
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Werewolf Counterattack Strategy (16)

The people were shocked by this succession of shocking news and didn't know how to react. Lu Jingqian said Bonia deliberately captured humans to impersonate the werewolf bloodline, and Bonia said Lu Jingqian was playing a trick, and that he and Antwin were colluding with the werewolves. The people no longer know whom to believe, let alone tell who was telling the truth.

"Evidence....." Bonia swallowed, he knew it was definitely too late to make up actual evidence because he never expected that Heron was actually the real prophet. The two of them grew up together, and he thought he knew all of Heron's secrets and thoughts, yet he actually didn't know about Heron being the prophet. The failure to anticipate the person he thought the least likely to be a prophet would actually be the one caught him so off guard.

"There is no evidence, is there?" Lu Jingqian said with an expression of having known this.

"The evidence is those werewolves you captured earlier!" Bonia has no actual evidence and can only rely on words to debate. In short, at this time, he does not absolutely have to solidify the trust of the people, he can no longer let the people's trust in him decline, otherwise, the situation really can not be redeemed, "You have captured so many werewolves without a prophet, if not by collusion with the werewolves, how can you do it. And it's likely that the one you colluded with is the Wolf King!"

Lu Jingqian could not hold back his laughter after hearing Bonia's words, and then looked at him and asked, "Isn't the Wolf King dead? Where did the wolf king come from?"

"It's true that the previous Wolf King died, but after the death of the previous Wolf King, a new Wolf King will definitely appear. If the previous Wolf King has a son, then his son will be the new Wolf King when he comes of age." Bonia said with a serious face.

"It seems you know it very well. How can you, a prophet, know so much about werewolves?" Lu Jingqian said, "You've been living in my house since you were little and growing up with me. I don't remember anyone ever teaching you these things, right? Is it possible that you self-taught and become knowledgeable about werewolves?"

"I learned all of this slowly during my search for werewolves after my prophet ability awakened, and didn't need anyone to teach me specifically," Bonia said.

Lu Jingqian turned to face the people and took a few steps forward and said, "Everyone! Now Bonia has testified that Antwin and I colluded with the werewolves, but couldn't produce any actual evidence. Then I will now testify against him and Chuck for colluding with the werewolves, and will produce actual evidence so everyone can clearly see who is the one colluding with the werewolves."

"I colluded with the werewolves? I'm a prophet, what's the reason and what's the need to collude with werewolves?" said Bonia in anger.

"We'll talk about this matter of whether you're a prophet or not afterward. You'd better not get too excited for the time being, or else when you see the evidence, I'm afraid you'll faint again." After Lu Jingqian sarcastically spoke to Bonia, he turned his head to look at Chuck and asked, "Do you have anything to say in your own defense?"

As things unfolded, Chuck, like the people, was in a state of complete confusion. If before, he would have believed Bonia firmly, but after such a series of events, Lu Jingqian said he could produce evidence of the situation, therefore, he could not continue to insist on believing Bonia.

Chuck avoided Bonia's eyes and said, "I don't know what the others have done. I can only assure you that I have never colluded with the werewolves!"

Bonia's eyes were full of disappointment because Chuck's trust in him had been completely shaken. It seemed that now was impossible for him to count on Chuck to continue to trust him and his heart became even more anxious.

Lu Jingqian looked at Antwin, indicating that he could start. Antwin nodded and raised his hand, and the Black Knights made a quick move.

Several members of the White Knights, without any defense, were pinned down to the ground by members of the Black Knights. Those people tried to struggle but were pressed by the Black Knights' members with the swords in their hands on their necks, making them afraid to move.

"This is the evidence I'm going to show you." Lu Jingqian said to the people, "These people are werewolves, but they are mixed with the White Knights. Who do you think is the one who colluded with the werewolves?"

"You're full of crap!" Bonia shouted with agitation subconsciously, "How can they be werewolves!"

"So, you're trying to vouch for them not being werewolves as a prophet, are you?" Lu Jingqian looked at him and said, "Are you willing to give your life as a guarantee? My. dear. prophet."

"..." After calming down a little, Bonia found he had already jumped into the hole Lu Jingqian dug. Now, it was too late for him to say he could not guarantee they were not werewolves. He could only find a way to prevent these people from being executed. He looked at Chuck and said, "These are your men, are you going to watch them get killed? If they are killed by the Black Knights, how will you face the rest of the team in the future?!"

Chuck looked into Bonia's eyes seriously as if he wanted to look into his heart. "Tell me, are they really not werewolves?"

"You don't believe me?" Bonia made an incredibly hurt expression, "I have helped you so much, and at this time, you actually prefer to trust him rather than me?!"

"These are the people who entered the White Knights through you. Answer me, are they werewolves or not?" Chuck continued to ask.

To enter the Order, there were very strict examination requirements. Their life and family background must be investigated clearly. But these few people, because they were sponsored by Bonia to enter the White Knights, they did not do such a strict screening. If they were really werewolves, then the one who colluded with the werewolves was definitely Bonia.

"No!" This time, he can only bite the bullet and they were not werewolves, and then let Chuck step in to bail them out. "They are not werewolves, believe me! We can't let the White Knights' members be killed by the Black Knights. It's their conspiracy."

Chuck clenched his fist tightly and closed his eyes in silence for a moment, his inner struggle was also incomparable. He was trying to believe Bonia. After all, if Bonia really colluded with the werewolves, even if he was not involved and was one of those who were deceived, he certainly could not convince the people that he was really unaware of it. But his still shaky heart told him he could no longer trust anyone blindly and to take the facts as he saw them.

Chuck looked to Antwin and said, "You can only execute one person first, and if that person is not a werewolf, you will immediately kill yourself to pay for your life, can you promise you can do that?"

"What makes me different from you is that if I say I will do it, I will do it." Antwin said, "As long as either of them is not a werewolf, I'll give them my own life."

"No!" Bonia shouted loudly, "Not even one, how can human life become so trivial? After they were killed, even if the Black Knights committed collective suicide as an apology, they couldn't be brought back from the dead! What do you take a human life for when you kill as you wish?"

"Then what do you take a human life for when you have the White Knights capture those people and try to kill them when you can't be sure they'll turn into werewolves?" Lu Jingqian asked rhetorically.

"... I was thinking of the safety of humans, and someone with werewolf blood is a threat to humans as long as they live," Bonia argued insistently.

"Is it that we weren't thinking about the safety of humanity?" Lu Jingqian said, "The meaning of the Order's existence is the guardian of mankind. If the guardian of mankind is actually werewolves, what safety can be said?"

"They can't be werewolves at all!" Bonia said loudly, "I'm a prophet, can't I tell if they're werewolves or not?"

"Since you insist on biting off more than you can chew as a prophet, and you vowed they are not werewolves." Lu Jingqian looked at him and said, "Then now I'm also going to testify as a prophet that you are a Wolf King pretending to be the fake prophet!"

Except for Antwin, almost everyone was stunned. The consequences of impersonating a prophet were severe. In order to crack down on people pretending to be prophets and to avoid causing confusion, if someone cannot prove his identity after saying he is a prophet, he is to be executed.

Although everyone had already shaken their trust in Bonia, when Lu Jingqian suddenly said he was the true prophet and Bonia was the Wolf King posing as a fake prophet, it makes everyone unable to react immediately, only to wonder if they had heard wrong.

At this moment, Bonia felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff, and behind him was a ten-thousand-foot abyss. As long as Lu Jingqian is in front of him and gives a gentle push, he will fall into the abyss in pieces. After a complete defeat, there is no chance of a comeback.

Lu Jingqian smiled, but his eyes were unusually cold as he looked at Bonia and said, "The reason you don't want these werewolves who are hiding their identities to be killed is that you know that once they die and become werewolves, you won't be able to explain why you, as a prophet, didn't uncover their identities, right?"

"You... are the Wolf King?" Bonia, who was standing behind Chuckles, even without seeing Chuckles' expression, could guess that he had hesitated because of Lu Jingqian's words.

"I…" Bonia could not say anything but shook his head while looking at Chuck with a pleading look.

"He is the son of the previous Wolf King, the current Wolf King, whose father my father killed with a poison pill. So the first thing he did after becoming the Wolf King to take revenge was killed my father." Lu Jingqian said, "On his chest, there is the mark of the Wolf King, which is the best proof."

"I did not!" After hearing Lu Jingqian's words, Chuck immediately denied, "There is no mark on his chest!"

Lu Jingqian laughed again, "He hid it. Of course, you can not see. How can he let you see his Wolf King's mark, is that not the same as him exposing his own identity?"

"And how are you going to prove that he has the mark of the Wolf King on his chest?" Chuck asked, his heart still holding a last glimmer of hope, he hoped that Bonia is not the so-called Wolf King as Lu Jingqian said.

"The method is a bit cruel. If I say it now, you may not agree. After all, you are not fully convinced of his identity as the Wolf King, right?" Lu Jingqian said, "So I asked to prove the identity of the werewolves mixed in the White Knights first, and then prove Bonia's identity as the Wolf King, this is the best way to do it."