
Corrupt Fate

A world full of human life. A corrupted General. A Lieutenant with a broken heart. A strange female creature with unknown origins. When the Lieutenant leaves, the world falls in to mayhem at the merciless hand of the General. The female creature slowly grows attached to the Lieutenant, creating… Confusion? What will this adventure unfold? Life? Death? Liberty? Who knows?

Solarheart · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Wait... Off?

"No one move."

A loud voice shouted before Rebexi walked out from the bushes. Friedrich was surprised to see her instead of his cousin. She had several more people either in the trees or behind her, targeting Friedrich. Rebexi looked them both over making sure Luna was safe before she gave a hand signal to lower their weapons. Friedrich looked around after he noticed the target dots went away.

"Rebexi. Did General Diaspora send you?"

Friedrich asked cautiously, still standing in front of Luna.

"I can see why you would think such a thing, but no. Although… I am here for Luna. Hand her over, Friedrich." Rebexi said getting closer to him.

Friedrich put his hand closer to his hip and glared at her. "You will not be taking her anywhere."

A commlink started talking in Rebexi's ear, "He has a lethal weapon, should we target him?"

Rebexi put a hand in the air to tell them no, she looked to Luna in the process. "We won't hurt her, I promise."

Luna cooed in agreement as Friedrich refused to let her go. "My answer is no; she is perfectly fine under my protection."

Rebexi sighed before thinking for a second, then noticing the flowers and looking back to Friedrich. "It seems you both are attached to each other. Friedrich, how would you like coming with us instead?"

Friedrich was surprised to hear her asking him to come along. Looking at her as he cautiously let his hand fall back to his side. "As long as she is by my side… I do not mind."

She smiled softly before she then looked around. Luna cooed softly as she climbed onto Friedrich back gently. He looked to her and smiled.

"I suppose I will always know where you are that way." He said softly to her. Looking up to her.

Luna cooed softly resting her head on his before Rebexi spoke to them, smiling. "You two are adorable together. Now, shall we get off this backwards planet?"

"Wait… Off?" Friedrich said confused, looking to Rebexi.

Luna cooed happily as she nodded in agreement. Rebexi laughed, "Yes indeed, off. Luna will help you adjust to space."

Friedrich looked up to Luna before nodding to Rebexi. "Lead the way. We shall follow."

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