

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

CHAPTER TEN +18{mature content}

He pulled him back and kissed him deeply.he lifted him and Mason wrapped his legs around his waist and groaned passionately as his back hit the bed hard.

Christian lay on top of, mildly crushing him with his weight and kissing him senseless. He grabbed his hands and pinned it on the bed over his head with the one hand while the other started undressing him.

Christian broke off the kiss and looked at Mason with heated eyes, having taken off his shirt,he released his hand and raised his two legs,with him in between them he helped him out of his pants and every other piece of clothing.

He chuckled as he saw the red tint on mason's cheek "you don't have to be shy" he said and began planting kisses all over him starting from eyelids down to his nose to his mouth,he lingered there a little bit.

He moved down to his neck and kissed him, a soft moan escaped Mason as christian hands moved down to his erection.

Feeling a little bold himself,he began unclothing Christian, making sure to take his time as he removed each piece of clothing until they were both naked.

Christian took his attention back to his lips and began assaulting it again,this time,the kiss was deeper,more passionate and more demanding.

Christian kept touching and kissing the life out Mason.he continued to tease him till he could hear his lover go crazy with want and was moaning loudly.he smiled to himself as he heard him begged "please" it sounded sexy in ears but he wouldn't give in yet.

"please what" he asked back quietly.he planted kisses on his chest and bit him when he didn't say anything

"don't make me ask again" he said

"please please make me cum" he was also shocked as he said it but his surprise didn't last long as his hands got pinned on top of his head again.

Christian kissed him again as he pinned down his hands with one hand while the other snaked down to his erection and started jerking him off slowly.

Mason eyes closed shut as he began to feel his release close but they flew wide open when christian stopped what he was doing and was only staring at him with a wicked grin on his face.

"don't worry" he said "we're not done yet" and raised his knees.he moved down between his legs and said "don't take your eyes off me" and licked the head of his erection, seeing mason take in air sharply,he took him in deeper all the while not breaking off eye contact.

He stopped again and shifted Mason so his back was against the headboard then he kissed him making him taste his own fluids.when he broke off the kiss,there was string of spittle.the erotic sight increased the fire burning in mason.

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.

This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir" and with that he came,hard .

He didn't think he has ever cum that hard before,he kept screaming into the hand that covered his mouth to muffle his screams.

Christian moved over him and kissed him,not giving him enough time to recover,he slid in behind him and raised one his knee up with one hand while the other was wrapped around mason's neck again to hold him in place as his own erection dug in into his ass at once.

This time he didn't cover his mouth as mason screamed from the pain.he allowed his body adjust to his size before he began pumping him hard and fast.

A man wearing a cloak walked fast along the single path inside the forest.as he got close to his destination,he looked around to see if anyone was seeing him, feeling he was alone,he continued walking till he got to an old cabin that was in the middle of a clearing in the forest, looking around for the last time,he stepped in.

Lucas looked around the inside of the cabin,there were shelves holding different items in jars, some has liquid for preserving while some were stored dry in jars.

The air smelled of garlic and other herbs he couldn't identify " state your business mister" said an eerie voice from behind him.the hair on the back of his head stood and he felt goosebumps.

He turned around slowly to see the owner of the voice but was surprised to see a beautiful young woman standing behind him.he frowned wondering where the voice he heard came from.

He bowed slightly and said "I need a love potion"

the young witch walked past him to sit at a table and gestured for him to sit down.he sat across her and repeated "I need a love potion"

"i heard you the first time" says the witch then she asked "who is it for,I can see it's not you who needs it"

feeling surprised,Lucas looked at witch in front of him,he hesitated and heard her say "there's no need to hide anything,go on"

"it's for my daughter" he said

she nodded and said "I see she is trying to get her hands on a very powerful man_" she raised her hand when Lucas tried to interrupt her and continued "there is another in his life and it will not be easy to get his heart" she said.

Lucas dropped a pouch containing money in the table and when the witch didn't say a word,he said "you get the rest when the work is done".

He looked up at the sun that was beginning to set and began to make his way quickly out of the forest before it gets dark.

please kindly rate and comment your thoughts, I'd really appreciate it and it would motivate me to write more faster.

thanks 😊

Love 💕💕


p.s it would help connect with you my dear readers 😌

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