
Corrupt Fate

A world full of human life. A corrupted General. A Lieutenant with a broken heart. A strange female creature with unknown origins. When the Lieutenant leaves, the world falls in to mayhem at the merciless hand of the General. The female creature slowly grows attached to the Lieutenant, creating… Confusion? What will this adventure unfold? Life? Death? Liberty? Who knows?

Solarheart · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Monster

General Diaspora looked out the window of her office that oversaw operations of a large piece of equipment. She had both of her fists clutched behind her back. The General had her eyes closed as she thought back on what she was told. 'Lieutenant Friedrich and this Luna was seen leaving the base a day before your arrival...' A muffled grunt could be heard from the other side of the door before they were opened, leaving her thinking rudely interrupted.

"I swear! I don't know where they are!" Buddy yelled after being shoved in.

General Diaspora sighed in annoyance, slowly, turning to face him. Her hair pulled up in a nice bun, but it was obvious she had been stressed as a small strain of her blond hair fell over her blue eyes. Her usual calm blue eyes seeming to suddenly burn with anger as she saw Buddy.

"Buddy Tlazohtzin. You were the last one on record to be with Lieutenant Friedrich and the Luna you both spoke of. Correct?" She managed to say calmly, her eyes still holding the burning anger within.

Buddy nodded simply, not wanting to say anything to upset her, so he chose to say quiet.

She then began to look through files on her computer after taking a seat at her desk. "Hmmm… What was this… Luna like?"

Buddy decided to speak, "… She was a monster!" He wanted to convince her of what Luna was to him, in his eyes. "A savage!"

The General was surprised as she looked up at him. "Last time I called-"

"The Lieutenant wanted to lie! She… She had some spell over us!" Buddy interrupted franticly, quickly trying to make her believe him.

General Diaspora thought it was very possible before standing up. She looked down at him. "I see…" The General then walked over to her window, her back facing him. "You are now in charge of the search team. Have your team search the area outside of this base."

Buddy was surprised at her word before responding, respectfully saluting her in the process. "Yes ma'am. Any other orders you have?"

"Not at this time… Show yourself out."

Buddy saluted her again before leaving her be. General Diaspora slowly had a mischievous grin. "My… If this Luna can do that... She is of equal power to me, having her convinced to be on my side will be easy."

She then turned to a nearby corner before a heavily armored person appeared. "Follow them. Find this Luna and bring her back, alive, and find my cousin as well."

The person bowed. "Yes. My Empress."

"Soon, everyone will call me that…" The General said with a chuckle.

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