoffed and relaxed his back into his chest,it's better not fight it anyway.

"I'm sorry" christian said softly into his neck "seriously"

"there's nothing to be sorry about milord,please let me go"

Christian sighed and decided to go for plan B.he wasn't a man who was fond of begging, infact the only person who he had begged in his life his mason.

"okay" he said and released him and watched as he sprang off him. he got up as well and pointed to the soiled shirt he was still wearing and said "well,I need another shirt"

Mason went to the closet and got him another shirt.he placed it on the bed and eyed the king who had his hands on his waist waiting for him to come unbutton the soiled shirt.

He began unbuttoning the shirt when christian suddenly said "send the stupid maid to the gallows today,since she desperately wants to die,let's not keep her here anymore"

Mason's hands shook as he heard this.he looked up at the king and said " shouldn't we know the reason first,it could have been a mistake.she was obviously not in her right mind"

"yes Mason,she was definitely not in her right mind but we can't have the others doing the same can we?" he said finished buttoning his shirt himself before walking away to stand in front of the huge dressing mirror.

Mason who couldn't contain himself followed him and stood behind him,he grabbed his shirt and looked at him with pleading eyes.

Christian was pleased with him himself as he looked at the man behind him through the mirror but he didn't say anything.he began to walk out of the room when Mason ran to stop him.

"you're in my way sir" he said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"I'll forgive you__ and forget if you let it go this time"

"did you ask her to do it?"

"what?_ no"

" then make sure she hangs today" he said and tried to walk past him but Mason wouldn't let him. he closed his eyes pretending to feel annoyed

"what?" he snapped

"p_please christian,just this one time and in exchange I'll forgive you,it's a fair deal right?" he said while twisting and untwisting his fingers anxiously

"I don't want that kind of d__" he was cut off as mason walked closer and slammed his lips on his.

He broke off after a short while so he could catch his breath.he looked into christian eyes hopefully when he said " fine".