
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(6.2)

Rui Yusheng suppressed his disgust as he looked at Bairde's nauseating expression. After chatting with Benjamin and Bairde for a few moments, he eagerly led them over to Lu Jingqian's side.

"Wen Nan, " Rui Yusheng said, intimately linking arms with Land Jingqian's, "Let me introduce you. This is Durin's Young Master, and this is Mr. Bairde, one of Durin's major shareholders."

As soon as Bairde saw Lu Jingqian, his eyes lit up, like a jackal seeing its prey, almost drooling.

Seeing Bairde's expression, Ruiyusheng knew that his goal had been achieved. He understood very well that with Bairde's personality, he wouldn't let Lu Jingqian slip away. Once Bairde started his pursuit on Lu Jingqian, he could not only get rid of Bairde's ill intentions toward him but also use Bairde to deal with Lu Jingqian.



"Mr. Bairde, this is our Allure Model newly popular star, who got his chance to debut by taking a job with Durin. He is very grateful to Durin," Rui Yusheng said with a smile. "He's also a good friend of mine, and I hope that you can take care of him."

After Lu Jingqian greeted the two people across from him, he pulled his hand out of Rui Yusheng's grasp. He was disgusted by this man and even felt nauseous just being touched by him. Furthermore, Rui Yusheng's intentions were too obvious. Benjamin, who was also involved in Durin's management, was present, but Rui Yusheng only introduced him to Bairde, even suggesting that Bairde give him a job as a newcomer.

"I'm sorry, I may have had too much to drink, and my head is starting to ache. Please excuse me, I need to leave," Lu Jingqian said. He had already been there for quite some time, and since he had already made an appearance, there was no need to continue staying.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Rui Yusheng asked Lu Jingqian with a concerned look. "I remember your alcohol tolerance has never been good. Can you make it back on your own? Why don't you let Mr. Bairde accompany you?"

"I'm happy to help," Bairde immediately responded.

"No need. The company has arranged for a car and an assistant for me, and you know it very well. Why pretend not to know?" Lu Jingqian looked at Rui Yusheng expressionlessly, exposing his deceit without giving him any face.

"Although the company has arranged cars for you, but Mr. Bairde is willing to give you a ride, you should feel happy. Do you think Mr. Bairde is not qualified enough to do so?" Rui Yusheng looked at Lu Jingqian with a slightly accusatory tone.

"How about letting Mr. Benjamin drive me?" Lu Jingqian looked at Benjamin.

"Then I'll drive you." Benjamin thought Lu Jingqian was asking for his help, and being the kind person he was, he agreed without much thought.

Because Benjamin also noticed Rui Yusheng's intention to send Lu Jingqian to Bairde, and he clearly sensed Lu Jingqian did not want to have any connection with Bairde. He knew what kind of person his cousin was.

However, both Rui Yusheng and Bairde's faces changed at the same time. Rui Yusheng was unhappy because Benjamin agreed to send Lu Jingqian, while Bairde was angry because Lu Jingqian's rejection was too obvious, which made him lose face.

"No need, I was just joking. I'll take the company's car back." Lu Jingqian with a smirk. "Why would I let Mr. Benjamin send me? You told me so much about him before. Do you think I don't know what you're thinking? And you even said you hate Bair…"

Lu Jingqian made a face as if he had said something wrong, covering his mouth and saying, "I'm sorry. It seems like I really had too much to drink and got a little drunk. Mr. Bairde, Yusheng has mentioned you to me many times. He said… you're a very enthusiastic person who often helps others when they're in trouble. And even when others aren't in trouble, you create difficulties for them and then help them… What am I talking about. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't take my words to heart. It seems I drank too much. You guys continue, I'll leave first before I say some more nonsense."

Before the three of them returned to their senses, Lu Jingqian has already left in stride.

Rui Yusheng opened his mouth to look at Lu Jingqian's back as he left. He wanted to say, when did I say those words? However, Lu Jingqian had already left the hall before he reacted to the fact he has been set up by Lu Jingqian.

Bairde is a very superficial person, not only is he ugly on the outside, but his mind is even uglier, and he was narrow-minded and cannot tolerate any criticism of himself. Whether it's criticism of his appearance or his character, as long as he knows about it, he will find a way to retaliate.

Even if Rui Yusheng tried to explain he had never mentioned Bairde to Lu Jingqian, he was already enraged. If it weren't for Benjamin protecting him, he would probably not be able to escape from Bairde's clutches tonight, which made Rui Yusheng hate Lu Jingqian even more.

Lu Jingqian wasn't afraid to offend Bairde. After all, he still had Frederick as his powerful backer. If Bairde dared to do anything to him, he would be asking for trouble. He wouldn't be like the original owner, who worried about troubling others and wanted to rely on himself for everything, but when facing certain dark things, he couldn't handle them on his own. Even if he had the ability to deal with them, why not rely on a backer when there was one? Having someone to rely on was also a form of strength, only fools would have a backer and not rely on them, struggling to do everything themselves.

Lu Jingqian thought that ever since he arrived in this world, he had only seen Frederick once, and suddenly missed him a little. He wondered if he could find an excuse to see him again?

A luxury extended car stopped in front of Lu Jingqian. He didn't notice that it wasn't the same car he came in, as he was lost in thought about finding a reason to see Frederick. After the assistant opened the car door for him, he lifted his long skirt and sat directly in without paying attention to his surroundings.

It wasn't until he was startled by the presence of someone sitting next to him that Lu Jingqian came back to his senses and looked over carefully and found that the person was actually Frederick. Lu Jingqian was still suspecting that he might have really drunk too much and thought he was hallucinating.

It was the first time Frederick saw Lu Jingqian in women's clothing. The original host had never appeared in front of him in women's clothing. When he saw Lu Jingqian, whose gender couldn't be distinguished from his appearance, temperament, and every move, and felt a strange feeling in his heart. You should know that he had no interest in men who wore women's clothing before, but now he thinks Lu Jingqian's dress is quite good, and he feels surprised by this feeling himself.

"Uncle Fred…" Lu Jingqian finally asked after he was sure the person sitting next to him was Frederick himself, and asked in confusion, "Why are you here?"

"I was in this hotel to talk about business, and I happened to see you when you came downstairs." Frederick recognized Lu Jingqian at a glance, obviously, Lu Jingqian in women's clothing looked very much different. Although he looked good whether he was in men's or women's clothes, his temperament was really very different and would give the illusion that he was not the same person.

"Oh." Lu Jingqian knew he couldn't be specifically here to pick him up, but the coincidence was quite good, as he didn't have to find a reason to meet him.

"I've seen your performance today, and you've done very well." Even though Frederick was busy almost every day and had little time to sleep, understanding the daily hot topics on the internet was something that managers like him had to do in this era.

"Thank you, I will continue to work hard…" He noticed that Frederick had been looking at him and said a little awkwardly, "Uncle Fred, do you think it's strange for me to dress like this?"

"No." Frederick said, "It's quite pretty."

Lu Jingqian suddenly didn't know what to say. Although he really wanted to see him, he wasn't ready to meet him yet and didn't have anything to say to him. Frederick was also not the type of person who would actively look for topics to chat about, so the two of them remained silent.

Perhaps it was because his lover was by his side, Lu Jingqian felt very secure, and in a relaxed state, and he became sleepy. Or perhaps his body was really unable to handle alcohol well. When the alcohol hit him, he became drowsy and just wanted to sleep. Anyway, Lu Jingqian fell asleep unknowingly and even fell asleep on Frederick's lap.

Frederick looked at the person who fell asleep on his lap and was stunned for a moment. He saw Lu Jingqian's blushing and cute face, which was very tempting. He thought that he must have been drinking at the banquet, and people with poor alcohol tolerance easily get drowsy after drinking a little.

Frederick didn't wake him up and let him sleep like that. He couldn't help but slide the back of his hand over his face, feeling the smoothness and satisfaction.

Frederick forced himself to look out the window and told himself that this was not a good situation. If it were someone else, he might be able to do something to him if he wanted to. But this man was his junior, and he had been entrusted by his father to look after him, so he couldn't do anything to him. Just what was the sudden regret that came up in his heart?

When they arrived outside the Allure Model Dormitory, Lu Jingqian still hadn't woken up. Frederick instructed his assistant to go to the dormitory manager's office to get the master key, carrying Lu Jingqian upstairs.

Frédéric placed Lu Jingqian on the bed, intending to help him take off his clothes to make him more comfortable while sleeping, but he didn't know how to handle the long dress. After examining it from top to bottom, he still couldn't figure out how it worked, but the curves of his body made him feel hot.

Before Frederick couldn't resist touching him, he covered Lu Jingqian with a blanket and left quickly.

The next day, before it was fully light out, Lu Jingqian woke up. Because sleeping in a dress was really uncomfortable, so he woke up automatically when his sleep became lighter. Lu Jingqian sat up, his eyes still drowsy, and instinctively took off the dress. He lay back down, wanting to continue sleeping, but then suddenly remembered he was in Frederick's car.

Lu Jingqian sat up again and opened his eyes to see that he was in his bed in the dormitory. He tried hard to recall whether he walked back by himself, but his mind had no memory of what happened after falling asleep in the car, so it was unlikely that he returned by himself. Could it be that Frederick brought him back? Lu Jingqian thought it was very likely, in any case, he couldn't have sleepwalked back by himself.

After thinking for a long time, Lujingqian's mind was clear and he decided to go to the company when it got light out, without sleeping anymore. Moreover, he didn't wash up before going to bed last night and felt uncomfortable on his body and face, so he got up and prepare the water in the bathroom, ready to take a bath and relax his body.

The popularity of the live stream from the perspective of Lu Jingqian's boyfriend on the internet continues to rise, and the number of views of the video is rapidly increasing. In a short period of time, it has squeezed into the top few in the quarterly playback volume. The happiest one about this situation is Durin, because their company's orders are also increasing rapidly. Many people directly specify that they want the same decoration as Lu Jingqian's live broadcast.

After Lu Jingqian went to the company, he was called to a meeting because the popularity brought by his boyfriend's perspective in this live stream would definitely cause many other show models to imitate during their live broadcasts. Therefore, the company is preparing to immediately arrange for Lu Jingqian to live stream from the best platform for boyfriend perspective, in order to quickly accumulate popularity.