
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Werewolf Counterattack Strategy (15)

After helping Lu Qingqian off the carriage, Antwin took Lu Qingqian with him and walked up to Chuck and Bonia, and asked, "Have you discussed this yet? How do you explain why you want to capture these people who are not werewolves?"

"I just can't guarantee that they will all turn into wolves when they die, but I can be sure that they are all of the werewolf bloodlines." Bonia tilted his chin and justifiably argued forcefully, "People with werewolf bloodlines living among ordinary humans are a great threat to us, because they may turn into werewolves at any time. Is it wrong that I let the White Knights capture them, also for the safety of humanity?!"

The people began to talk again, and some of them felt as long as they were of werewolf blood, they should indeed be captured for the safety of human beings and not let go of any existence that threatened the safety of human beings.


When Chuck saw Lu Jingqian and Antwin's intimate actions, he felt uncomfortable in his heart, and when he thought of Lu Jingqian's previous refusal to give him medicine, he was even angrier.

"Let me take a look." Lu Jingqian looked at Bonia with a smirk and said, "While watching the show, by the way, tore down someone's acting skills."

Bonia glared at Lu Jingqian and said, "If you don't show up, I'll almost forget that you are also a werewolf bloodline, a dangerous existence to humans! It's fine if you always stay at home, but now you dare to walk around. In case you can't control yourself to become a werewolf and attack humans, you are ready to die to atone for the crime?!"

"You don't get to say whether I'm a werewolf bloodline or not." Lu Jingqian said.

"What a joke. I'm a prophet, if what I say doesn't count, does your word do?" Bonia said with a cold face.

"If I say my words are the truth, no one may believe me now." Lu Jingqian calmly said, "But who is the werewolf bloodline, my father's word can be trusted."

"Your father?" Bonia said sarcastically, "What? Are you able to bring your father back to life? Even if your father is resurrected, can he, a witch doctor, still replace me, a prophet, and testify the werewolf bloodline?"

"Naturally you are the person in this world who is most certain that my father cannot be resurrected." Lu Jingqian said, "Although my father could not be resurrected, but he painstakingly studied the medicines which can determine who is the real werewolf bloodline."

Bonia's heart skipped a beat and he stared hard at Lu Jingqian, instinctively unwilling to believe Lu Jingqian's words from the bottom of his heart, "Impossible! If there really is such a medicine, why didn't your father ever disclose it when he was alive?!"

"Because he had just finished developing it and was killed before he had a chance to make it public." Lu Jingqian said, "I am not you who just open your mouth to prove everything. I will use the evidence that everyone can see to prove everything."

Antwin's subordinates came over with a few tied up people. One of the team members protecting Lu Jingqian ran to the carriage and fetched a medicine box over and handed it to Lu Jingqian.

Lu Jingqian said loudly to the people, "I am now going to prove that the medicines my father has spent years of hard work to develop can accurately distinguish who is the real werewolf bloodline. Has anyone volunteered to come out and cooperate with me, I only need a few drops of your blood and will not hurt you."

"I am willing. My life was saved by your father's. If I can prove that these medicines work, you can even take my life!" Immediately, someone stepped forward and said he was willing to cooperate with his life.

"I'm willing too, a few drops of blood is nothing, you can even take all my blood!"

"Me too!"

"My whole family was saved by your father, how can I be missing!"

"I'm willing too!"

A number of people have come forward to show their willingness to cooperate. These were people who have had their lives saved by Heron's father and were grateful.

When Bonia saw there were actually so many people who favored Lu Jingqian and were willing to give their lives to help him, he couldn't help the jealously and anger that sprang up in his heart. He sacrificed so many werewolves over the years, tried so hard to gain everyone's trust, and still failed to wear down the influence of Heron's father.

"I thank you on behalf of my father." Lu Jingqian sincerely expressed his gratitude to those who came forward, "My father did his best in his life to save more people, I naturally won't let you use your own lives to help me. I only need about ten people to give a few drops of their own blood each."

"These guys, I don't need to say much, there should be quite a few people here who know who they are." Antwin pointed to the people brought by his subordinates and said, "They are the real werewolf bloodline, born of werewolves who conceal their identity and lives as humans. Some of them had transformed into wolves before, but because of the low degree of wolf brutality and their own control, they did not harm humans. So after we captured them, the Black Knights didn't kill them, but locked them up. They can do what they want as long as they d hurt anyone."

"This is what Heron's father asked our Black Knights to do, and I didn't know the reason before until Heron told me that his father had researched the drug that could distinguish the true werewolf bloodline and purify it. Only then did I know the reason he asked me to do it."

Antwin's words were just finished when the crowd immediately let out an incredulous gasp. Being able to identify the werewolf bloodline only made them feel surprised and somewhat expectant. However, the news of being able to purify the werewolf bloodline was enough to shock them a million times. Before today, this was really something that could not even be thought of. Although it has not yet been confirmed that it is really possible, as long as it is possible, if it is really feasible, it is truly a blessing for humanity.

And when Chuck heard it, he got a big blow. Because Heron's father actually chose to let the Black Knights do these things, something so important, but didn't reveal any news to them, the White Knights. This shows that Heron's father, although being protected by the White Knights, trusts the Black Knights more, which makes it difficult for him to accept this fact.

In fact, it was not that Heron's father believed in the Black Knights more than the White Knights. Rather, he was more willing to trust Antwin than Chuck.

The medicines that can distinguish the real werewolf bloodline have indeed been developed by Heron's father and have not been announced because the drug to purify the werewolf bloodline has not yet been developed. And the reason why Lu Jingqian said it had been completed was that he had finished the medicine to purify the werewolf bloodline for Heron's father with the help of the system.

Lu Jingqian poured the potion to identify the werewolf bloodline into a dozen glass bottles, and then placed them on the long table carried over by the members of the Black Knights.

The members of the Black Knights, who had confirmed they had werewolf blood, brought them over one by one and had them cut their fingers and drip their blood into glass bottles. They then bring those who naturally come forward to help, and also let them each cut their fingers and drip the blood into the glass bottle on the other side respectively.

Lu Jingqian picked up two glass bottles and showed them to the public, "Do you all see? If it is the bloodline of a werewolf, the blood will turn into a black lump when it enters this potion. If it is a pure human bloodline, there will be no change when the blood drops into the potion."

Lu Jingqian then dropped another potion into the glass bottle with the black lump, and after waiting for a while, the black lump gradually disappeared and turned into bright red blood.

All the people stretched their necks and stared at the scene in front of them, not knowing how to express their feelings of feeling magical at the moment. As long as they thought of blocking another path for the wolves to annex the humans, they couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Both Chuck and Bonia did not look too good. Chuck was in a very bad mood because both Heron's father and Lu Jingqian chose to believe in the Black Knights over their White Knights simultaneously.

Bonia, on the other hand, as the Wolf King, felt a sense of crisis over the fact that there was actually a medicine that could purify the werewolf bloodline.

Lu Jingqian looked at the two of them, then walked to the face of those captured by the White Knights. He pointed at someone before the Black Knights members dragged them away.

Bonia had not yet recovered from the blow of purifying the werewolf bloodline, so did not see Lu Jingqian pointed out all those people.

Lu Jingqian collected the blood of those people and again showed the people, "Prophet prophet said he had captured, in addition to werewolves, were also those of the werewolf blood, and made no mistake to catch a human. But everyone takes a look, among these people, none of them are of werewolf blood. They are all human."

When the people were full of surprise and confusion, Lu Jingqian turned to look at Bonia and said, "Prophet Bonia, please explain why you let the White Knights capture them when they are obviously not a werewolf bloodline?"

After Bonia came back to his senses, he realized Lu Jingqian had actually brought out all those humans who did not have any werewolf bloodline. He thought of a possibility but was reluctant to accept the fact that, because of the great shock, he opened his mouth but could not make a sound.

Everyone looked at Bonia, including Chuck, and waited for his answer.

And at the moment, Bonia, who was rolling around inside like he was shocked by lightning, was strongly denying in his mind the possibility that he thought of. But he didn't have a valid reason to be able to convince himself, and if he didn't face the facts and hurry to find a way to respond to the conversation, he could very well just lose everything completely.

Bonia forced himself to calm down, and then said loudly to the people, "This is all a lie, do not believe him! What medicine to distinguish the werewolf bloodline and what potion that can purify the werewolf bloodline? It simply can not exist. This is just a trick he is playing, don't be fooled by him. If you fall for his trick, everyone will be finished!"

"You say I play tricks. Then you should rather unravel how I cheat everyone. Moreover, why would I cheat everyone here in the name of my father?"Lu Jingqian looked at him and said, "Everyone here knows my father's ability. He saved the lives of many almost-dead people and developed a number of kinds of medicines that others feel impossible to develop. You want to deny my father's ability for your own selfishness and purpose, and describe the fruits of his painstaking efforts as a trick. I will never let you go!"

"Your father is great, but you're the one who insulted him, not me!" Bonia said with a righteous look, "You failed your father because you used your father's reputation among the people to do something very wrong!"

"Oh?" Lu Jingqian sneered and asked, "Tell me, what did I do that was very wrong?"

"You and Antwin both, for the sake of power and profit, collude with the wolves!" Bonia pointed at Lu Jingqian and shouted accusations.

Lu Jingqian said calmly, "Shouting loud enough does not prove what you say is the truth. You said that I and Antwin colluded with the werewolves, this is not a small charge, so where is your evidence?"