
Cosmic Mistakes

Siblings Theo and Brooklyn were never meant to exist. Their mother was a mortal. Their father was a mere legend. Hidden by their mother, they live as any other mortal, with no interactions with SHIELD. Until it is uncovered their father is alive, he must sacrifice his life to save his children. As they are his cosmic mistakes.

Britt_Eva · Movies
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10 Chs

Chapter Eight

Darcy returned to her family after the events that had occurred in Westview. Nothing was ever spoken about what had occurred on her short trip to help defeat another evil, all that had been explained to the children was that their mother was a hero, using her intelligence to save the world. The pair of siblings knew their mother was on edge whenever she would venture past the boundaries of their home, Darcy was afraid she had been followed home or harm would come her way. She had spent so many years running, that she was afraid someone would find out the truth about her heritage or the true identity of her children who lived normal lives as any other in the community.

Although there was another half to the children's lives that they swore to keep from their peers. As the siblings aged, their powers developed as a gift from their father. Both siblings were able to astral project images that they saw fit within their environment. It was a trick they would use to cheer the other up in an unsettling situation. Theo was capable of shapeshifting his appearance and teleportation. Both used to his advantage of getting himself out of trouble when he would play up in school or handle bullies. Brooklyn was gifted with hypnosis, although it was a skill she would only use in a dangerous situation. Her other powers were telekinesis and conjuration.

When the children were aged seven and five, Darcy embarked on her first international trip. She needed help from other beings that were similar to her children, they had been on their own to discover what they can do with their abilities. There had been occurrences where their magic had unsettled outbursts due to their emotions, Darcy hoped she would gain valuable information from those that resided in New Asgard. A place where a former friend in Darcy's life had hidden away from the guilt he felt from the events in the war they lost against Thanos.

She was welcomed to the town that had become a sanctuary for the people from Asgard, they were used to visitors in their small coastal town. Both Theo and Brooklyn had travelled with their mother, their adoptive father remaining home to tend to the farm in their absence. Both children were excited to travel overseas and explore a new landscape unaware that their mother was looking for help rather than enjoying the holiday herself. She had asked a local for directions. "Do you know where I can find whos in charge around here?" She asked a tanned girl, she had long curly hair and was carrying a bucket of fish.

"It depends who's asking." She replies in a curt voice, eyeing the woman with the glasses suspiciously. No mortal had ever asked that question before. Darcy was here as not much information was given about the way the people lived on earth and knew Thor had turned into depression and no longer wanted to be a ruler.

"I'm Darcy Lewis." She greets in a cheerful voice, standing a short distance from the rental car that contained her children.

The warrior in front of her just laughed. "Is that meant to mean something to me?"

Darcy let out a defeated sigh. "I'm a former friend of Thor's and I was wondering if he or whoever else is in charge could help me." Valkyrie knew the name Darcy Lewis, there was a short period of time when Thor would engage in stories about his adventures on Earth. Thor commended Darcy on her wicked sense of humour and her help in helping him venture back home or troubles that faced the group.

"According to the earth's government, you're dead." Valkyrie answers. "And Thor put me in charge, so what can I help you with?"

Darcy felt guilty for a small moment. "Well, you see..." Darcy glanced back to the car behind her.

Valkyrie was busy, she had a set lot of chores to complete. She was making this new home work for her, adapting to a new planet had been a challenge for her. Thor putting her in charge was making it even more difficult. "Thor is located in the last house near the water's edge. Look for the house with the boarded-up windows." She was setting the mortal up for failure, the god refused to talk to anyone since the war. He was too busy getting drunk or feasting on junk food.

Darcy felt confused watching the girl walk away. She felt like Thor could help her once she admitted the truth she had spent so long hiding from the world.

It was the only choice she had.

Following the instructions the girl had given her Darcy found herself behind a wooden door. Both her children held both her hands waiting for their mother to knock on the door in front of her. Although her anxiety was getting the better of her, it had been so long since she had seen Thor. Perhaps he would be angry at her. "Mummy, who are we going to see?" Brooklyn asks in her small voice, distracting Darcy from the sudden rush of emotions.

"An old friend of mine." She answers giving a smile and finally knocking on the door. The trio hear a series of bangs from the other side of the door. "Be there in a minute!" A familiar voice is heard from the other side of the door. "Korg, they're finally here to fix the internet."

Darcy flinched as she heard the footsteps getting closer to the wooden door. She really expected to see Thor the same as he appeared the last time she laid eyes on him, only to be shocked when the door was flung open in front of her. His beard was long and untamed, like his hair which was beginning to grow in length. He wore no shirt and only a pair of sweatpants, exposing the stomach he was proud of growing from the amount he was drinking. There was a wave of sobriety the minute Thor finally realises it was Darcy at his doorstep, not another tradesman to fix the connection issues for his internet. "Darcy..." Thor trailed off.

Darcy bravely put a smile on her face. "Hey, Thor." She greets. "I have some people to see you."

Thor looks down at the children presented in front of him. A boy and girl stand on either side of the mortal, the boy appeared much like he remembered his brother Loki growing up. The girl appeared more like Darcy, although the bright green eyes were unlike any other mortal he had ever come across. "You brought your children?" Thor asks, time was something that never bothered him like mortals. Only now did he know there was good that came from the outcome of the war, his friend had created a family of her own.

"This is my uncle?" There is a confused tone coming from Theo. The stories told of the great Thor were much different to the drunken man that stunk in front of him.

"Theo." Darcy's voice was strict looking down at her pale son. He had promised not to judge the man in front of him.

"Darcy, it is quite alright." Thor dismisses the mortal from lecturing her son. "I just wasn't expecting such guests today." Thor invites the family into his home which appeared cluttered as his allies played on the consoles in front of the large television. Darcy kept her children close to her side as Thor offers different beverages to the mortal.

She shook her head at the offer. "So what can I help you with?" Thor knew that she didn't travel all this way for a simple catch-up.

Before Darcy had a moment to answer, the children were already ahead of her. "Our dad is Loki. Your brother." Brooklyn began.

The news shocked Thor, he had never expected that Loki had any interest in any female counterpart, let alone a mortal. He had tried to take over Earth for his own selfish needs! How did he find the time to meet Darcy and start a family with her? "Our mum thinks you can help." Theo finishes the statement, he knew from the state the god was in there was no help he could offer the family. Magic in his people was an old tradition not taught to those outside of the castle walls.

Thor was stuck in shock with the news. Darcy was defeated, out of all those in the universe, he was the one meant to help.

"Brooklyn, you know what to do." Darcy instructs her child.

With a nod, Theo watches as a wave of green magic is blasted surrounding the god.