

How did I end up like this Alain says why did we move to this fucking town thing are weird around here the school is divided into multiple groups and I'm not sure if I fit in any my foster parents said I would meet my parents here but I dont know something else is going on something unnatural

Andrea_Edgington · Teen
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9 Chs

chapter 7

Third person,

They sat there looking at each other. "can I ask you a question Blake". "mm what's up alli" alain looked at him with sparkles in her eyes. "what's the school like here" he looked at her because of the way she asked. "well, there are groups that people have grouped themselves into so the school is divided up into 4 groups but I'm not in a group because I work for your dad. Don't get me wrong I love working for your dad but some of my friends don't like my other friends because they are in a different group". Alain chuckled well I am here to fuck shit up. "my turn to ask a question… why do you play football" alain pondered on the question for a bit before answering. "when I was little this boy used to make fun of me because was smaller than other kids still am, I decided that in middle school that I would prove him wrong so we made a deal whoever made the football wins and the loser had to tell the couch fuck you well we both made the football team I was the first girl ever to play on that team we won every game since that boy became my best friend and apologized. Ever since it helped me relive the anger within me". Blake nodded in understanding "have you ever had a boyfriend". A sad smile crossed her lips "yeah he was good to me he also died because of me he was late home because he brought me home to my house so I would have to walk when he went home his father beat him with a baseball bate tell he was unconcise he was in the hospital for weeks I stayed with him because I care about him one day he stopped breathing and they couldn't bring him back but a day before he died he told me he loved me and I should have said it back but I was scared"

Blakes pov,

I looked at her as she told her story and it hurt me because she cared for someone and lost them, and she thought it was her fault. She looked up at me and she had a sad smile. I moved the rest of the way in the water and scooted closer she did not move away from me she laid her head on my chest and she sighed. "honey that was not your fault you couldn't control what happened who knows what if the same thing happened if it didn't bring you home you never know" she sighed.

Third person,

They sat there in silence Alains head on his chest she was dozing off Blake noticed, and he smiled. "alain are you tired now". "yes, I am between the alcohol and your warmth has made me tired can we go inside now" Blake got out of the hot tube and grabbed on of the towels and put it around her as she came out. He wrapped the other around him and walked her inside. "goodnight Blake thank you for siting with me" Blake smiled and went to his room as soon as his head hit the pillow. By the time the morning came Alain didn't want to get out of bed but she knew she had to, so she dragged her ass bed and put on a white crop top and a ripped up pair of jeans and she straightened her hair and put on her leather jacket as she walked to the kitchen she heard voices she stopped to listen "Taylor you went supposed to be here for another week what's wrong" jax said to the unknown women. Well, luca called me and told me what happened last night and told me to come early so I did he may be away on a business trip, but he is still my husband and alain is still our priority she's our daughter". Alain was excited so she stepped out and Blake cleared his throat when he saw alain step out grabbing her keys and heading to the coffee pot to get a cup. Everyone stayed silent as jax and Blake know not to talk to her until she has had her coffee. She turned with her keys and cup and leaned against the counter Taylor looked at her daughter she looked like her father and her mixed she was beautiful. "umm is anyone going to tell me who this is before me and Blake head to pick up max and then school" Blake growled at the mention of maxes name. jax spoke up "well you see I know you went expecting her yet, but this is your mother she came early". Blake interrupted "why are we picking up that little wimp". Alain laughed "we are picking him up because his parents can't afford for him to miss school, so I take him I always have he lost his drivers license last year due to drunk driving and I love his parents like my own so it's a favor" Taylor smiled at her daughter she was so kind Taylor thought. Blake huffed "fine" and walked to the door". "it better be fine, or you will have to find your own way to school, anyway, can we finish after I get out of school please". Before jax could respond and tell her no her mom said "sure" alain got in her car and called her adopted dad "is max awake yet" "yes your mom had to jump on him to wake him up we both thank you for doing this after the shit he pulled last night we took his phone and all of his games and shit" "ok ill be there in a few minutes ill call when I'm there". She hung up the phone "I'm sorry alain" Blake apologized from net to her "it fine really I understand that hes a scum bag, but his parents are good people." She smiled and kept driving soon they where there and picked up max. "alain wtf is he doing inn my seat" alain laughed "well you see he was here first so get in the back now before I throw you in". max shut up and got in the car was quiet when they got to school max bolted. " hey alain imma talk to the couch for you to let him know you would like to try out" she  nodded her head and thanked him by giving him a hug when a small girl with blonde hair and brown eyes walked up "what the hell Blake you haven't returned my calls nothing in the past few months and now I see why you got a new hoe to play with" alain laughed "oh wow real mature blonde now get out of our way  before I physically remove you". Blake was trying so hard not to laugh because he only gave her his number because she would not leave him alone. As if Alain read his mind "sorry hunny but I don't see an ugly snobby stuck-up bitch like you being his type." With that they walked past her to the office and alain went to all the classes on the paper she almost forgot that it was her birthday. At lunch she met with Blake and the couch " you didn't tell me she was a girl", "come on couch at least see what she  can do" the couch huffed " fine but I she is good I'm not putting her on the team,  alrighty lets see what you got Blake play against her don't hold up" Blake only nodded after the demonstration they walked to the couch he yelled you're in your defiantly in alain was happy Blake was surprised at what she could do she really knew the game well. The rest of the day was a blur as she walked to her car the blonde chick from this morning stopped with her posy in front of her. "stay away from Blake or I will tell my dad hes the vice principle here I will get you suspended if you don't" alain laughed "I don't give two fucks who you daddy is my dad owns this whole state so try me sweetheart" the blond looked baffled for a moment. That's not possible luca Morningstar has a son not a daughter" she laughed again at the girls lack of knowledge well sweetheart why don't you ask Blake he works for my father and my mother. The girl stiffened and alain turned around Blake was standing right behind her smiling. "hey baby how was you day btw happy birthday also you dad should be back within a month and wants to have dinner with you me and your mom" she was happy she hugged him again and he bent down and kissed her on the head they held hand while heading to  the car, and the left max behind at school.