
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(6.1)

Rui Yusheng was very satisfied with his performance today, He had a feeling the votes he got would definitely rank first, so he sat next to Lu Jingqian after entering the lounge. He was ready to wait for the results to come out and enjoy Lu Jingqian's stricken expression.

"How do you feel?" Rui Yusheng pretended to be concerned and asked, "How much do you think your performance could get probably?"

"It's my first time joining competitive voting. I had no previous experience to compare and was unable to predict the votes that can be obtained." Lu Jingqian said calmly, "Anyway, the live broadcast has ended, so let's leave the result to fate."

"You're very open-minded." Rui Yusheng's voice carried some laughter, on contrary, his eyes couldn't hold his ridicule, "Since the emergence of Allure Model, as long as the show models debuted from there, they will always crush the models from other's companies, and there has never been a case of the other way around You definitely unable to get the top three votes for sure, but I hope you don't lose too badly, or else, the trainers who recommended you will be disgraced."


Ruiyu was very unhappy with those teachers who strongly recommended Lu Jingqian. He strongly hoped that those teachers would be struck by the votes received by Lu Jingqian and regret recommending him. In his heart, even if he doesn't look as good as Wen Nan, he thinks he is better than Wen Nan in any other aspect. But even when the company's management believed he had a relationship with Frederick, he had never received such public special treatment. So why did Wen Nan get it?

"I also hope not to disappoint them. After all, they are experienced trainers who have been in the industry for many years. It puts a lot of pressure on me to be appreciated by them," Lu Jingqian's tone and expression were calm, without any nervousness. Because he was confident in himself. Although he was unlikely to get the most votes this time due to the difference in the number of fans, he was sure it wouldn't be too low.

Representatives from Durin Company walked in, accompanied by representatives from various small show model companies. The representative sent by the Allure Model happened to be Bediya. As soon as Bediya came in, she looked at Lu Jingqian and gave him a reassuring look.

The representative of the Durin company said some official words. After thanking all the models for their effort for today, he began to announce the three models with the most votes.

"Please look at the screen. The model with the most votes is…" The Durin representative's words were not finished yet, because the screen would display the name, votes, and playback volume of the model with the most votes.

As soon as the number "1" lit up on the screen, followed by Rui Yusheng's name, votes, and playback volume, all the models, willing or unwillingly, started applauding for him.

Rui Yusheng couldn't help but show a proud smile on his face. Although he had already expected to get the most votes, his sense of pride didn't diminish at all. He didn't care whether the applause contained genuine feelings or not. He was just enjoying the moment of vanity he had received. Which other models here didn't start their modeling career before him? But then, so what? The number of fans is what will determine the number of votes.

"Congratulations to Rui Yusheng for getting the most votes. I'm also happy that you can be one of the spokespersons for our design style this time. Now let's take a look, the second-highest vote is… "

When the number "2" lit up and the name "Wen Nan" appeared, all the models were stunned. Models from other companies were confused about who Wen Nan was, while the models from Allure Model were shocked that someone who had not yet debuted and had no fan base could get the second-most votes. And his vote count was not much lower than Rui Yusheng's, with even higher views.

"This is impossible!" After being stunned for a moment, Rui Yusheng suddenly stood up and exclaimed excitedly. "You must have made a mistake! He hasn't even debuted yet, and he doesn't even have a single fan. How could he get the second-most votes? And his views are even higher than mine!"

"Please don't get excited." Durin's representative said, "Our company has chosen spokespersons at such a high price, and we will certainly not allow any fraudulent activities to occur. Under our strict monitoring, we can guarantee that these votes are all real and valid. If you have any doubts or disagreements, you can go online and watch the video of his live broadcast process. Maybe you will understand why he got such a high number of votes."

"Rui Yusheng!" Bediya was a little displeased with Rui Yusheng's loss of control, and she lowered her voice and said, "Please watch your attitude. The person with the second-highest number of votes is from our Allure Model Company."

Bediya has not liked Rui Yusheng since before, feeling that his eyes always carry some malice. But because she heard that he seems to have some relationship with the group president, she has never shown her dislike for him. And Bediya thinks Rui Yusheng usually does not boast about this relationship, which was quite good.

Rui Yusheng felt a suffocating feeling in his chest, which he couldn't vent and could only endure in his heart. He knew he had lost control. Although unwilling, it was not sensible to be too excited on such an occasion. He could only hold his anger and sit down, trying hard to calm himself down.

The third place was also taken by someone from Allure Model, once again crushing the other companies' models with their strength, and one of them is even a new face who hasn't debuted yet, which makes the other companies feel compelled to admire.

But now, Rui Yusheng no longer has the mood to pay attention to who was in third place. He stares at the name "Wen Nan" on the screen with all his might, unable to accept the fact his vote count was only slightly lower than his, and his play count was even higher. He feels that this is not normal and that there must be something fishy going on.

In fact, given that Lu Jingqian's play count was higher than Ruiyusheng's, it should be Lu Jingqian who received more votes. However, some of Rui Yusheng's fans, although they watch both broadcasts, after struggling internally, still decided to vote for Rui Yusheng. Some fans have liked him since his debut, so their hearts have not been completely shaken. On the other hands, some fans leave him this way. After giving Lu Jingqian this vote, they were ready to switch to liking to be his fans.

"Everyone has worked hard. Our company held a dinner this evening, you're all welcome to come and join us."

Most companies will ask the show model to wear women's clothing to participate in important dinners to add to the atmosphere of the party. Otherwise, the hall filled with men in formal suits would make it look really depressing.

This time, Durin Company hit two birds with one stone. After inviting these models to compete for votes, the consolation banquet and the company dinner were held simultaneously.

"Indeed, having a large fan base is still very important. The more fans you have, the higher the chance of winning first place." After everyone else had left the dressing room, Lu Jingqian said to Rui Yusheng, "Congratulations, you still got the highest number of votes this time. Let's continue to compete on other platforms next time."

Upon hearing Lu Jingqian's words, Rui Yusheng turned his head and glared at him fiercely, too angry to say a word.

"What's wrong?" Lu Jingqian looked at Rui Yusheng with an innocent expression and said, "Are you still unhappy after getting the highest number of votes? Don't tell me you're unhappy that I got second place? Didn't you keep saying we're friends? Now, we are not only friends but also partners in the same company. Since we have become the spokespersons, why are you still unhappy?"

"Stop pretending. You know it clearly in your hearts with what means did you use to get so many votes. I'm telling you that creating fake votes will only get you scolded by all netizens!" Rui Yusheng stood up and walked outside. He was ready to let someone check it out properly to see what method Lu Jingqian used to get such a high number of votes and play.

Lu Jingqian saw his back which was filled with anger, sneered sarcastically, then also got up and walked out.

Outside the corridor, Bedia just finished answering the phone when he turned around and saw Lu Jingqian. He then happily walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "Well done. You were able to cause such a big reaction. To be honest, even we, the teachers, who highly recommended you were surprised."

"I'm happy that I didn't let you guys down." Lu Jingqian said with a smile.

"Not only were you not disappointing us, it's even more than what we expected." Bedia said, "The internet is full of discussion about you. General Manager just called me and said to get ready to take advantage of the heat this time and re-plan your next development. I have to return for a meeting now, you bring your own assistant to the banquet in the evening. You have to remember one thing, do not drink too much at the banquet, and do not let others send you back."

"I understand. I will take good care of myself, please don't worry." Lu Jingqian said.

Big companies like Durin may be hosting an internal banquet, but all the models invited today were still willing to attend. After all, they all want to leave a good impression on Durin and strive for future cooperation opportunities. And there will definitely be many Durin shareholders coming, which was also a good opportunity to build connections.

So the models dressed up and attended the evening party. Even the short-tempered Rui Yusheng didn't find an excuse to skip the event at night because there were people he wanted to see.

On the other hand, Lu Jingqian didn't want to go. He didn't like dealing with these occasions, and he had to wear women's clothing to attend. When he live-streamed in women's clothing, he could consider it as work or artistic performance. But he couldn't really accept attending a banquet in women's clothing. However, he was a newcomer and was about to sign an official endorsement contract with Durin. If he didn't go, he would inevitably leave a bad impression and make people think he was acting like a big shot just as he entered the industry.

Lu Jingqian only hope to lower his sense of existence in the banquet, so compare to other models' extravagant dresses, he chose a simple white long dress gown to attend the banquet.

After arriving at the banquet hall, Lu Jingqian tried to stand in the corner, hoping to avoid being noticed by too many people. But today, he had caused a stir online, and everyone attending the banquet knew about it. Most of them had even watched his live-streaming video, so some would definitely be curious about him in person. Moreover, with that face of his, it was really hard not to attract attention wherever he went.

When people kept coming to toast him, he only took a small sip. Because of his deliberate timidity and shyness, no one made it difficult for him by deliberately making him drink a big gulp.

As soon as Rui Yusheng found his target tonight, he immediately left the others and went over. He was planning to pester him tonight. It would be best to make this person take the initiative to send him back, and it would be even better if he could stay the night. This person is the Young Master of Durin, Benjamin, who was a famous young talent with good family background, handsome, and capable. With Rui Yusheng's character who likes to spread a wide net, he could seduce even middle-aged oily uncles, let alone someone like Benjamin, whom he would love to throw himself at.

Rui Yusheng has always wanted to find more backing for himself, he feels that this way he can live with more confidence, and even after his career as a model ends, he can still have more sources of income. It would be better to be able to marry the rich. Although the person he wanted to seduce the most is Frederick, after several attempts to test the waters, he decided to turn his main target to someone else because Frederick's aura was too strong and he didn't have the guts to openly seduce him.

Rui Yusheng could feel that Benjamin was already somewhat attracted to him. With a little more effort, he might be able to date Benjamin.

What made Rui Yusheng feel conflicted was that although he saw the person he most wanted to see, Benjamin, next to him was the person he least wanted to see, Benjamin's cousin Baird.

Bairde is a true beast, not only is he ugly but also has a tendency toward violence. Because his family is rich and he was spoiled since childhood, he will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. But after getting what he wants, he will torture and abuse them in various ways, making him a nightmare to deal with.

Rui Yusheng looked toward Lu Jingqian, he suddenly has an idea, then he smiled and walked toward Benjamin and Bairde.