
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(5)

The so-called "competitive voting" was when some businesses promote their products by inviting several show models to showcase their products through live broadcasts in order to make more people aware of and understand their company's products.

Then, they allow netizens to vote for the models they think performed well, and the company will select the model with the highest number of votes, or the top five or top three models, to sign an endorsement contract. The endorsement fee can be quite substantial.

This method of selecting endorsers requires greater financial resources than directly selecting models for endorsement, but it can also gain more attention and popularity.

This selection method, of course, is more advantageous to models with more fans because most fans will definitely vote for their favorite models unconditionally. Therefore, after recovering his emotions, Rui Yusheng not only stopped feeling angry about Lu Jingqian being granted an exception, and even felt this was a good opportunity to strike a blow against Lu Jingqian.


The Durin Interior Design Company was preparing to select three models as spokespersons through competitive voting, meaning that only the top three models with the most votes will be able to become the spokespersons for Durin's style design this time.

In addition to inviting several Allure Model's models to compete for the votes, Durin has also invited two other companies with strong model resources to participate. This large-scale and ambitious move also demonstrates Durin's confidence in their design style this time.

The list of models participating in this competitive voting has been announced along with their photos to generate excitement in the days leading up to the official live broadcast. To create some mystery around Lu Jingqian, Allure Model, in an attempt to pique the curiosity and attention of netizens, only released a silhouette photo of him without his name.

The live broadcast for the competitive voting will take place in Durin's prepared sample design room and will last for five hours. The voting will only take place during those five hours, and it was a real-name system with one person, one vote to ensure the authenticity of the votes.

Lu Jingqian was sitting in a separate dressing room waiting for the live broadcast to begin. His makeup time takes less than ten minutes, mainly because his skin is so good that it doesn't require much modification. The makeup artist doesn't even dare to use too much makeup on him, thinking that even a little thicker makeup will cover up his good skin.

Lu Jingqian personally chooses his own clothing. It is indeed very disadvantageous for him to not have a fan base, so he plans to fully showcase his physical advantages to attract the attention of netizens. Therefore, he chose a pair of denim shorts that only cover his buttocks, showing off his long legs and perky buttocks. He paired it with a white waist-cinching shirt for women, with a white bra inside. This comfortable and refreshing style matches the interior design style they are showcasing today.

After informing all the show models to get ready in the broadcast room, Lu Jingqian wore a silk bathrobe and was ready to walk out of the makeup artist. When his dressing room door opened, the door of the opposite dressing room also happened to open, and inside the opposite door stood Rui Yusheng.

Rui Yusheng chose a ladylike style this time, a light blue snow gauze dress that was short in the front and long in the back, which could show his advantage of having fairly long legs and also cover up his flat buttocks. On his head was a slightly curly brown hair that has tended to fall down the back, and the way he raises his hands and stands looks really quite ladylike. He was clearly already in the role he envisions.

Rui Yusheng looked Lu Jingqian up and down because Lu Jingqian was still wearing a bathrobe, he could not see his costume. But every time he saw that face, he could not help but gnash his teeth with jealousy.

But when Rui Yusheng thought of the embarrassing scene Lu Jingqian would face later, he was in a good mood. So he looked at Lu Jing Qian with a smile and said, "Don't be nervous after it starts. Even if no one votes for you, it's okay. After all, you don't have a fan base, just think of it as gaining experience."

Lu Jingqian also smiled and said "I'm not nervous. I'm the first to have this honor in Allure Model to have such a high starting point debut opportunity. I'm very happy to participate."

Because it's almost time for the live broadcast, Rui Yusheng can't continue to fight with Lu Jingqian, he can barely maintain a smile, and then turn around and leave before Lu Jingqian. The only thing he couldn't understand was since when did the originally introverted and awkward-mouthed person started to be able to make him angry whenever he opened his mouth.

Under the guidance of the assistant, all the show models walked inside the room assigned to them to get ready.

Lu Jingqian took off his bathrobe at the door and handed it to the assistant newly assigned to him by the company before pushing the door open and walking in.

Although this is a future world, the kind of technological interior design was already tiresome. Recently, many retro styles have become popular, such as hiding all the technological elements and using natural materials for furniture, as well as decorating and arranging with a pastoral and fresh style. In terms of the future world, this was a form of retro expression.

Lu Jingqian had a clear goal in mind. He walked straight to the large bed in the bedroom, lifted the covers, and lay down, waiting for the prompt to start the live broadcast.

All the cameramen were from their own company. Lu Jingqian and Teacher Bedia had communicated with his cameraman for two days, telling him what kind of effect he wanted and suggesting how the cameraman should shoot. It was a wise decision for Lu Jingqian to bring Bedia together to meet with the director. If he went alone, the director would definitely think that he was asking for too much and be dissatisfied. However, with Bedia there to speak for him, the director's attitude was simply great.

The mystery Allure Model intentionally created for Lu Jingqian did have some effect, arousing the curiosity of many people. Many people were waiting to see who this mysterious model was, and some netizens were even discussing whether it was a retired model from Allure Model who had returned to the industry.

The live broadcast officially began, and the director in charge of Lu Jingqian's camera slowly started filming from his legs, following his request. As it was just the beginning, apart from some fans who had already locked in their favorite models, most netizens were still watching multiple screens. Moreover, except for the footage of Lu Jingqian, the identities of the other models were already known. Driven by curiosity, many people focused their attention on Lu Jingqian's screen

As the camera slowly zoomed out and they saw Lu Jingqian's completely long legs, many couldn't help but exclaim in their hearts, "What great legs!"

As the camera moved up, when they saw Lu Jingqian's still pert buttocks even when lying down, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

As the camera was about to reach his face, they all leaned forward with anticipation, waiting to see if their guess was correct.

As Lu Jingqian flipped his body over to face up and slowly opened his eyes with a slight smile toward the camera.

All the netizens who saw his face were first stunned, thinking, Who is this? He is so beautiful, but I have no impression of him at all. I don't think I've seen him before. But after seeing Lu Jingqian's watery and charming eyes, and his shy smile, they seemed to feel their hearts being struck because his eyes and appearance were really too easy to make people fall for him.

Some people unconsciously enlarged Lu Jingqian's screen, and some forgot to watch their favorite model and kept staring at his face. There were even some silently saying to their favorite model in their hearts, I'll just watch for a while, and after I finish watching, I'll come back to see you. Wait for me, okay?

Lu Jingqian get up from the bed and simply tied up his long and straight black hair casually, then walked to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast.

This was the first time a model cooked during a live broadcast. In this era of automation and mechanization, besides professional chefs, there are few ordinary people who can cook.

They originally thought they would see Lu Jingqian in a fluster and panic, as showing a look of panic and innocence was a common tactic used by models during live broadcasts.

But what completely surprised them was Lu Jingqian actually cooked with skill and ease, and his techniques were not only proficient and smooth but also clean and neat, giving people a pleasing feeling after watching. They were the first to see someone perform cooking movements so gracefully and beautifully.

Because Lu Jingqian was making breakfast, he didn't cook anything complicated. He quickly made a small basket of crystal shrimp dumplings, then put them in the steamer. After that, he cooked some fish slice porridge in a small pot and finally made a small plate of egg rolls.

As they saw it, everyone couldn't help but salivate. Apart from thinking that it would definitely taste good after watching the cooking process, the occasional shots of his long legs, perky butt, and slim waist also made them feel like drooling.

After all the food was served, the netizens thought he just wanted to live broadcast eating. But when they saw that Lu Jingqian had set up an extra bowl and chopsticks on the opposite side, they became confused.

When Lu Jingqian picked up a crystal shrimp dumpling with his chopsticks and send it over, they instinctively opened their mouths and then wondered why he was doing this.

But they didn't think too much about it and were quickly drawn in by the beauty in front of them and the delicious food on the table. They watched intently as Lu Jingqian took small bites of his food, imagining themselves sitting across from him and eating together, occasionally licking their lips and swallowing saliva. When Lu Jingqian opened his mouth to eat, they opened their mouths too and didn't even realize they were mimicking his chewing motions.

After finishing breakfast, Lu Jingqian began to move around the room, sometimes leaning back on the sofa with his legs stretched out and resting on the sofa, making it look like he was being massaged. He lifted his feet and kicked them outwards, the angle at which his feet were raised almost made them bleed from their noses. Although everything was tightly covered except for a pair of white and tender thighs, the scene was still so restless that people couldn't help but feel moved.

Lu Jingqian got up from the sofa and ran into the bedroom as if he was running away, but as soon as he ran to the edge of the bed, he lay down as if he had been tackled. From the angle of the scene, it made viewers feel as if they were the ones who tackled him, and some couldn't help but show a smile as if they wanted to do something.

Lu Jingqian struggled a little and got up from the bed, then walked into the dining room to make coffee. However, the coffee cups he wanted to use were on the top shelf of the cabinet, and he couldn't reach them even if he stood on tiptoes. He had to look at the camera for help and use his eyes to act coquettish.

Lu Jingqian's gaze made the people watching through the screen anxious, and they especially wanted to go through the screen and help him get the coffee cups. Then the camera turned, and the coffee cups were in Lu Jingqian's hands. They were still wondering how he did it when they saw Lu Jingqian looking at them with an admiring gaze, which instantly gave them a confident sense of satisfaction as if they were the ones who helped him get the coffee cups.

Lu Jingqian also made two cups of coffee. He placed the brewed coffee on a small round table by the French windows, then sat down on the chair and propped his chin up with one hand, looking at the camera with tender and affectionate emotions that could melt people's hearts.

It wasn't until Lu Jingqian started to make more and more interactive actions that the netizens who had been addicted to watching him for a long time suddenly realized that he had been interacting with the person on the other side of the screen and that the angle they saw was probably the perspective of the other person he was interacting with.

Lu Jingqian's solo play has been constantly increased, but many people were too engrossed and forgot to vote. Lu Jingqian certainly took this into account, so when it was about to end, he took out paper and pen.

Lu Jingqian wrote on a paper, Do you like me?

The netizen who was being as smitten and felt as if they were in love, nodded with a demented smile they didn't even notice himself.

Lu Jingqian once again wrote on the paper, If you like me, then give me your vote, okay? Then place the paper under his chin and look into the camera in a coquettish manner.

Those who had already forgotten about it slapped the table hard, and only then remembered that they still had to vote. Then while voting, they thought, Of course, I'll vote for you, who else can I vote for if not for you?!

Some people regretted that they could only vote once, thinking that Lu Jingqian was a newcomer and surely would not have many votes. In order not to disappoint him, they immediately took action, calling their relatives and friends and using all sorts of threats and inducements to make them vote online right away.

After the live broadcast ended, those who had been watching Lu Jingqian's screen felt a bit empty inside, thinking that if they could really have such a girlfriend, they would have no regrets in life.

All the models went to the large rest area to wait for the results because, during the live broadcast, they could not see the number of votes and the individual view counts.