
Craving Desires : #The Dark Blood Series

For centuries, vampires have been at war with the humans, also known as the breathers. To end the war, there was only one way for both sides, they needed to go against their own laws and rules. WARNING: MATURED CONTENTS

Paulicia · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


" Your highness... your highness... " Tyrion heard one of the palace guards frantically calling out to him as he walked down the palace halls heading to his chambers and lets out an exhausted sigh.

He had just gotten back and they are already disturbing him?

Even without anyone telling him anything, he immediately knew why he was being called, however, he completely ignored the gaurd and continued walking away.

" Your highness, the King seeks your immediate attention in his chambers, " revealed the gaurd in a persistent tone while trying to keep up with him, however, an unconcerned Tyrion just kept going till he finally reached his chambers.

His inability to find out what he wanted about the wolf and the human girl put him in quite a foul mood and because of that he did not want to talk to anyone, not even his father.

It's not as if he has anything important to discuss with him anyways.

Once inside his chambers, Tyrion banged the door shut and was about to lock it to prevent anyone from coming in when he realised he had company.

It didn't take him long to know who it was.

" What are you doing here, Reina? " he growled, his eyes glowing with intense rage.

" That's no way to greet an elder sister, is it, Tyrion? " a female voice tauntingly replied and out of the darkness of the room emerged a beautiful blonde with a silver crown resting on her head.

" What are you doing in my chambers? " repeated Tyrion, this time in a much more angry tone, yet the lady, completely unfazed by his hostility took a seat and folded her legs all the while looking calm and composed.

" We may not get along, Tyrion but you can't deny the fact that I'm your elder sister and that I know much about you than you even do about yourself... I figured you'd refuse to see father so I had to come wait for you here, " she explained with a wink, infuriating him even more.

" If you're here to convince me to go along with the stupid arrangements of father and the council then just forget it because I'm not going to do it. I already made it clear to you all that I will not be getting married to one of those unscrupulous creatures just so you people can satisfy your selfish desires. I refuse to be used as a puppet in your evil games, " he said and the lady suddenly burst out laughing, making him stare at her with confusion written all over his face.

" Now why would you even think that I want you to do that? " she asked, further increasing his confusion.

" You don't want me to marry the human? Now, why should I believe you? You're one of the sneakiest people I've known all my life, Reina so how am I sure you're telling me the truth? How am I supposed to know this isn't some other evil trap of yours? "

" Because it isn't, " she replied, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. " You know, I never really thought you paid much attention to me, ever, but hearing you compliment me now makes me realise you actually do. How come we aren't friends though? " she asked, receiving a snort from Tyrion in response. " Oh of course, my brother and I tried to kill you... hmmm, I'm still sorry about that though. I mean, it wasn't actually our fault. You weren't entirely one of us and we hadn't actually seen your kind before so we were a bit scared. You'd have acted the same way, wouldn't you? " she paused and stared at him for a reaction, however when she got none, she continued, " alright, enough of the history. I know you think of me as an enemy but I'm not. All those years thinking I was the firstborn, I had always known I was going to be the one to rule the kingdom after father although it was going to be hard since the clan wouldn't agree to letting a female rule them, however when you showed up I guess I felt a bit threatened. We were both born at the same time, but then you are a man and you have all the qualities it takes to be a leader and although I'm as good as you, I knew my chances were slim with you around that's why I've always hated you. I know I shouldn't have but you can't blame me. I've dedicated my entire life into serving the clan until you showed up. I couldn't accept the fact that all my dreams were going to be shattered because of someone like you and that's why I've been hostile towards you since but trust me, in my heart, you were and have always been my brother and I love you so much that's why I don't want you to go through with the marriage. "

Tyrion was silent. He stared at her with suspicious eyes, trying to read her.

Could she actually be telling the truth?

And if she was, what was in it for her? Why doesn't she want him to get married to the human?

What is her plan this time around?

" Why? "

" Huh...?! "

" Why don't you want me to marry her? "

" Well, because I want the best for you... "

" Cut the crap, Reina, we both know you're a selfish person who doesn't care about anyone. You only help people when you know you'll benefit from them so tell me, why are you against me marrying the human? What are you planning? "

Reina smiled. She already knew it was going to be hard to convince him that she meant well.

" Believe me, Tyrion, I'm not doing this to gain anything, " she said with a sincere tone. " Some of the clan elders are against you becoming the ruler of the clan that's why they suggested you get married to the girl. They're trying desperately to get rid of you and as much as that gladdens my heart, I can't let them succeed. I've always believed in winning fair and square and I'm not going to change that. "

" Hmmm, that's quite interesting... " Tyrion's lips pursed up in a self-satisfied smirk. " Thank you for wanting to help me, Reina, but I sincerely don't need your help. And oh, now that I've actually thought about it, I think I'll go ahead and marry that girl, after all what could go wrong? " he shrugged.

Taken aback by his words, Reina furrowed her brows as she stared at him, a look of bewilderment plastered all over her face.

What is wrong with him?

She couldn't believe he really wants to do that after all what she had just told him however she knows Tyrion well enough to know his mind was made up.

Dissapointed, Reina got up and headed straight for the door, but before she left the room however, she stopped and looking over her shoulder, she said, " Don't make the same mistakes father made. "