

How did I end up like this Alain says why did we move to this fucking town thing are weird around here the school is divided into multiple groups and I'm not sure if I fit in any my foster parents said I would meet my parents here but I dont know something else is going on something unnatural

Andrea_Edgington · Teen
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9 Chs

chapter 5

Blakes pov

When I walked in from carrying the girl's boxes, I assumed I would be living with a nerd you know one with huge glasses on her face, but when I walked into the kitchen my eyes landed on a girl with fiery red hair and a small body but what hit me the hardest was her sent it smelled like coconut. Damn it I whispered to myself my father saw me look down and mind linked me "what's wrong son" she is my fucking mate dad. All he did was smiled at me.

Third person,

Alain was confused as to what the fuck just happened all she knows is the sexiest man alive just walked in his blond hair barely covering his blue eyes sweat dripped down his abs tall and tanned and on top of that he smelled so good. She cursed under Neath her breath jax and the Blake looked at her but how did they hear her she whispered it. Shaking her head "alain this is Blake he will help you with whatever you need but you two shall not talk about you parents until they talk to you ok alain with a nod she got up she excused herself and went to put her boxes in her room. Blake and jax and matt were in the kitchen "shit" Blake whispered "what's wrong Blake" he looked at matt I'm mates with the king of hell's only daughter and I can't even tell her" matt gave him a smile "her mother will be here in a week talk to her mother she will know how to explain things to alain she is special you know most powerful but for now just get to know her it will be hard also you might wat to take her to the football coach at your guys school" both men looked at matt and asked why!. "wow ok well you see she plays football like no other person I've seen at her old school she was the best shoes work hard and oh bake don't get mad if you see her talking to other boys by boys have never been important to her no matter what" they both looked at him in shock. With that he left them be and went to help his daughter unpack. After an hour of silence and unpacking she gave who she thought of like a father a hug goodbye.

Blakes pov

She stayed in her room most of the night what I did not get was one she chose the room in the back. Then again, I was wrong about her being a nerd. It was only when she came out of her bedroom on the phone in a heated argument with someone did, we sit up from where we sat to look at her, she was not said or upset she was pissed, and it is kind of scared me to be honest. "motherfucker if you don't stop calling me imma tell mom you aren't my fucking boyfriend so get off my back imma bought to come to the house and smash everything you own do you hear me max because I will make your life a living hell. Her eyes were all black even the white part but damn she looked good when she was pissed. "I don't care what you think I don't care that give a shit bc you didn't start tell now. Oh, really you want to fucking fight your asshole fine I will send you the address and we will see who fucking winds", with that she was off the phone she did not notice us until my father spoke up. "who was that darling". She looked at us and apologized and explained that she was arguing with her adopted parents' son who only wanted her for her body that made my blood boil. After and hour she was curled up on the couch watching looney toons we heard a knock on the door when I opened it my eyes landed on a guy with dirty blond hair and shit brown eyes, he was kind of tall, but I still towered over him.

Third person

When Blake answered the door he came face to face with max. max stuttered "mm I think I have the wrong house do you know where I  can find a girl named alain me and her need to talk" Blake wanted to smash his skull in but he resisted and sighed "who's asking" max looked at him and pondered the answer " well sir I'm her boyfriend and I wish to see her and who may you be in MY girlfriend's house" Blake couldn't hold the laugh had been holding since he said boyfriend he knew it wasn't true so he busted up laughing after it died down he said I'm Blake her body guard and I know dam well you are not her boyfriend. Max had no word but then he heard alain from behind Blake who is it Blake what is the holdup you supposed to be keeping me warm.

Blakes pov

Oh my god did she just say that I looked at the max kid he looked pissed which made me smile. "nothing baby but your brother is here to see you" he was getting even more pissed off so when she lifted my arm, I pulled her to my side hiding her body from him. She looked at him and said so you did come all the way to fight me because I wont sleep with you. He was dumbfounded. He looked at me then her and back at me and said oh wow alain you move fast do not you I guess I should tell your best friends from you football team to give up. She laughed it was a soft but evil but sweet laugh she looked at him her eyes turning gold all those boys know me very well we played football together for about 6 years so good luck because they will laugh at you and tell you retarred because they all stopped trying in middle school. He looked at her in disbelief.

Third person

Max sat there "you got to be fucking kidding me alain what the fuck". Blake rolled his eyes and thought about what he was going to say she had his mate in is arms and it felt so good they where siting on the couch now alain on his lap he was so giddy. "baby I got to make you some dinner can you get up as he walked past max, he shook his head. He looked at alain one last time "would you like a beer you 2 max said yes alain said vodka max looked at her I shock "what beer doesn't do anything for me vodka gives me a little bit of a buzz and I going to need it to deal with your dumbass."