
Cosmic Mistakes

Siblings Theo and Brooklyn were never meant to exist. Their mother was a mortal. Their father was a mere legend. Hidden by their mother, they live as any other mortal, with no interactions with SHIELD. Until it is uncovered their father is alive, he must sacrifice his life to save his children. As they are his cosmic mistakes.

Britt_Eva · Movies
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10 Chs

Chapter Seven

It was merely weeks after the Blip, half the universe was coming to terms with losing the fight against Thanos. Although Darcy was thankful her family was spared from being blipped, it seemed no one had disappeared from her small town. In her travels towards the temporary facility that had been set up by SWORD, Darcy was given a debrief on all the major events that had led her to be called in for help. She found that her friends that swore to protect the earth had fallen into a depression, everyone was defeated from what occurred all those weeks ago.

Once Darcy arrived at her assigned workstation, she was given access to their databases. That's how she found herself looking at the status of Loki's whereabouts when other staff had turned their backs to let her settle into her new position. Typing his name she is met with a file that contained a picture from the first time he had visited Earth. In bold were the letters DECEASED. He was another victim of Thanos, killed by his hand before the events of the looming war between the Avengers and himself. She grimaced at the thought as she read through his file before she was called for another meeting to gather more information about the hex that lay outside.

Part of her assignment was to monitor the levels of radiation coming from Westview, Lewis picked up high levels of CMBR and saw that there were longer waves imposed amongst it. This gave her the idea to pull out an old television and tuned it which revealed the WandaVision show. Jimmy Woo, Tyler Hayward, and a few of his agents came over and saw the show also. She was shocked to see Vision embracing Wanda, she had been informed that Vision too had passed in the war. How was he alive?

Once Darcy had discovered the broadcast of the show dubbed Wanda-Vision, she and Jimmy Woo worked together in an attempt to identify all the victims of the Westview Anomaly. One by one they identified most victims in order of appearance on the show. Darcy also noted that each day, or episode that was broadcast on the show, showed different decades. "Why does it keep switching time periods?" She asked out of frustration while eating a bag of chips. "It can't be purely for my enjoyment, can it?"

Jimmy Woo was too caught up in his own thoughts as he's watching the show play. "I can't believe Wanda and Vision are having a baby." He murmurs.

"You want any?" Darcy asks, directing the bag of chips in the direction of the agent.

Jimmy kept his eyes glued to the screen, unaware that Darcy meant the chips rather than asking out becoming a parent. "Heck, I thought about it for sure!" He says cheerfully, a smile on his face. "A little Jimmy Woo and get him a tiny little FBI badge-"

Darcy looks at him with a blank expression. She had two children of her own at home and had already gone through the same feeling of dressing them in cute outfits with the benefits of photographs she can look back on their adorableness before they became cranky teenagers. "Oh, you meant chips, sure," Jimmy mentions noticing the bag and taking a handful. "Do you dress your son up in a Thor outfit?" He wondered, he knew that Darcy was friends with the god.

Darcy looked confused at the agent. "No, he's more of a Loki fan." She states before turning to watch the show unfold in front of her.

Sometime later, Darcy and Jimmy rushed out of the base after the alarms had gone off, they followed other agents out to see what was going on. Wanda Maximoff had left Westview to confront SWORD and Darcy watched her interaction with them. Wanda was giving a warning to the team to leave her alone, or they would face consequences. Tyler Hayward merely disagreed with that offer as he had his own secret plan in the background.

Not long after they got back into the base, Darcy hacked into the SWORD database and looked through Tyler Hayward's files. She looked through the files and found a project code-named 'Cataract'. She saw that Hayward had a full map of Westview and a headcount of its residence before Darcy noticed that Vision was being tracked by Hayward. Once the allies Darcy had made they agreed that they needed to leave, Darcy stayed behind to break through the final firewall. She was insistent on finding out the truth and whether Hayward knew the truth about her children, she was concerned they were at risk.

Shortly, the alarms go off again and she headed out to find out what had happened. She saw Vision pleading for help after escaping the Hex, she rushed over to see if she could lend a hand as the agents were simply pointing their guns at him. Darcy screamed at the SWORD agents to help him but was promptly reprimanded by an agent and handcuffed to a car, under the orders of Tyler Hayward. Lewis watched as Vision was torn apart bit by bit, she cringed at the sight almost unaware that the hex was expanding.

When the Hex was expanded, Darcy was abandoned by the agents and became consumed in the Hex.

The next day, Darcy awakened in the Hex under the influence of Wanda Maximoff. She was shackled to a circus truck as the escape artist for the circus, a twist to how she found herself engulfed by the hex the previous night. Vision headed over to Lewis and asked her about the night before, to which she remarked she had no clue who he was, although Vision remembered the woman that screamed out his name. Darcy released herself and walked away from Vision, who proceeded to follow, trying to remind them of her investigation of the Maximoff Anomaly but she only responded she won't go out with him until finally agreed, perhaps she was bored with her current situation. An exasperated Vision distracted her and released her from the mind control.

As she regained her bearings, Darcy remarked that part of her secretly wanted a guest spot on the show only to feel disappointed by the role she was given. "What is your real name?" Vision asks suddenly, the woman knew information about him and yet he was coming up blank regarding her identity.

"Darcy Lewis," Darcy responds truthfully.

"Darcy Lewis." Vision repeats. "I intercepted a message a communication regarding your work." He remembered something from the past that came from the name Darcy Lewis. "Dr Lewis, I have questions.

"I have answers," Darcy replies. The agent that had shackled her to the vehicle last night rushed over to her and commanded her alongside Vision to get on stage, but when she refused, he grabbed her arm. In return, Darcy punched him in the face. As they climbed into a food van, Lewis responded to Vision's inquiries.

"Are my children safe?" Vision asks suddenly as Darcy was figuring out how to start the stolen truck.

"That, I don't know." A brief thought of her own children appeared in her mind, were they safe once she got out of this situation. Then vision then asked about the man that was a 'Petiro' imposter. "Beats me." She had no idea who the man was that had appeared as Wanda's dead brother.

As they drove back to Westview, Darcy filled Vision in on the events of the past few years. She told him of the Infinity War and how Maximoff had to kill him, but that sacrifice was rendered meaningless when Thanos used the Time Stone to reverse time and killed him again. "So I came back and died again." Vision states.

"And she had to watch," Darcy added to his comment. They soon pulled to stop at a red light but as they tried to proceed, with her noting it never rained in Westview, suddenly a work crew pulled up, blocking their way. Vision was not amused by this situation as Wanda was purposely making it harder for him to return home with someone to help with their situation. He didn't want harm to come Wanda's way.

"So if I understand correctly, my original code dates back to an AI called Jarvis?" Darcy nodded. "But my corporeal form was born of Ultron's plan for global genocide?"

Darcy confirmed that information.

"What am I now?" Vision asked unsure of the whole situation.

Darcy let out a sigh. "Honestly, I'm a STEM type of lady, so I thought she just flipped a switch on your head and brought you back to life, but what I don't get is why you can't leave the Hex." Darcy pauses for a moment. "What I do know is I've been watching WandaVision for the past week. And the love you two have is real. You belong together."

That statement was enough to make Vision break out in a smile. "I hope there is love in your life Dr Lewis."

Darcy didn't want to get the information out, however, she thought she would be able to trust the man that sat beside her. Wanda couldn't control Vision's mind, right? "I have found it after a long time being a single mother to two children." She thought the information was vague enough not to raise any suspicion.