
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Werewolf Counterattack Strategy (14)

Although Bonia gambled on Chuck saying he would no longer go to help him find the werewolves, he couldn't really just do that or the people and Chuck would question him even more. So in order to reduce the number of werewolves killed, he had to go ahead with a certain plan.

Originally, he wanted to wait until the time was more mature before proceeding with this plan, but given the current situation, if he doesn't proceed with this plan now, he may not even have the opportunity to do so in the future.

A few days later, Chuck and the White Knights, went to several villages in one day, and with Bonia's testimony, they captured a considerable number of werewolves. All these people were gagged and their hands and feet were tied and thrown on several wagons carrying goods, about 30 to 40 people.

The White Knights were to take them to some large pit that had been dug and bury them alive, a suggestion Bonia gave to Chuck, saying that there were too many werewolves and that killing them directly would scare the people. And handling the body was too much trouble and a waste of time rather than being buried alive. The process was simple and time-saving.


Chuck felt that Bonia had a point. The White Knight recently had a number of people injured, because there was no medicine to heal, the injured team members can only be bedridden, and can no longer carry out the mission. And because he is intent on leading the Black Knights, he has recently increased the number of arrests, and the team is clearly tired. So he felt Bonia's suggestion could largely ease the burden of the White Knights, and agreed without much thought. And the work of digging and filling pits can be done by others, without their team members doing it themselves.

The White Knights were on their way when the group suddenly stopped because someone lined up at the fork in the road in front of them and blocked their way.

Chuck, who was riding at the front of the group, caught a glimpse of Antwin, who was not far away, and those who blocked their way were none other than members of the Black Knights.

Chuck now feels exasperated when he sees Antwin. Although he used to feel upset when he saw Antwin, before he felt he was at an advantage and Antwin was at a disadvantage. So even if he feels unhappy when he sees him, he won't have the urge to walk away immediately.

But now the two men's situation has shifted, and Chuck not only feels angry when seeing Antwin, but he also doesn't even want to see him at all. But Chuckles felt that losing doesn't mean he was a loser. Not to mention he didn't think he had completely lost to Antwin, and that they were both tied at best.

Chuck felt that although Antwin had all the medicines left by Heron's father, those medicines would always run out one day. He has the Black Knights but they have the prophets on their side. To continue to suppress the Black Knights was just a matter of time, he just had to get through this period.

Chuck drove his horse forward, looked at Antwin, and asked, "What do you want?"

"I received a report that your White Knights were wrongly arresting innocent people. " Antwin said calmly and seriously, "So we, the Black Knights, are here to exercise oversight, please take these people you have captured and come with us to Lesia City's square."

"Don't bully people too much when you gain momentary power!" Chuck gritted his teeth in anger and said, "I have a prophet's witness to arrest the White Knights, you want to slander us for wrongly arresting innocent people. Simply delusional!"

"What are you so excited about? The right to supervise is a right that you and I both have. I can supervise you and you can supervise me." Antwin said, "Last time our Black Knights executed werewolves in the square, you said you were there to exercise oversight, and we let you do so. Now we, the Black Knights, want to exercise our supervisory rights, if you don't let us, you should be the ones who bully people too much, right? Since you have so much faith in your prophets, what is there that you dare not accept supervision?"

Chuck was blocked from speaking and could only be angry in silence, but even if he was angry, he could not refuse the Black Knights when they must enforce their supervision rights.

"Hmph, you guys want to enforce oversight, don't you?"Chuck said, "It's not impossible to supervise our executions. But first, what are you going to do if we don't arrest the wrong person?"

"I remember..." Antwin waved a horsewhip with a reminiscent expression and said, "The last time you supervised our Black Knights, you seem to have agreed to guarantee your life, but until now, it has not been implemented."

Chuck was once again gagged. He could only get more exasperated, then followed in silence with the White Knights and those captured after Antwin and the others turned their horses around.

Bonia, who was sitting in the back of the carriage, clearly heard the entire conversation between the two and was now so anxious that his palms and forehead were full of sweat.

Bonia was secretly remorseful, but he knew he could not stop the Black Knights from exercising their oversight right now. Although he had already thought of a reason but did not tell Chuck in advance. Had he known the Black Knights were coming so quickly, he should have done a better job of fixing Chuck's mindset before proceeding with the plan.

It took two or three hours to get back to Lesia City, and because Bonia was in a constant state of tension, he felt time passed as fast as ever as if only 30 or 40 minutes had passed, and they were already outside the city.

The people of the city had already been notified, including those from nearby villages, and had gathered in the square to wait. After they watched the Black and White Knights come, they automatically gave way and let them enter the center of the square.

Before the White Knights could do anything, the Black Knights had already gotten those who were tied up and thrown in the carriage down, then removed the cloth bags from their heads and also took out the cloths stuffed in their mouths.

Those people were a little dazed at first, some thought they were going to be executed immediately and kept shaking.

After seeing the people around them, some of them immediately shouted excitedly, "I'm not a werewolf. I'm really not a werewolf!"

"I'm not a werewolf either. They got the wrong person, I'm not a werewolf!"

"Please believe me, I'm really not a werewolf. They, the White Knights got the wrong people, they really caught the wrong ones!"

"I'm not a werewolf, not a werewolf! Don't kill me!"

At least half of them were screaming hysterically that they were not werewolves, after all, their lives were at stake, and some of them were on the verge of collapse.

The onlookers felt that this scene was somewhat familiar. Those werewolves captured by the Black Knights in Lesia City not long ago also cried out for help in the same way, arguing very strongly that they were not werewolves. But this time the onlookers are much calmer than last time, because last time they have been cheated once by those wolves, and this time they don't dare to easily trust those who call for help. And since this time it was the Black Knights who exercised oversight over the White Knights' executions, the consequences were naturally borne by the Black and White Knights.

Antwin waited for a while, saw Bonia did not come down from the carriage, then said to Chuck, "Please let the prophet come. This time we, Black Knights', in order to exercise supervision, not only have to supervise your White Knights' arrest, but also to supervise the prophet's testimony."

Bonia's carriage was parked a short distance away. After he heard Antwin's words, he had to open the door and step out of the carriage himself. If he pretended not to hear or insisted on not getting off the carriage, it would appear that he was obviously being weak-minded.

Bonia walked up to Antwin and Chuck with a forged sense of composure, looked up at Antwin, and said, "What do you want?"

"Are you sure you won't faint again this time?"Antwin looked at Bonia coldly and said, "If you are sure, then in front of all the people, make sure that each and every one of these people that you testified to and then had the White Knights capture is a werewolf."

Bonia secretly took a deep breath, although there was a ripple in his heart, his expression was still calm, "I can guarantee that these people are all werewolf bloodline."

"Don't say these ambiguous words. Just promise directly in front of all the people that if just one of them dies without turning into a wolf, what are you going to do?" Antwin pressed on.

"..." Bonia was silent for a while, but finally could only say, "I can't guarantee that they will all become wolves when they die, only that they will all be of werewolf blood."

Chuck, who was originally just angry with Antwin for deliberately finding fault, but still had confidence in Bonia's testimony, immediately looked at him with wide eyes after hearing his words.

"You'll have to say it clearly, then."Antwin said loudly, "You are a prophet, but you can not guarantee that they are all werewolves. Moreover, you also testify and let the White Knights capture them. What exactly is your reason for doing so? It is best to give a reasonable explanation in front of the public. I will suspect that you are not a real prophet if you can't give a reasonable explanation!"

The people around the square started to discuss. They were surprised Bonia actually said he could not guarantee those who were captured were werewolves, but more than that, they were puzzled. Especially with those things that happened before, plus the current situation, no matter how you think about it, it makes people think Bonia has become very strange.

Chuck dragged Bonia to the side and asked in a lowered voice, "What's wrong with you? Why say that you can't guarantee that they will become werewolves when they die? If you're not even sure if they're werewolves, why would you testify against them?!"

"I, I just don't want the White Knights to be overwhelmed by the Black Knights and want to help you find more werewolves. Some of them are not werewolves, but they have the bloodline of werewolves, and the possibility of becoming werewolves in the future is very high." Bonia explained seriously.

"Then why didn't you make it clear to me before we arrested them?!" Chuck had a feeling of being cheated, and the anger in his heart was hard to suppress. "Did you have to wait until Antwin caught you in the act before you said it?!"

"You've been getting busier and busier lately. You don't even have time to talk to me, I was going to find time to talk to you about this after this arrest is over. I didn't know why Antwin would suddenly want to exercise supervision. If I had known, I would have told you." Bonia said with an aggrieved face.

"You…" Chuck was so angry he couldn't say anything.

At this time, a carriage escorted by a dozen members of the Black Knights entered the center of the square.

Antwin strides over to open the door of the carriage and raises his hand to help Lu Jingqian down from the carriage.

Chuck and Bonia looked over at the same time, and they froze for a moment after seeing Lu Jingqian, wondering why he appeared here at this time.

Zia's here:

It's a bit late, but I want to inform everyone that my update schedule is sporadic, but the average should be every two to three days.