

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


The hall was bubbling and mildly noisy as they entered, christian walked majestically with his shoulder straight.the guests including the servants bowed their heads to pay respect to the king.

He kept walking without looking at anyone until he got to his seat.He sat and everyone lifted their heads,they looked at the handsome king who kept a bright smile on his face.

"I welcome you all and I apologize for summoning you on such short notice but there is a little show I will like to present,as some of you know that I am a fool and who cannot decide for himself" he said while still maintaining his smile.

All of the guests looked at one another with wide eyes and some of the ministers who knows the king was a psycho looked down.christian looked around the room and saw who he was looking for "my dear aunt Rosa" he drawled looking at his aunt who kept a straight face "I'm glad you could make it"

The countess gave a short bow and smiled back the king "I am honored" she said

Christian nodded his head in agreement.he sat back and crossed his legs.

he tapped his fingers on the arm rest as kept smiling at his aunt who had obviously grown uncomfortable with his stare.when she couldn't hold it in any longer,she said "is something wrong mi'lord?"

"why do you ask?" christian asked raising a single brow

"you've been staring at me for a while now" she laughing awkwardly

"oh! have I?"

"yes mi'lord"

"actually Rosemarie the thing is that i got word that you have been planning my marriage to your daughter" he said his eyes not leaving the countess face for once

The countess looked shocked but quickly hid it "pardon me milord but I do not.."

"Kingsley" he called

Kingsley stepped forward and bowed "yes milord?"

" four days ago" he said and stood and began walking round Kingsley "you visited a certain witch or is a magician, hmmm?"

Kingsley opened his mouth to protest but christian raised his hand to silence him "hold on" he said as he folded his hands behind his back "you took your sister along. you went there prepared so you did all you asked,she drank and bathed with potions so that the moment i set my eyes on her I will be enchanted" he walked towards Charlotte and stood in front of her,looked in her eyes and said " but I don't feel enchanted Kingsley" he said in a mocking tone

He walked back to stand in front of Kingsley and said "are you sure she did everything as instructed?"

"answer me" he said when Kingsley didn't respond

but before Kingsley could say a word the countess jumped out of her spot and walked forward "milord this is a serious accusation,how could my children ever indulge in sorcery, Charlotte is your cousin.."

"I am glad you know that Rosa and I also know your children didn't act on their own accord," he pointed at his aunt "you told them to do it" he stated and his smile fell off his face.

He stretched his and a servant quickly run up and handed him a sword.he unsheathed it and points it at kingsley.The countess panicked and she knelt immediately holding Christian's legs,she begged "please,milord tis a false accusation, please" she cried.

Christian looked down at his aunt and smiled,he looked back at Kingsley who had gone pale.smirking he sheathed the sword back and and bent low close to his aunt so he could talk to her quietly " if this happens again,I will send your son to his grave." he said quietly and and rose up "get up" he said between gritted teeth.

The countess stood quietly and held on to her son.the king waved them off and they bowed before going back to stand behind the crowd in shame.

Christian on the hand gave a hearty laugh that sounded spooky to the guests ears "my beloved guests, won't you agree with me that the royal families are quite good in acting" he said as he went back to his seat "although I am disappointed that it didn't go as I planned but there will be another day" he shrugged.

Mason rang a small bell to get everyone's attention and he announced that it was time for dinner.

The guests filed in into the banquet dining area and took their seats as assign to them.The servants also got busy as they began serving them.

Tessa stood along with the remaining servants who stood by the wall as she kept staring at the most beautiful man she had ever seen, calling him handsome or good-looking would be an understatement.The king, finally she has seen the king.

She watched as his butler served him before stepping away,the other guest were dining merrily and was laughing as they spoke to one another.even the countess seem to be in better mood as she spoke to the people close to her but she doesn't care about the others.All she cares for right now is the king.

Bracing herself,she decided it was best to start grabbing his attention now,there might not be another opportunity soon so she walked out of her spot and ignored the glare she was getting from the others and walked up to the king who did not raise his head but kept eating.

she picked the jug of wine in front of him and as though she was going to fill his glass,she pretended to fall dizzy and fell against him spilling the red liquid all over him.

Sighing,he looked down at the young maiden that remained on his legs with her hand on his chest and was staring at him seductively? he smirked at her before pushing her off him.

Tessa who pretended to be shocked at herself quickly knelt and bowed asking for mercy.she heard the king's chair scrape the floor as he stood,she quickly bowed her head to the ground.

The king,her king walked out of the hall with his ever faithful butler behind him and she sighed feeling relieved but not for long because the the head maid came to help her up along with the head servant while some some maid cleaned the mess she made.The guests who witnessed the scene recover from their shock and continued eating while gossiping about the latest.

The moment they were out of sight and and earshot of the guests,the head servant handed Tessa over to the head maid and walked back to the hall while she dragged Tessa by the ear away.