

How did I end up like this Alain says why did we move to this fucking town thing are weird around here the school is divided into multiple groups and I'm not sure if I fit in any my foster parents said I would meet my parents here but I dont know something else is going on something unnatural

Andrea_Edgington · Teen
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9 Chs

chapter 6

Alains pov,

When Blake went into the kitchen, I was relieved that he played along I kind of feel bad. "alain what the fuck are you doing for real" I just laughed Blake came in and gave him the beer and me my vodka with that I said thank you baby "he smiled.  God what has gotten into me every time he touches me; I get butterflies I am drawn to him and I do not know why.

Third person,

Alain sat there waiting for max to speak "how can you be together with someone you just met" they did not just meet jax Blake's dad spoke up turns out they have been online dating for months now. Alain smiled at jax "this is Blake's dad jax. "but- how did this happen" max stuttered. "well, you see at first Alains dad wanted to check up on her so he had my son text her on Facebook she didn't know that he worked for her father so she texted they hit it off and now you see what has happened when she found out that at first it was for her father she was a little hurt but they worked it out" max looked at alain for answers she only nodded. Then max asked "is this why you haven't dated anyone is this dickhead what you really want" alain did not know why max calling Blake a dickhead pissed her off so much, but it did. "he is not a dick head and no I just wasn't interested in anyone max shook his head and stood up and walked past her kicking her leg. "don't fucking kick her because you jealous dickbag!" Blake yelled. Max scoffed "well well well what are you going to do about it hit me bc if you do ill call the cops" jax laughed "what are you laughing about old man max yelled. "first off I'm not old second off go ahead call the cops but they won't go against Alains' father they are fucking scared of him he is above the law little boy so try and then see what your parents think of you then they will throw you out bc you went against not only their friend but them to." Max thought to himself what the hell it like I cannot touch them. This seemed to ager him more, so he went for the kill and tried to smack alain, but she caught his hand and kicked his leg out from underneath him and puled his arm up and put her foot on his chest.

Jax pov,

After what I said to the boy, he seemed taken aback by it but within seconds he swung from behind alain to his her, but she caught it kicked his leg and put her foot on his chest and pulled his arm up "don't you ever put your fucking hands on me she said through clenched teeth I was amazed on how fast she was. Her eyes where turning red. That is enough alli my son said beside me we will take this to your father and his parents let him go and go have dinner with Blake ok sweetheart I said in a soft voice. She glared at him one more time before letting him go and walking into the kitchen with Blake. As the boy got up, he seemed startled which soon turned into anger as he left the house and slammed the door, I instantly called his father to tell him hes on his way and what had just happened.

Third person,

Alain was caught up in her thoughts when she sat down Blake had mad her another drink since hers had spilt. "alain I'm sorry to ask but why did you say we where together" she looked at Blake with a sad smile "I'm sorry but hes been so annoying and I guess I was tired of it I'm sorry for using you but thanks you to for playing along" she went to walk to her room, but Blake's words stopped her. "don't be sorry I understand but can I ask you out" she smiled at him and he swore that his heart was going to explode "yes Blake I would love that" she turned and went to her room once she was out of ear shout, he said "yes!" his father walked in and he was putting his phone away. "maxes dad knows what happened he said he would handle it and I'm calling her dad tomorrow to let him know". Blake had a goofy grin when his father looked up. "what son why are you grinning like that". "well dad if you must know alain has said yes about me taking her on a date" Blake said with confidence. He looked at his son "I will be telling her father about the mate thing so he don't get pisesed when he finds out that you took her out on a date ok" Blake nodded in agreement "father you should head home me and alain will be fine" jax  gave his son a big bear hug and went to say goodnight to alain then he went home. After Blake went to bed alain woke up from a bad dream she hated when she had those she put on her bathrobe and walked to the kitchen there was a pool out back but it was inside a safe building so she grabbed a suit and grabbed the bottle of vodka out of the cabinet and walked to the biluding once inside she locked the door behind her and got in seting he bathrobe on a chair.

Blakes pov

I heard the back door click shut what the hell I thought in my head I went down stairs and went to alains room she was gone the lights in the pool house where on so I went out it was kind of cold being in shorts but I grabbed my keys and opened the door there in the hot tube was alain with a bottle of vodka and some country rock playing off of the phone her red hait tied up ingto a messy bun god she looked sexy her back was to me."are you gonna just stad there and look or join me hun" she sai in her southeren acsent which mad me chuckle " how did you know I came in" she shrugged I don't know its almost like I can see whats behind me" I walked over and put my feet in the water "why are you out here alain" she sighed "well you see hun I have nightterrors when I have them I cant sleep so I came out here" I nodded in understanding "so why are you out here I thought you where asleep" I chuckled "well alain I heard the back door close