
Craving Desires : #The Dark Blood Series

For centuries, vampires have been at war with the humans, also known as the breathers. To end the war, there was only one way for both sides, they needed to go against their own laws and rules. WARNING: MATURED CONTENTS

Paulicia · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Tyrion let out a soft sigh and slightly adjusted himself on the tree branch he was lying on while he stared deeply into space, admiring the beauty of the moon and its radiating light at the same time enjoying the calmness and tranquility of the night.

In fact, the main reason he comes out to the forest most nights was just so he could be at peace and think.

It was actually a safe haven for him... a place that seemed more like a home to him than the palace he was living in.

It was a place he comes to whenever he was stressed and wanted to get away from the issues bothering him back at the palace.

In fact, the forest was the only place he could be without any disturbances from anybody and that was something he doesn't experience on a daily basis.

Back at the palace, there was always one problem or the other that needed his attention or somebody ready to disturb him... like his father the king, his annoying elder sister who parades herself around the entire kingdom acting like she was better than everyone else and then there was the rest of his clan.

At times, he wondered why they seem to want his help everytime when they hadn't even fully accepted him as one of theirs.

Yes... being born as as tribrid, he wasn't fully welcomed in the clan since he was believed to have been born with a contaminated blood and wasn't fully a member of the night.

In fact, it is one of the reasons they all wanted him to prove his allegiance to the clan by asking him to do the most insane and ridiculous thing ever... marrying a human.

To him, it was the joke of the century and he still couldn't believe his father was also in full support of it.

Truth be told, he's never seen eye to eye with him since the day he was brought into the kingdom however, he hadn't for once thought he'd be ready to sell him out that fast.

There were lots of choices they could've come up with. Tons of things they could've asked him to do which he would gladly do...

They could've given him a set of oddly challenging feats to conquer, like for instance asking him to eliminate the entire dog-race to prove he was worthy enough to be a part of the clan and he would have, yet, they chose to make him marry a pathetic breather.

A human!

It was the most stupidest thing he's ever heard...

Well of course, it wasn't that stupid since he was part breather too, but sadly, that part of him had long since been dead when their kind also rejected him years back so having to now marry one of them as his mate makes him sick to the stomach.

He can't fathom the thought of having to spend his life with a human.

A freaking human!

Those creatures were vile and pathetic and not to talk of weak.

He wished there was a way he could escape the present predicament but unfortunately there wasn't any.

Although he doesn't want to go ahead with the marriage, he has no other choice.

Still staring into the moonlit sky and juggling these thoughts in his head, Tyrion heard a faint cry and sat up with an unimaginable speed, then zoned every other sound out while concentrating on the faint sound to determine where it was coming from.

In less than a minute, he was able to detect the location of the sound and quickly sprang into action, flying down from the tree and running towards the direction of the cry with a speed of lightning.

Upon getting to the spot, Tyrion spotted a huge wolf standing over something and after confirming it was a breather, his first thought was to turn back and leave without intervening, however, when he remembered that he was going to get married to a breather the next day and seal the bond between his clan and their kinds, he decided to stay and help.

Intending to make his presence known to the creature, he suddenly cleared his throat, making it turn to face him and the very moment its eyes landed on him, he noticed a look of horror flashed in its eyes and smirked.

If there was one thing he was good at, it was making every other creature nervous just by being in their presence.

In fact, it's one of the advantages of him being a tribrid... everyone else fears and hates him.

" Uh, I really don't know what you plan on doing with that human and I don't event want to know but I wouldn't try it if I were you, " he said calmly. " I mean, it would actually be fun watching you tear him into pieces before I later go on and end you too but then I'm not in the mood to kill anyone this peaceful night so if you can, I'll like you to slowly step away from him and find your way back to your pack, or better yet, disobey my orders and end up being killed... not by me though. Like I stated earlier, I am not in the mood for bloodshed but there are few of my kind that I know who wouldn't give up the chance to rip a dog like you into shreds, " he added, a hint of threat in his tone.

The entire time he spoke, Tyrion kept his gaze locked on the creature.

Although it was obvious that it was scared of him, years and years of fighting in wars had thought Tyrion not to underestimate anyone so he knew not to loose guard and paid keen attention to the wolf, ready to attack if need be.

For sometime, it seemed like the wolf wasn't going to leave as it just continued to stand there, giving Tyrion a wild look, however, a while later, it started to back away and when it was a safe distance from him, it sprung off and disappeared into the night.

Tyrion, having gotten rid of the problem, now turned to also leave, but then, he suddenly realised he couldn't depart leaving the human lying there all helpless and defenceless so he decided to go help him.

Upon getting closer, he crouched down next to the human and frowned when he realised it was actually a young woman.

What could someone like her be doing in the forest at this ungodly hour all alone and what was it the wolf wanted with her...Also, who at all is she?