
Craving Desires : #The Dark Blood Series

For centuries, vampires have been at war with the humans, also known as the breathers. To end the war, there was only one way for both sides, they needed to go against their own laws and rules. WARNING: MATURED CONTENTS

Paulicia · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs



" Where the hell is Leah...?! ' yelled Blake immediately he retuned from his stakeout to find all the other members of the pack asleep except for one person, his sister.

Startled by his loud voice, they all sprang up to their feet, and immediately began to look around, confusion written all over their faces as they each realised she was actually not there with them and were wondering where she had disappeared to.

Seeing that none of them seemed to have any idea where his sister was, an angry Blake slowly approached one of the guys in the group and grabbed him by the neck.

Before he had gone on the stakeout, he had appointed him to keep guard and watch over the rest of the pack, and also look out for dangers or any of their enemies that might want to creep up on them and ambush them.

He tasked him with keeping the others safe till his return, and so since he slept off and allowed his sister to go missing, Blake instinctively put all the blame on him.

" Where is my sister, huh? " he roared one more time, tightening his grip on his neck, choking him.

Gasping for air, the guy began to struggle against Blake's firm grip, digging his now protruding claw-like nails into his wrist, trying to dislodge him.

The others, although feeling pity for their mate, couldn't do anything but just stand there and watch while he continued to wheeze and wince in excruciating pain.

Every single one of them knows how much Blake adored his sister and the extent he'd go for her.

They know how much trouble they'll be in just by trying to interfere and that's why they all chose to remain silent.

" For the last time, where is Leah...? "

" I'm here! " exclaimed a tiny voice, making everyone turned their heads.

Upon seeing Leah, everyone lets out a sigh of relief and Blake also let's go of the guy, finally freeing him from his clutches.

The guy, who was almost at the point of suffocation, sat down on the ground and tried to catch his breath while one of the female members of the pack rushed to go meet Leah.

" Where have you been, Leah? " she asked, while she scanned her body for any injury. " Do you know you got us all worried sick...? " she added, her tone that of worry and displeasure.

Her brother was almost close to killing the other guy all because of her and had it not been for the fact that she had arrived at that moment in time, he would have ended up doing it.

" I'm sorry, guys... I actually felt a little bored earlier and decided to take a short stroll. It's not that much of a big deal... "

" It is a big deal, Leah, " snapped Blake. It was obvious he was still mad. " Who knows what would've happened to you back there had you gotten into some kind of danger? Huh? You can't just be strolling in the woods all alone knowing we're not the only ones in this place. What if you had encountered a vampire out there or even end up in the clutches of those maliscious humans? How would you have been able to save yourself? "

" I would've been just fine brother... " Leah fired at him. She bit her lip in regret. He was only looking out for her. Walking over to where her brother stood, she slowly reached for his his hand and then looked up into his eyes with the most gentle look ever, " I know you're only concerned about my safety and I really appreciate that you do but isn't it high time you realise that I am no longer your tiny little baby sister? I'm now a full grown woman and trust me I can clearly take care of myself if and when I do find myself in danger. You don't always have to burden yourself with keeping me safe because it's not needed. I'm competent enough to keep myself safe at anytime so you shouldn't be worried about me no more. In fact, instead of always trying to babysit me, why don't you focus your attention on the other pressing issues you have... like for instance how you're going to become an alpha and go back to take the pack? I mean you're still working towards that right? " she inquired.

There was a long silence after which Blake, looking quite hurt by his sister's words, pulled his hand out of hers and without a word, stormed off into the woods once again.

Behind him, Leah let's out a deep breathe before approaching the guy her brother had attacked earlier and knelt beside him.

" I'm sorry I got you into trouble, " she apologised and placed her hand on his neck which was visible with bruises and blood since Blake had dug his claws deep into his skin.

The guy, realising what she was about to do, immediately pulled himself away from her.

He had already suffered enough because of her.

Leah, knowing why he pulled away from her, gave a sad smile, " You don't always have to be afraid of him, Asher. He may be your leader but sometimes, you also need to fight back... and trust me, you need me to heal you before you start to bleed out and die, " she cautioned.

At this point, Asher, although scared of Blake, had no other option than to accept Leah's help to heal him.

He wasn't ready to die yet.

While all these were going on, Tyrion, who was hiding behind a tree silently observed from afar.

After he made sure the human girl was safe, his curiosity had gotten the best of him and so he trailed after the wolf, thereby tracing her to the rest of her pack.

He was bent on finding out what the wolf wanted from the human and he was not going to give up until he does so.

From what he knows so far, the wolves and humans have been at odds with each other ever since the humans turned against the wolves after they had helped them defeat the vampires so he found it strange that the wolf hadn't attacked the girl even when it had the chance to.

Why was it standing over her as if it was trying to protect her?

And what was her identity? What does she have to do with the were race?